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Если школьник не идет к тренеру, тренер придет сам⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 15 из 15
Как привить подрастающему поколению спортивный образ жизни - этот вопрос стал ключевым на заседании Координационного совета по реализации Национальной стратегии действий в интересах детей под председательством Главы Чувашии, в котором приняли участие руководители различных министерств, главы городов и районов. В этом году в Чувашии к регулярным занятиям тем или иным видом спорта привлечены 58 тысяч школьников, сообщил руководитель профильного министерства Сергей Мельников. В следующем году число таких ребят должно увеличиться. Один из вариантов, как это сделать, создание спортивно ориентированных классов. Сегодня школьники гак загружены учебой, что у многих при всем желании просто физически нет времени заниматься в какой-либо секции. По можно сделать так, чтобы тренеры спортивных школ сами приходили в обычные и проводили специализированные уроки, которые будут вписаны в расписание, считает министр. В нескольких чебоксарских школах такое уже практикуется, и. возможно, это тоже поможет научить детей вести спортивный образ жизни. При этом очень важно, чтобы тренер сам занимался с детьми, напомнил Глава Чувашии. «А если тренер просто бросил мяч и стоит, руки в карманы, о чем тут может идти речь?» - поставил вопрос ребром Михаил Игнатьев. Может, ведущим чиновникам от спорта следует надеть форму и провести свой мастер-класс для учителей физкультуры и тренеров, предложил он, развивая мысль, что здоровый образ жизни нужно пропагандировать собственным примером. Интересными фактами поделилась исполняющая обязанности министра здравоохранения и социального развития Татьяна Богданова. Как показывает статистика, чаще всего чувашские школьники страдают от нарушений зрения и осанки. Оно и понятно, компьютеры и иные гаджеты, с которыми не расстаются паши дети, не могут не повлиять па состояние организма. Однако, по мнению Богдановой, отчасти виноваты и «неправильные» парты и стулья в школах-. Газета " Советская Чувашия" (www.onlinegazeta.info) https://www.onlinegazeta.info/chuvashiya/cheboksary gazeta sovetskaya chuvashiya online.ht m
Неправильные 1. Mike wasn't obey until I don't threaten to punish him strict. 2. The lift didn't rise unless you will not to push the button. 3. These dog's foods is in low quality. 4. The legend say that the people's ancestors came from highly mountains and mixed with the population living from this territory. 5. Some peoples can overdo their natural fearness of spiders. 6. There is few book on this topic in us library. 7. Some students may to enter but not the whole group: there are too small place here. 8. Most at the pupils of our class considered entering any higher schooling. 9. Many people believes what an eruption of a gigantic volcanos may bury the continent. 10. I didn't believed at the existence of Atlantis until one explorer had not shown me artifacts found on the sea bottom. 11. She is a recognizing authority for teaching the English. 12. Don't be thought that nobody will understood who is hiding under this disguise: you will surely recognized with this outfit. 13. Dowry is property and money what a woman bring to her husband in marriage. 14. You will protected at thus insurance. 15. 1 is your wife and like your wife I must participate in the management of my husband personal property. 16. The breakage can removed at to join these two parts. 17. Being a windows' cleaner, many ideas on decorative of interiors he got by look through his customers' offices. 18. He walked on the street as long as a bus stop. 19. They was vaccinated of a cholera. 20. My father will never gives her consent for our marriage. 21. You is look in the highest building in Moscow. 22. He was being accused on withholding information about terrorist offences from the police. 23. Everyone want too become rich quicker. 24. The hunger eyes of the dog show that he hadn't eaten for many day. 25. If you would be more accurative I would to allow you to use my bathroom. 26. My new school is very differed than the old ones. 27. We must go sooner, so I won't have other drink. 28. With those anger words Ted turned away and rushed out in room. 29. Daisy saw that there were a book for history and several books for geography on counter. 30. No one wanting to help me. 1 had to acting independent. 31. The conductor asked me if I will pay bill. 32. He been a lawyer of high ranking people and they were seeked his advice in all kinds of legal case. 33. This car is my property; you mustn't to take her with my permission. 34. Children should be teaching to share his toys. 35. Sun been already highly, the hunters went on. 36. We shall know nothing when George will call him. 37. Have done everything that is necessary Mary decided she could safe go home. 38. Flora would have come to my place yesterday if she would not be such busily. 39. The police was finally succeeded in to solve mystery. 40. In the week we should know when house will ready. 41. - Have you ever been in London? - Yes, I have been their with my parents two years ago. 42. Hyde Park is one of sights of London. It is famous for his Speakers' Corner. 43. Let's go to a walk, do we? What a fine weather we are having today. 44. She asked me what was the time. It was 30 minutes passed 3 in the afternoon. 45. There is many English speaken countries in the world. One of them is in south of Africa. 46. We'd like to know much about the present crisis, not the economical problems of past. 47. My friend doesn't leam German nor French. She learn the English. 48. He has an answer for everything. His knowledges of the subject are very good. 49. - Where are the money? - They are on the table in the study. I think you don't need a big sum. 50. The mother was sure this nothing will happen with her daughter. 5 1. Don't take any notice about her. She always finds faults with things. 52. The doctor will do everything in his power to help patient. Peter is already in the hospital for a week or so. 53. After finishing the school he entered to the University. Now he is the second-year student. 54. 1 am written in reply on your letter that I've received a fortnight ago. 55. His travelling expenses which had come at 50.000 rubles were covered in the firm. 56. The news spreaded quickly all over the village, didn't they? Everybody were happy. 57. Don't forget congratulate your Granny with her birthday. She is going 70. 58. - Are you still hesitating about joining to our excursion? - If I was not so busy I would be glad keep you company. 59. I look at this photo for some minutes, but I can't see you on it. You changed beyond recognition. 60. The professor listened the students' explanation more attentively. 61. She couldn't take a part in contest because her illness. She followed the doctor's advise. 62. Aunt Polly made Tom Sawyer to whitewash the fence. He did work with help of his friends. 63. I speaked with David about going to lecture, but he didn't listen me. 64. He speaks English as an Englishman because of he's spoken the language from childhood. 65. I advise you to read English books in original. It will help you to enrich your dictionary considerable. 66. She had to spend much time for translating this article from Russian in English, hasn't she? 67. They are big friends. They know each other from childhood. 68. At the hotel we stayed in the room 101 in third floor. 69. One of these days I went to the dentist's to pull out my bad tooth. It should have been done long time ago. 70. I was told she will not take a part in the contest because her illness. 71. British Isles are consisted from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and many small ones. 72. Where my book is? - I had seen it somewhere. Oh, here is it. 73. I shall send a telegram them as soon as I shall arrive to New York. 74. Nobody of my friends did not enjoy the film very much, didn't they? 75. He is working in office since five years. 76. When I came at home I found that money was been taken by someone. 77. This shoes are belonging me. 78. You will feel yourself more better after you will have something to eat. 79. Hurry! If we will not hurry, we will be late to the train. 80. Why you were such angry at me yesterday? 81. How long time do you learn the English? 82. I had not played the golf when I was on holiday in last summer. 83. When I arrived to the party, Tom already went to home. 84. They could not to take some photographs because they had not got a camera. 85. What was happened with you at last night? 86. The man said me don't touch nothing. 87. He told that he had been not in England before. 88. He has not ate nothing this two days. 89. Can you to change this dress to a larger ones? 90. A funny incident happen with him at the work yesterday. 91. The nurse do not know how to look after young children because of she is unexperienced. 92. What an awful weather! It had been raining all the day long. 93. When having spoken on the meeting, I forgot to mention about this fact. 94. Its not worth to worry about so an unimportant matter. 95. My mother told to me that I must to help her with the houseworks. 96. I am try to save enough money for to buy new car. 97. She tried deceiving herself by saying everybody that she felt good. 98. He is 17 but he behaves himself as a 9 years-old child. 99. Jane decided not play volleyball after the school as she felt herself tired. 100. Sally broken my MP3 player but she refused buying me new one. 101. Tom suggested to listen a CD in this evening. 102. Laura do not want studying Maths at the college. 103. When student take a gap year, it is not well for his studies. 104. I can to make this work easy. 105. Woman competed in tennis at the 1900 Olympics but they did not compete in another events. 106. Students did not understand nothing because they were not listening their teacher. 107. He asked me had I travelled by a car. 108. Do you sure in his knowledges? 109. He should give an advice hers. 110. They expected we take part at the concert. 111. I am usually go to the University on bus, but today 1 taken a taxi. 1 12. Why do you running? Don't hurry! The lecture will begins only at 11 hours. 113. Why are you looking so sad? I have get a bad mark at the test, there was many mistakes in it. 114. Who did came to you yesterday? My friend's sister. We told and she gave me a good advice. 115. We often spending time together, we read a books, go for a walk and watch many interesting film. 116. You mustn't to use your notes in the exam. If you will cheat, you will get a bad mark. 117. Do you go to the cinema yesterday? I heard the film was interested and very much exciting. 118. Is Peter sleep still? Yes, he get very tired and need a good rest. 119. At eight hours my father usually come back home, has supper and reads a newspapers. 120. What does you usually do at the evening? It depend, sometimes I do homework, sometimes surf on the Internet. 121. At 5 hours yesterday Mother watched TV and Father was having a tea. 122. Where is yours book? I didn't know, maybe it is under table. 123. When you was here at the last time? I think about five year ago. 124. I have seen him in London last year. He changed very much and I didn't learn him at first. 125. I quickly saw at James, which was very sad and shivered of cold. 126. Did you played football when you studies in school? No, I have never played in him. 127. Helen is always on time for it's lessons and she usually get good marks. 128. Do you likes to speak on English? Yes, I do, but I speak it very few. 129. When we will return to home, Mother gives us some sweets. 130. I usually are reading well, but today the text was hardly and I don't manage to get a good mark. 131. In time of our lessons we read, write a compositions and translate texts out of English into Russian. 132. Make this task at home, please, learn these grammar rule and repeat the new words. 133. Yesterday I must answer all this letters and it take me much time. 134. The weather was bad yesterday and because we couldn't to go for the walk. 135.1 doesn't usually go to bed lately, but sometimes I had to do many work. 136. Do you go to the library yesterday morning? I saw somebody who saw exactly as you. 137.As soon as you will return home, please, dial my number and tell my what the news are. 138. He told her that he will finish all the three exercise himself and exactly at time. 139. My brother's friend studies in the University and play hockey very good. 140. He's get a highly temperature. I am afraid he will not can to go to classes that day. 141. The authorities have put a lot of efforts into doing streets cleaner. 142. There is no school at our village five years ago, and now the children goes to a new modern school. 143. If I were you I will be sorry and not behave like that. Your mother can to be offended and will not buy you present which you ask her for. 144. Which from you will can go at the cinema tomorrow morning? If you don't can we will do it next time. 145.If he will put this coat on he looks funny and all will laugh to him. 146. Once time she told to us that she wants to live abroad and to be a famous and rich person. 147. What are you thinking of him? I am thinking that he an intelligent man who is interesting speak to. 148. Whom do you look at now? Be attentively and to do your task properly. 149. I just finished my work and can went for a walk now. Will you to go with me? 150. He didn't say me when he will come back home, but I think he will comes next week. 151. They has already built theirs new house. Did you seen it? It's very large and beautiful. 152. Pass me a salt, please. The soup is good, but there are not enough salt in him. 153. When he entered in the hall all the peoples woke up and greeted him with a storm of applause. 154. What time are you usually having dinner? We usually have it at about two hours but today it will be more early. 155. Our work is more good than your and we spent more times on doing it. 156. Yesterday I must wake up more earlier than today that's why my car was broken and I went to work by bus. 1 57. You'd better to go to the University at time, or you can miss to the classes and will has to copy your friends' notes. 148. Anything has gone wrong with the TV set. There are a picture, but there is no sound. I'll have to find up what's wrong. 159. When I come home I go to the bath, wash one's hands and dry them against the towel. 160. Would you mind my to smoke here? No, you mustn't smoke here, its strict prohibited.