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Working on the text. Ex. 1 Read and translate the text.
Ex. 1 Read and translate the text. Ex. 2 Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation: ch annel, commer c ial, transac ti on, i ss ue, cul t ural, m issi on, viola ti on, manufac tu re, effi c ient, commi ss ion, essen ti al, prosecu ti on
Ex.3 Find in the text the English equivalents of the following: таможенное дело; обеспечивать поступления в бюджет; препятствовать перемещению контрабанды; обязанность; наименование и количество; оформление документов; законодательная база; сложная система тарифов; одна из главных задач; оперативные подразделения; технические средства получения оперативной информации
Ex. 4 a) Find verbs in the text corresponding to the following definitions:
1) to examine something and make a decision about it to a _ _ _ _ _ __________ 2) to make people obey a rule or law to e _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ 3) to make it easier for a process or activity to happen to f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ 4) to protect something from harm or damage to s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ 5) to change something so that it is better or more modern to u _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ 6) to check things to prevent something harmful from passing through to s _ _ _ _ _ __________ 7) to do a job or a piece of work to p_ _ _ _ _ _ __________
b) Use the words below to make word combinations with the verbs above: the skills and technology; legitimate trade; duty; inspections; people, vehicles and merchandise; customs and other laws; public health Ex. 5 a) Make the words negative using prefixes:
accompanied, commercial, possible, declared, dependent, important, direct, inform, legal, legitimate, paid, polite, load, responsible, represent, tariff, understand, regular, valid il - __________, __________ un - __________, __________, __________, __________ ir - __________, __________ in - __________, __________, __________ im - __________, __________ mis - __________, __________, __________ non - __________, __________, __________
b) Use some of the negative words in the sentences:
1. The trucks took an __________ route avoiding the town centre. 2. The Russian Customs Service carries out the regulation of foreign trade by means of tariff and __________ methods. 3. It would be ___________ not to get a permission for export of valuables. 4. A vet. passport without a photo of the dog is considered __________. 5. The driver __________ some boxes from the back of the truck. 6. There must be some __________. I have placed the imported merchandise under a different customs procedure. 7. It would have been __________ to detect that drug concealment without using a drug detector dog. 8. I am afraid you have been __________ about the functioning of the dual-channel system. Ex. 6 Insert prepositions:
The current Russian word for Customs – tamozhnya – appeared ___ the times ___ Mongol-Tatar yoke. The word tamga ___ Tatar meant “customs tax, the official who collected it and the stamped seal showing that it had been paid”. Even three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were collected ___ the transportation ___ goods ___ the frontiers of the individual princedoms. ___ almost all of its history, the Customs has also been a force for keeping ___ contraband and a powerful administrative body, serving protectionist interests.
Ex. 7 Answer the questions:
1) For how long has Russia had its Customs Service? 2) What was the first responsibility of the Customs? 3) How does the Customs carry out the fiscal function? 4) When was the first legal act handed down? 5) What does law enforcement function involve? 6) What do customs officers do to fulfill their border-related responsibilities? 7) What measures are taken by the Customs to act most efficiently? 8) How can you define the Russian Customs Service today?
Ex. 8 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1) Большая часть дохода поступает от сбора пошлин в портах прибытия коммерческих грузов. 2) Таможенники проверяют соответствует ли товар наименованию и количеству, указанным в документах. 3) Многие из обязанностей таможенной службы имеют отношение к защите экономических интересов страны. 4) Сотрудники таможенных органов постоянно повышают свою квалификацию, чтобы эффективно выполнять свои обязанности. 5) Российская таможенная служба существует дольше, чем аналогичные службы многих других стран мира.
Ex. 9 Get ready to speak on the topic.
Ex. 10 Render the newspaper article: CBP Officers Find Marijuana in Fuel Tank US CBP officers seized 66, 5 kg of marijuana. CBP officers made the seizure after a 1988 Chevrolet pickup truck arrived at the port of entry from Mexico. During the search, CBP officers used a fiber optic scope to peer into fuel tank and noticed anomalies in its appearance. CBP drug sniffing dog “Dollar” searched the vehicle and alerted his handler to the presence of narcotics. CBP officers continued their examination by removing fuel tank. They dismantled the tank and discovered 5 sealed metal boxes inside. The boxes were opened and revealed 66, 5 kg of marijuana. The driver, a 55-year-old US resident was arrested and now he faces federal prosecution on drug charges.