Act four, scene six

HARRY is sitting on ALBUSs bed. GINNY enters. She looks at him.
GINNY: Surprised to find you here.
HARRY: Dont worry, I havent touched anything. Your shrine is preserved. (He winces.) Sorry. Bad choice of words.
GINNY says nothing, HARRY looks up at her.
You know Ive had some pretty terrible Hallows Eves but this is undoubtedly at least the second worst.
GINNY: I was wrong to blame you. I always accuse you of jumping to things and it was me who Albus went missing and I assumed it was your fault. Im sorry I did that.
HARRY: You dont think this is my fault?
GINNY: Harry, he was kidnapped by a powerful Dark witch, how can that be your fault?
HARRY: I chased him away. I chased him to her.
GINNY: Can we not treat this as if the battle is already lost?
GINNY nods. HARRY starts to cry.
HARRY: Im sorry, Gin...
GINNY: Are you not listening to me? Im sorry too.
HARRY: I shouldnt have survived it was my destiny to die even Dumbledore thought so and yet I lived. I beat Voldemort. All these people all these people my parents, Fred, the Fallen Fifty and its me that gets to live? How is that? All this damage and its my fault.
GINNY: They were killed by Voldemort.
HARRY: But if Id stopped him sooner? All that blood on my hands. And now our son has been taken too
GINNY: Hes not dead. Do you hear me, Harry? Hes not dead.
She takes HARRY in her arms. There is a big pause filled with pure unhappiness.
HARRY: The Boy Who Lived. How many people have to die for the Boy Who Lived?
HARRY sways a moment, unsure. Then he notices the blanket. He walks towards it.
This blanket is all I have, you know... of that Hallows Eve. This is all I have to remember them. And whilst
He picks up the blanket. He discovers it has holes in it. He looks at it, dismayed.
This has got holes in it. Rons idiotic love potion has burnt through it, right through it. Look at this. Its ruined. Ruined.
He opens up the blanket. He sees writing burnt through it. Hes surprised.
GINNY: Harry, it has something written
On another part of the stage, ALBUS and SCORPIUS appear.
ALBUS: Dad...
SCORPIUS: Were starting with Dad?
ALBUS: So hell know its from me.
SCORPIUS: Harry is his name. We should start with Harry.
ALBUS (firm): Were starting with Dad.
HARRY: Dad, does it say, Dad? Its not that distinct...
GINNY: Hello? Does that say Hello? And then... Good.
HARRY: Dad Hello Good Hello? No. This is... a strange joke.
ALBUS: Dad. Help. Godrics Hollow.
GINNY: Give me that. My eyesight is better than yours. Yes. Dad Hello Good thats not Hello again thats Hallow or Hollow? And then some numbers these are clearer 3 1 1 0 8 1. Is this one of those Muggle telephone numbers? Or a grid reference or a...
HARRY looks up, several thoughts smashing through his brain at once.
HARRY: No. Its a date. 31st October, 1981. The date my parents were killed.
GINNY looks at HARRY, and then back at the blanket.
GINNY: That doesnt say Hello. It says Help.
HARRY: Dad. Help. Godrics Hollow. 31/10/81. Its a message. Clever boy left me a message.
HARRY kisses GINNY hard.
GINNY: Albus wrote this?
HARRY: And hes told me where they are and when they are and now we know where she is, we know where we can fight her.
He kisses her hard again.
GINNY: We havent got them back again yet.
HARRY: Ill send an owl to Hermione. You send one to Draco. Tell them to meet us at Godrics with the Time-Turner.
GINNY: And it is us, okay? Dont even think about going back without me, Harry.
HARRY: Of course youre coming. We have a chance, Ginny, and by Dumbledore thats all that we need a chance.