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Types of wounds



Exercise 1. Learn the following words:

torn, adj [´ tɔ: n] рваний
punctured, adj [´ pʌ ŋ kt∫ ә d] колений
blunt, adj [´ blʌ nt] тупий
trauma, n [´ trɔ: mә ] травма
contusion, n [kә n´ tјu: ʒ n] забите місце
open, v [´ ә ʋ pә n] відкритий
closed, adj [´ klә ʋ zd] закритий
refer, v (to) [rɪ ´ fɜ: ] посилатись на
dermis, n [´ dɜ: mɪ s] дерма, власне шкіра
object, n [´ ɒ bʤ ә kt] предмет, річ
incision, n [ɪ n´ sɪ ʒ ә n] надріз, розріз
incised, adj [ɪ n´ saizd] різаний
laceration, n [, læ sә ´ reɪ ∫ n] розрив
linear, adj [´ lɪ nɪ ә ] лінійний
stellate, adj [´ stelɪ t] зіркоподібний
abrasion, n [ә ´ breɪ ʒ n] садно
graze, n [greɪ z] подряпина
superficial, adj [, su: pә ´ fɪ ∫ ә l] поверхневий
slide, v [´ slaɪ d] ковзати
rough, adj [´ rʌ f] грубий, шершавий
penetration, n [, penɪ ´ treɪ ∫ n] проникнення
gun-shot, n [´ gʌ n∫ ɔ t] постріл
bullet, n [´ bulɪ t] куля
projectile, n [prә ´ ʤ ektaɪ l] снаряд, куля

Exercise 2.Guess the meaning of the following words without a dictionary:

Hematoma, pathology, linear, epidermis, contusion, penetration, disintegrate, abrasion, trauma, chronic, medicine, puncture, typical, category, classification, object, period, collection, traumatic, process, diabetic, circulation, infection, systemic, abscess, critical, locally, sepsis, scrape, sterile solution, antiseptic, tablet, history, philosopher, theory, serious, physically.

Exercise 3. Find corresponding equivalents:

1. in (with) reference to… 1. відскрібати
2. to refer to… 2. посилатися на…
3. Topmost 3. рвана рана
4. to scrape off 4. з посиланням на…
5. " through -and-through" 5. різана рана
6. incision wound 6. стосовно, відносно
7. relatively 7. найвищий
8. punctured wound 8. наскрізний
9. laceration 9. колена рана

Exercise 4. Complete the table with missing forms:

Nouns Verbs
  to injure
  to infect
  to puncture
  to incise
  to disrupt
  to relieve
  to measure
  to damage

Exercise 5. Read and then translate the following word combinations into the Ukrainian language:

The dermis of the skin; a blunt force trauma; a sharp-edged object; a glass splinter; irregular tear-like wounds; blunt trauma; scrub the injury of any loose materials and tissue; apply some sort of closing technique; stitching; the application of a pressure dressing; realign the edges of the wound; speed healing; lessen scarring; superficial wounds; the topmost layer of the skin; remain intact; a sliding fall; a rough surface.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

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