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The University I study at

My family, friends, interests and studies.

I think that a family is the most important thing for every person. Family are the people who always love you, support you and help you. In Perm, I live with my parent.

My mother is an individual entrepreneur. She has her shop. My father don't work.

Hobbies of my father are models, athletics and cross-country skiing. My mother live watch TV and shpo.

As for me, I live in the Perm. Now I'm the second year student in Electrical Engineerig Faculty.

At the University every day I am surrounded by kind and funny people. My classmates is my second family, where I feel happy and relaxed. They do not allow me to be bored. They always have fun. They all have a different characters, but together we are as a family. I am happy that I with these people.

In my spare time I like going to the cinema with my boyfriend. I love going to the theater of modern art, such as " scene - a hammer." I love to ride horses. It helps me relax after a hard study, to restore the nervous system and get a lot of positive emotions.

I like listening to music. My favorite style is club-music. It helps me to be cheerful in the morning. As a lot of other young people I often wear headphones and listen my favorite music.

The University I study at

There are many universities in Perm. I entered Perm National Research Polytechnic University. The head of a university is Rector. His name is Anatoly Alexandrovich Tashkinov.

University was founded in 1953 The first rector was Mikhail Dedyukin.

There are ten faculties in our university. Each faculty has a number of specialized departments and is headed by dean. I entered in Electrical Engineering faculty. The dean of my faculty is Alex Kostigov. The course of studies last 4-6 years.


The academic year begin on the 1-st September and is divided into two semesters. Students take exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examination are good, student get grants. Twice a year students have vacations: two week in winter and two month in summer.

My university has several buildings.

Every faculty has its own specialized library, laboratories, workshops and computer centers.

The first and second year students study general engineering subjects. In the third year students begin to study specialized subjects.

A very good traditions in university is that theory is accompanied by practical traning. Students begin to work at the universities laboratories, in senior plants and design offices. It is interesting but difficult to study at our university, especially for the first-year students as they do not yet how to organize their work and time.


Perm is my hometown. I love this city. Perm is the capital of Perm Territory. The population of Perm about 1 million people. The city is situated on the Kama River. The city is divided into seven districts. Core enterprises are working in the field of chemistry. They are Permskiy porohovoy zavod, lukoil, halopolyimer and some others. Perm is not only an industrial city. The city has some very well-known theaters, several parks and a lot of forests. Now administration of city pays a lot of time cultural life. Perm held many competitions and festivals.

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