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EAS AM Security system

Retail store/supermarket/General merchandise/ Garment/shoe store security system


AM label AM label deactivator



AM antenna AM hard tag AM hard tag detacher



.Jewelry store/Optical shop security system


Jewelry security tag



Optical tag


AM antenna AM security tag /label Detacher


NOTE: 1.Stick the soft label on the package, attach the hard tag on cloth, shoes etc.

2.Use the deactivator to deactivate the soft label for selling.use the detacher to open the hard tags

3.Install the security gate at the exit.


1. Secure your items in store.The antenna will alarm, if someone steal the clothes or items from your store.

2. Not easy to be effected by Metal things. such as silver paper.etc. Better than RF system.

3. Competitive price, Lowest price in the world.

4. In stable quality, Stand by 7-8years.

5. Warranty: 1 Year. If it is the quality problem of our devices.

6. Elegant appearance, make your store seems much better.


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