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Билет 14. Judiciary. (Джудишэри)The court system in Great Britain and the United States, the Republic of Belarus.



In all legal systems there are institutions for creating, modifying, abolishing, and applying the law. (…для создания, изменения, отмены и применения закона)

The UK does not have a single unified legal system.(единой объединенной) There is one system for England and Wales, another for Scotland, and a third one for Northern Ireland.

For centuries the House of Lords had been the highest court (высочайшим судом)in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but in October 2009 it was replaced (был заменен)by the new Supreme Court (Верховным судом) of the UK.

The Civil Courts.(Гражданские суды.) They hear cases between two or more individuals in dispute. (Они слушают дела между…)

The lowest court in civil action is a County Court.(окружной суд) Each court has at least one circuit judge (сэкит- окружной судья) and one district judge(районный судья). The circuit judge usually hears the high-value claims (особо-значимые дела), the district judge hears small-value claims.

The High Court consists of three branches (ветви): the Queen’s Bench Division, the Chancery Division (канцелярский суд), the Family Division.

There are two main types of criminal courts: the Magistrates’ Courts and the Crown Courts.

The most serious crimes such as murder, rape (похищение, изнасилование), armed robbery, fraud (фрод-мошенничество) and so on are tried and sentenced (расследуются и выносятся приговоры)in the Crown Court



Билет 15. Criminal law. Types of crimes (Уголовный закон.Типы преступлений)

Criminal law - a branch of law that regulates the social relations associated with the commission of criminal acts, sentencing and the use of other measures of criminal law

Crimes are wrong acts which can be punished by the state.(Преступления –это неправильные действия, которые могут быть наказаны государством)

The are some types of crimes and offences: crimes against the person, property (собственности) and justice (джастис-закона), public-order (общественный порядок) political and business crimes.

Two elements characterize (кэрэктэрайз-характеризуют) most crimes: a criminal act (преступное действие) and criminal intent(намерение).

Again and again people commit (совершают) the same crimes: murder (предумышл. убийство), manslaughter (мэнслотэ – непредумышл. убийство), theft(воровство), mugging, arson (асн-поджог), smuggling (смаглинг-контрабанда), rape (изнасилование), assault (эсолт- словесное оскорбление и угроза), perjury(пэджэри-лжесвидетельство), treason (тризн-измена), etc.

There are individual criminals, criminal groups and criminal organizations. Some crimes are committed (совершаются) by office employees, salaried (получающими зарплату) professionals in the course of their occupation (в процессе их работы). They are corporate (корпоративные) crimes or white-collar (белый воротничок) crimes.


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