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April 2004



questions answers
1. What are advantages and disadvantages of writing journals? -Advantages: improving our English. Disadvantages: it takes free time out. (Danylo Zavgorodny) -Writing journals is very useful and develops our level of knowledge in English. But it also has some disadvantages, because very often we write the same topics. It’s not very interesting. (Ira Los’) - I think writing articles in journal is very important. It’s very interesting and it gives us more experience. In general I think there are no disadvantages in writing journals. (Lytvyn Vadym) - I think that there is no disadvantages in writing journals, because we learn how to write articles on different themes. (Kravchuk Serhiy) - I think there are no disadvantages, because writing journals is very useful for us. And it only develops and improves our knowledge of English. (Kolosiuk Artem) - I think that there are no disadvantages in writing journals. It’s a very useful and interesting thing that deepens our knowledge of English. (Malaniak Andriy) - I think disadvantages in writing journals are absent, because in journals we can show our thoughts. (Serbina Natalia)
2. Is it easy to write an article? What does it depend on? - It depends on my mood and as for me it’s not very hard to write an article. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - It isn’t very easy to write an article. It depends on the complication of the theme of the article. (Malaniak Andriy - I think writing articles sometimes is not easy. It depends on the topic we should write about. (Lytvyn Vadym) - Sometimes it’s really hard, because there are many factors that influence on it. Especially the topic, my mood, my health, time, etc. (Kolosiuk Artem
3. How often would you like to write in your journal? - I would like to write not very often, because if often, it will be boring. (Ira Los’) - I think it’s okay to write articles in such a way as we do. I can see am I lazy or not. I can prove my responsibility. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - I’d like to write two articles in two weeks, it will be more easy then to write one article in a week. (Vlasiuk Nazar) - As for me I’d like to write one article in two weeks. But it depends on my time. If I have time, I can write one, even two articles a week. (Kolosiuk Artem) - I would like to write in my journal twice a month. (Malaniak Andriy) - As for me I want to write our articles every week because for me it’s always very interesting and useful. (Medvedeva Katya)
4. What are your best articles? Why? - I don’t think I have so good articles to tell about. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - I think in my journal there are three or four best articles. (Serbina Natalia) - My best articles are “Happy End? ” and “The Happiest Guy In My Group” because they are the biggest of all my articles. (Malaniak Andriy) - I like all articles very much, but the most interesting are topics: “Happiness”, “The Happiest Guy In My Group”, “It Happened In Summer” and others. I think they are the best, because these articles are very interesting. (Vlasiuk Nazar) - I think my best articles are in “GOLDEN JOURNAL”. And they are the best, because I was interested at these topics, my mood was OK and I had enough time to write them. (Kolosiuk Artem) - I like writing articles about my friends. One month ago we wrote the article that was called “The Happiest Guy In My Group”. I think this is my best article. (Lytvyn Vadym)
5.What is your average result after 4 years of writing in the journal? - My average result after 4 years of writing in the journal is 10. Sometimes I have got a 9, 10 or 11. (Lytvyn Vadym) - I had improved my skill of writing articles in English. (Malaniak Andriy) - I don’t know, maybe a 9 or 10. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - As for me I learned how to write articles, improved my grammar and I have nice experience at this kind of work. (Kolosiuk Artem)  
6. What would you like to change in writing journals? (to improve, to write more often, etc.) - As for me, I want to improve our writing journals. I want all our future articles to be with their own drawings. (Medvedeva Katya) - I would like to speak more at the lessons about the theme of the article. (Malaniak Andriy) - I think that “GOLDEN JOURNAL” is our best improving and I want to do more projects connected with our journals. (Kolosiuk Artem) - I would like to change some things, for example to do them not often. (Ira Los’) - I have no ideas. (Danylo Zavgorodny)
7. Was it a problem for you to write any article in your journal? If so, why? - It was a problem for me to write an article “My nationality. Is it important for me” because I’ve never thought about it. (Ira Los’) - Yes. It happened once that I couldn’t write an article, because I had nothing in my mind. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - Sometimes it’s very hard to write articles. Sometimes topics we had to write were difficult. (Lytvyn Vadym) - There is always a problem to write any article in our journals. As for me, I spend an hour and a half to write an article. A lot of problems are with grammar. That is why there is a problem for me to write an article in my journal. (Vlasiuk Nazar) - The problem is only one: I am very lazy. (Malaniak Andriy) - I like to write articles in my journals, because it’s a very interesting work and I think this experience will be needed in my future life, but sometimes I don’t have enough time. (Serbina Natalia) Yes. Sometimes it was because I was very weary, my mood wasn’t OK and I have nothing in my mind. (Kolosiuk Artem) - Frankly speaking, sometimes it was hard to write an article. It was a problem when the article was very complicated and it was hard to write on the topic. (Medvedeva Katya)
8. What does the result of your writing depend on? - The result of my writing depends on my mood. (Malaniak Andriy) - The result depends on my mood. When my mood is OK, my result is good but when my mood is bad my result is not very good. (Vlasiuk Nazar) - My result depends on my health, mood, other problems and whether I like this topic or not. (Kolosiuk Artem) - The result of any article in general depends on the theme and mood. When I write journals I’m controlling myself by my mood, when I have good mood I write it well. (Kravchuk Serhiy) - My result depends on my mood, my wish to write and the level of knowledge in English. (Ira Los’) - The result of my writing articles depends on my wish to have a good mark and to write a journal. (Danylo Zavgorodny)
9. Do you like the way your teacher proposes you the topics? Would you like to find them yourself? - Yes. It’s OK. Our teacher is great. And I think I wouldn’t find topics for our journals myself. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - Our teacher gives us topics that are concerned with our lessons. So, we have ideas what to write, in what way to write. (Kravchuk Serhiy) - Of course I like all the topics because they are very interesting, and some of them are very useful! For example, we had a topic “What Is Happiness? ”. Some students didn’t know and didn’t realize what it was, but now we know what it means for us in our life. (Vlasiuk Nazar) - Yes, I like it. No, I wouldn’t like to find them myself. (Malaniak Andriy) - I like the way our teacher proposes us the topics, because our teacher has great experience and topics were very interesting and useful. But I think it will be interesting if once a month we will propose the topics ourselves. (Medvedeva Katya) - Yes, I like it very much. Because our teacher has big fantasy and he is a very interesting and unusual person. That’s why he is the best. (Kolosiuk Artem)
10. Have you ever used your experience after writing journals? - Sometimes I used my experience and it’s really great. I think, I will use it more often in my future life. (Kolosiuk Artem) -When I write my articles in journal I use my experience always, because I write the truth. (Serbina Natalia) - Yes, I used it at the lesson of Ukrainian. (Malaniak Andriy) - No, I haven’t. But I think I will. It’s not the time to use my experience now. (Danylo Zavgorodny)
11. Have you compared your articles with your compositions in other subjects? What are the results? - As for me, I have compared my articles with my compositions, and I think it’s more easy to write articles in journal than compositions, because when I write my composition I think about my grammar and have big problems. So, I like more to write articles. (Medvedeva Katya) - I’ve never compared my articles and I don’t want to do this because I hate writing compositions in Ukrainian but I like to write my articles in English.
12. If you were an English teacher, would you propose your students to write journals? - If I were an English teacher I would propose my students to write in journal. It’s very useful. I would help them in future. It’s very good. (Lytvyn Vadym) - I think the idea of writing journals is great. If I were a teacher of English, I’d propose my students to write journals. At my mind, it’s very useful for students because they are thinking on some topics that can help them in their future life. (Kravchuk Serhiy) - If I am a teacher, I obligatory will propose my students to write journals because it develops very good qualities that will help them always. (Medvedeva Katya) - If I were an English teacher I would propose my students to write journals, but if they refuse, I’ll find another way to write articles because it’s really a very useful and important thing. (Kolosiuk Artem) - If I were an English teacher I would propose my students to write journals because it’s very useful and interesting. (Malaniak Andriy - I would propose my students to write on the topics they are interested in. (Ira Los’) - Yes, I would because it will improve their English. (Danylo Zavgorodny)
13.What qualities does the writing develop? - Grammar, speaking English, speed of writing and English thinking. (Danylo Zavgorodny) -The writing develops the skill of expressing my thoughts. (Lytvyn Vadym) - I think I make myself be responsible and serious. These qualities will help me in my future life. (Serbina Natalia) -I think that the main qualities that are developed are: logical thinking about the whole life, punctuality (give it to the teacher in time), experience, fantasy, vocabulary, etc. (Kravchuk Serhiy) - There are many qualities that writing articles develops but the main thing is that it doesn’t only develop our English, this experience of writing articles will be very valuable in our future life. (Kolosiuk Artem)
14. Do you always want to get a mark, not only express your ideas? -It would be nice to get good marks but I’m trying to express my minds by writing journals, I also try to change my life and to tell others some things. (Danylo Zavgorodny) - I often didn’t write journal because I haven’t good ideas for it, I was never pity for my marks that could help me take top places in TOP-10. (Kravchuk Serhiy) - As for me I never think about my mark when I’m writing journal. But if the mark is good – it’s OK. (Kolosiuk Artem) - Not always, sometimes I want to express my attitude for this or that thing. (Malaniak Andriy)


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