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Lesson 41. Health Service

Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички вимови, читання й усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя.



Do ex. 1 (a), p. 111.

2. Reading

Do ex. 1 (b), p. 111.

3. Writing

Complete the sentences using as many words from the list as possible.

• a headache

• sick

• in great pain

• dizzy

• some rest

• runny nose

• your wrist

• depressed

• an operation

• this medicine

• painful

• a cold

• your ankle

• a broken wrist

• ill

• an infection

• your doctor

• hot

• his tooth out

• her to hospital

• an aspirin

• flu

• a virus

• a consultant

1. I feel... (ill, sick, dizzy, depressed).

2. You must have... (an operation, this medicine, some rest, a broken wrist, flu, a virus, an infection).

3. I’ve got... (a headache, a broken wrist, flu, a virus, a cold, an infection, a runny nose).

4. Be careful you don’t catch... (flu, a virus, a cold).

5. You need to see... (your doctor, a consultant).

6. I’m afraid it’s... (a broken wrist, flu, painful).

7. He’ll take... (this medicine, an aspirin, his tooth out, her to hospital).

8. You’ve sprained... (your ankle, your wrist).

9. She’s... (in great pain, dizzy).

10. It feels... (hot, painful).

4. Speaking

Work in pairs

Make up short dialogues using the sentences above.


1. — My leg hurts.

— Perhaps you’ve sprained your ankle.

2. — I feel sick.

— I think you need to see your doctor.

3. — I’ve got a runny nose.

— You must have a virus.


Do ex.2, 112.

Key: 1 C; 2 E; 3 A; 4 D; 5 B.

Practise the new vocabulary

Find the English equivalents in the text to the following expressions. Відвідувати лікаря; хвороба; призначити зустріч; симптоми й ознаки; слухати пульс; виміряти температуру; слухати серце і легені; лікування; оглядати; призначати лікування, пігулки, ліки; нещасний випадок; відділ швидкої допомоги; хірург; регулярно; приватна лікарня; здоровий спосіб життя; регулярні вправи; медичний огляд.


Do ех. 3, 113.

7.Writing and speaking

Work in pairs. Scrambled dialogue

Put the questions and answers in the correct order to make up a proper dialogue. Then act it out.


— Have you vomited?

— It sounds like you have the flu.

— How can I help you?

— Do you have a temperature?

— Here, take this for 5 days and get lots of rest.

— In what way?

— Do you have a runny nose?


— Okay, what medication can you give me?

— I don’t feel well.

— Yes, sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel cold.

— Yes.

— No, but I have no appetite.

— I have a constant headache and I’m always tired.


Doctor. How can I help you?

Patient. I don’t feel well.

Doctor. In what way?

Patient. I have a constant headache and I’m always tired.

Doctor. Have you vomited?

Patient. No, but I have no appetite.

Doctor. Do you have a temperature?

Patient. Yes, sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel cold.

Doctor. Do you have a runny nose?

Patient. Yes.

Doctor. It sounds like you have the flu.

Patient. Okay, what medication can you give me?

Doctor. Here, take this for 5 days and get lots of rest.

8. Summary

Do ex. 4, 113.

9. Homework

Write a short paragraph about health service in our country.

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