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Level 3 quiz
1. How many views can you generate from a 3-D drawing? One
2. What is one advantage of 2-D over 3-D CAD drafting You can get more detailed 3. What are the advantages of 3-D over 2-D CAD drafting? You can generate realistic renderings 4. Which axis will you use in 3-D that you didn't use in 2-D? X 5. Is isometric drawing true 3-D drawing? Never 6. To switch isoplanes, you press: " F3"
7. Which command do you use to draw a circle in isometric drafting? The Ellipse command 8. Does the screen grid look the same in isometric mode as is regular drawing mode? Yes 9. In a new drawing, which direction is the Z axis pointing? Up 10. How long is a line from '0, 0, 0' to '4, 3, 2'? 2 units
11. Do you have to turn on the Z axis? Yes 12. How can you check if a line is drawn in 3D? You can't 13. Tiled Viewports are used in...? Model space 14. How many tiled viewports are in a new drawing? One
15. When changing views, should you be concerned about the orientation of the UCS/WCS icon? Never 16. When you are using using multiple viewports, you can change to another by... Pressing 'F1' 17. If you copy an object 2 units up in the Z axis, can you see it from the plan view? Yes, it will look different than the original object 18. Switching to a SW isometric view will... Hide the bottom objects 19. Why should you use multiple layers in 3-D? Because it's more colorful 20. Wireframes are the most complex form of 3D drawing Yes 21. Is 'line thickness' a true 3-D method of drawing? Yes 22. Is line thickness the same a polyline width? In most cases, yes 23. How commands are needed for line thickness? 2 24. Wireframes are just like isometric drawing Yes 25. What shapes can you create a region from? Arc
26. If a command to create a region fails, what might have been wrong? You selected more than one object 27. The Extrude command creates a...? Solid 28. A 3d Face can be... Based on any shape 29. Which command will give you a solid object? Revsurf 30. Surftab1 and surftab2 are used in conjunction with which command? Revsurf 31. You can use the Revolve command on... Rectangles 32. To rotate an object in 3-D space, you use the... Rotate command 33. Can you see the materials on your objects without rendering the drawing? Yes 34. Does the Materials Library allow you to add materials to your objects? Yes 35. Do you have the option to apply materials to all objects on a particular layer? Only 3-D walls 36. To see rendered materials, you must use which option(s) in the render dialog box Photo Real 37. Which command is not a Boolean Operation? Union 38. After using the Union command, the resulting object will have the properties of... The current layer 39. When using the Subtract command, which object do you select first? The object to subtract from 40. If you Intersect 2 objects what will you be left with? Nothing 41. Does an object created with the Box command have 6 identical sides? Always 42. How do you define the size of a Sphere? With the Radius 43. What shape best describes a Torus? A helix 44. How many sides does a Wedge have? 4 45. Which is the default coordinate system when starting a new drawing? UCS 46. Which is not a valid option for the UCS command? Next 47. Which method of creating a UCS does myCADsite.com recommend? View 48. In older versions of AutoCAD, a broken pencil symbol means...? That you cannot Save 49. What is the main advantage to manually mapping materials? So you can see the North position 50. Which is not a valid option for mapping Projection? Cylindrical 51. Can you resize the appearence of the material without adjusting the bitmap size? Yes 52. By default, which direction is the material projected? From the back 1 As many as you need