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Exercise 17. Fill in the table “symptoms of hypotension” using information from the text.

the level of blood pressure  
the intensity of a headache  
the time of the maximum pain expression  
the accompanying symptoms  
other patients’ complaints  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: 1. найчастіший симптом 2. шийний радикуліт 3. пульсуючийбіль 4. стискаючий біль 5. помірний біль 6. запаморочення та шум у вухах 7. запальний процес 8. сильне зівання 9. гіпертонічний криз 10. недостатність мозкового кровообігу   II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What is headache? 2. What kinds of headache do you know? 3. What kind of a headache do patients complain of in stenocardia and acute myocardial infarction? 4. What examinations are necessary to understand the root of the trouble? 5. What must never be omitted when the symptom of a headache is evaluated?   III. Розкрийте поняття: головний біль, гіпертонія



1. Headache is one of the most... symptoms in medical practice.

a) rare b) short-term c) frequent d) long-term e) obscure


2. Headache is a frequent symptom of diseases of internal organs, in particular diseases of the...

a) liver b) heart c) stomach d) kidneys e) spleen


3. The... examination must never be omitted when the symptom of headache is evaluated.

a) neurological b) psychiatric c) internal d) ophthalmoscopic

e) cystoscopic


4. Headaches in myocardium infarction arise due to insufficiency of...

a) respiration b) pulmonary circulation c) brain circulation

d) systemic circulation e) kidneys


5. In a low level of arterial pressure, the headache is the most expressed....

a) in the evenings b) at night c) in the afternoon d) at dusk

e) in the mornings


6. A pressing or throbbing headache localized in the area of the... of the head is due to damage of the skull muscles.

a) temples b) upper jaw c) back d) facial part e) low jaw


7. The patients with low arterial pressure are inclined to....

a) nausea b) faint c) vomiting d) dizziness e) loss of weight


8. In some cases of the patients with acute myocardial infarction the headache is accomponied by...

a) diarrhea b) constipation c) prolonged dizziness

d) losing of consciousness e) vomiting


9. The patients with low arterial pressure often complain... palpitation and increased fatiguability.

a) at b) of c) on d) about e) for


10. A headache develops... pathological processes primarily affection of sensitive receptors and nerves.

a) at b) by c) on d) with e) in





Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary:

apprehension, n [ˌ æ prɪ ˈ henʃ n] побоювання, недобре передчуття
arsonist, n [ˈ ɑ ː sə nɪ st] підпалювач
consuming fear [kə nˈ sjuː mɪ ŋ fɪ ə ] всепоглинаючий страх
distress, n [dɪ ˈ stres] дистрес, страждання, нездужання
handle, v [ˈ hæ ndl] контролювати, справлятися
hypochondria, n [haɪ pə ˈ kɔ ndrɪ ə ] пригнічений стан
pyromania, n [ˌ paɪ rə ʊ ˈ meɪ niə ] піроманія
incapacitate, v [ˌ ɪ nkə ˈ pæ sɪ teɪ t] вивести з ладу, зробити непрацездатним
interfere, v [ˌ ɪ ntə ˈ fɪ ə ] заважати, втручатися
intrusive, adj [ɪ nˈ truː sɪ v] нав’язливий
in virtually, adv [ˈ vɜ ː tʃ uə li] практично
obsessive-compulsive disorder [ə bˈ sesɪ v kə mˈ pʌ lsɪ v dɪ sˈ ɔ ː də ] невроз нав’язливих станів
over-excitation, n [ˈ ə ʊ və ˌ ɛ ksɪ ˈ teɪ ʃ (ə)n] надмірне збудження  
over-inhibition, n [ˈ ə ʊ və ˌ ɪ nhɪ ˈ bɪ ʃ n] надмірне гальмування
revenge, n [rɪ ˈ vendʒ ] помста
rid, v [rɪ d] позбутися
trigger, v [ˈ trɪ ɡ ə ] провокувати, сприяти


Exercise 2. Read the word combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

A relatively mild mental illness; an umbrella term used for mental illnesses; work capacity of the nerve cells; to disrupt the brain activity; to be out of proportion to the circumstances of a person’s life; to experience feelings of apprehension, worry, and fear; strong unreasonable fears of specific objects; to suffer from intrusive, repetitive, and disturbing thoughts; to be focused on an imagined illness; to lose all self-control as a result of the consuming fear.


Exercise 3. Write the given words in Singular (remember the words of the Latin and Greek origin) and use them in sentences:

Neuroses, activities, bacteria, crises, children, atria, alveoli, lives, analyses, ganglia, fungi, diagnoses, laboratories, cocci, curricula, bacilli, mice, phenomena, vertebrae, criteria, metastases.


Exercise 4. Read the and translate the text:

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