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air heir (/ ): fresh air; the heir to the throne band band (/ ): a rock band; a rubber band bank bank (/ ): the bank of the river; the bank of England bare bear bear ( / ): with bare hands; bear in mind; polar bear bark bark (/ ): the dog barked at me; the bark of a tree bat bat bat ( ): blind as a bat; a baseball bat; not to bat an eyelid be bee ( ): to be or not to be; to be as busy as a bee beat beet ( ): to beat the drums; beets and carrots brake break ( /): car brakes; let's have a break; don't break it buy by bye ( / !): to buy a car; to sit by the window; bye-bye cell sell ( ): a prison cell; my cell phone; to buy and sell cent scent ( ): 100 cents in a dollar; a faint scent of roses coarse course ( ): coarse fabric; a course of lectures complement compliment ( ): verb complement; give a compliment creak creek (/ ): the floor creaks; a narrow creek cue cue queue (/ ): give a cue; billiard cue; stand in a queue desert dessert ( ): to desert the village; apple pie for dessert die dye ( /): he died two years ago; she dyed her hair red earn urn ( ): to earn money; to earn respect; cremation urn flea flee ( ): a flea market; to flee the country flour flower ( ): two cups of flour; a bunch of flowers hair hare ( ): dark hair; he ran like a hare hoarse horse ( ): a hoarse voice; to ride a horse hole whole ( ): a small hole in my dress; the whole world I eye ( ): I can see it clearly; my left eye itches lie lie lye (/ ): to tell a lie; to lie on the floor; a lye solution main mane ( ): the main reason; a horse's mane maize maze (/ ): maize oil; a maze of streets mall maul ( /): shopping mall; to be badly mauled mean mean mean ( / ): what do you mean? it was mean of him to say it; mean speed meat meet ( ): meat and potatoes; to meet with friends none nun ( ): none of them; she is a nun pair pare pear ( ): a pair of gloves; to pare an apple; apples and pears peace piece (/ ): peace and quiet; a piece of bread right rite write (// ): that's right; my right hand; civil rights; funeral rites; write a letter sail sale (/ ): to sail on a ship; I bought it on sale sea see ( ): have you ever seen the sea at sunrise? sew so sow ( ): to sew a dress; be so kind; to sow the seeds some sum ( ): I need some money; a large sum of money son sun ( ): he is my son; the sun is shining today sound sound ( ): the sounds of music; a sound mind in a sound body stalk stalk ( /): corn stalk; to stalk a deer tail tale ( ): a bird with a long tail; a long and interesting tale waist waste ( ): a slender waist; a waste of time wait weight ( ): to wait for an hour; her weight is 100 pounds weak week ( ): weak eyes; next week weather whether ( ): nice weather; ask her whether she wants to go well well ( ): very well; a deep well which witch ( ): which bag is yours? she was a real witch whine wine ( ): my dog often whines; red wine to accept [ə k'sept] to expect [iks'pekt] except [ik'sept] access ['æ ksə s] excess [ik'ses] to affect [ə 'fekt] effect [i'fekt] bath [ɑ θ ] to bathe [beið ] to breathe [bri: ð ] breath [breθ ] to bear [bɛ ə ] , ; bear [bɛ ə ] beer [biə ] to bow [bau] bow [bou] ; () canal [kə 'næ l] () channel ['ʧ æ nl] () to cost [kɔ st] coast [koust] () disease [di'zi: z] , ( ) decease [di'si: s] , contents ['kɔ ntə nts] contest ['kɔ ntə st] , context ['kɔ ntekst] courage ['kʌ riʤ ] carriage ['kæ riʤ ] conscience ['kɔ nʃ ə ns] conscientious [, kɔ nʃ i'enʃ ə s] , column ['kɔ lə m] colon ['kɔ lə n] collar ['kɔ lə ] colour ['kʌ lə ] career [kə 'riə ] carrier ['kæ riə ] to cease [si: s] ) to seize [si: z] , corp [kɔ: ] (.) corpse [kɔ: ps] diary ['daiə ri] dairy ['dɛ ə ri] (, ) draught [drɑ ft] ; pl. (); , drought [draut] desert ['dezə t] to desert [di'zə: t] dessert [di'zə: t] guard [gɑ: d] , guide [gaid] , hair [hɛ ə ] hare [hɛ ə ] here [hiə ] heir [ɛ ə ] air [ɛ ə ] Ireland ['aiə lə nd] island ['ailə nd] law [lɔ: ] lawyer ['lɔ jə ] low [lou] to lower [luə ] , to lower [lauə ] loyal [lɔ iə l] to lead [li: d] lead [led] mayor [mɛ ə ] major [meiʤ ə ] model [mɔ dl] , modal [moudl] moral ['mɔ rə l] morale [mɔ 'rɑ: l] to poll [poul] pole [poul] Polish ['pouliʃ ] to polish ['pɔ liʃ ] patrol [pə 'troul] petrol ['petrə l] pier [piə ] , peer [piə ] pair [ɛ ə ] pear [ɛ ə ] to pour [pɔ: ] , poor [puə ] to pursue [pə 'sju: ] , to persuade [pə 'sweid] , to proceed [prə 'si: d] () to precede [pri: 'si: d] personal [pə: snl] personnel [, pə: sə 'nel] to persecute ['pə sikju: t] to prosecute ['prɔ sikju: t] quay [ki: ] queue [kju: ] quiet [kwaiə t] , quite [kwait] raw [ɔ: ] row [rou] ; row [rau] , rout ['raut] ; ; route [ru: t] to require [ri'kwaə ] to inquire [in'kwaə ] to acquire [ə 'kwə i] to sell [sel] sale [seil] , soul [soul] sole [soul] ; , soil [sɔ il] (); saw [sɔ: ] , ; so [sou] , to sew [sou] to sow [sou] suit [sju: t] suite [swi: t] ; ; - serious ['siə riə s] series ['siə ri: z] , sergeant ['sɑ: ʤ ə nt] surgeon ['sə: ʤ ə n] truth [tru: θ ] truce [tru: s] tear [tiə ] to tear [tɛ ə ] worth [wə: θ ] worse [wə: s] year [jiə ] / [jə: ] ear [iə ] air [ɛ ə ]