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  News Dienstag, 6. Januar NEON Magazine - a look back on 2008 For the December issue of german NEON Magazine we did 5 illustrations taking a look back at 2008! View more... Dienstag, 6. Januar beef 04.2008 New illustrations for the latest issue of beef Magazine - which we also co-art-direct together with Andreas Liedtke. See more... Donnerstag, 30. Oktober NEW: THREE D - Graphic Spaces Finally it's done! It's printed and released and available in your local bookstore - the book we have been working on together with Gerrit Terstiege, editor in chief of form Magazine for quite a while. With contributions by Steven Heller and Stefan Sagmeister. Have a look at the book HERE. www.three-d.ch Published by BIRKHÄ USER Donnerstag, 30. Oktober NEW: Super Mario Fashion Set Design for NEON Magazine. HERE Donnerstag, 30. Oktober NEW: Beef 03.08 New issue of beef magazine. HERE Donnerstag, 30. Oktober NEW: SURFACES - Book for Christine Schiewe We designed a book for the German artist Christine Schiewe. See it HERE. Donnerstag, 30. Oktober NEW: Posters Illustrative Zü rich Our Illustration for form Magazine was used for the Posters & Flyers for the Illustrative Art Forum in Zurich, where we also took part in the exhibition. Some of our work is also featured in the new magazine Objects published by the Illustrative. Montag, 20. Oktober NEW BOOK: Christiane Feser We designed a book for the German artist Christiane Feser which is published by Verlag fuer moderne Kunst Nuernberg. Christian Janecke Christiane Feser ARBEITEN / WORKS Paperback 128 Pages German / English ISBN 978-3-940748-50-8 BUY IT HERE www.christianefeser.de www.vfmk.de Sonntag, 19. Oktober The noisy Pling Illustration for NEON Magazine. HERE Sonntag, 19. Oktober Illustrative Zü rich We are showing our work at Illustrative Zü rich which will take place from October 17th to October 26th. ILLUSTRATIVE´ s 4th forum of illustrative an graphic arts will take place in the Zurich Messehallen. Illustrative Zü rich 08 4. International Illustrative Art Forum 17.10. – 26.10.2008 Messehallen Zü rich (Halle 9) Thurgauerstr. 11 8050 Zü rich-Oerlikon Open daily from 11 – 20 Uhr. Opening Reception 17 / 10 / 2008 Montag, 21. Juli Pixelgarten in Tokyo:) Photo by mgilette found at Flickr.com Together with Masaya Asai and Takayuki Nizawa from TBWA/Hakuhodo we did this years Artwork for the Laforet Grand Bazar 2008. Laforet is a big fashion departement store in Harajuku Tokyo. Sugoi!!! MORE IMAGES Mittwoch, 18. Juni UPDATES! ... we have some new projects online! see MONEY BEEF BREDA 6M1P MUPI and some more news below! Sonntag, 15. Juni Beef Magazine New Issue The new issue of beef Magazine has just been released! Get it here: www.beef-magazin.de Sonntag, 15. Juni Graphic Design Museum Breda We just returned from Breda, a very nice little city in the Netherlands where we took part in the European Championship of Graphic Design. An exhibition curated by Erik Kessels of KesselsKramer, held at the first Graphic Design Museum, which was just opened in Breda. The players in the European Championship of Graphic Design are: Browns (UK), Cum*(Belgium), Antoine+Manuel (France), Anthony Burrill (UK), Anna Szilit (Austria), Dennis Eriksson (Sweden), Fons Hickmann (Germany), HappyPets (Switzerland), Pixelgarten (Germany), Scott King (UK) and KesselsKramer(NL). Sonntag, 15. Juni Vertrautes Terrain at ZKM Karlsruhe »Vertrautes Terrain – Aktuelle Kunst in und ü ber Deutschland« We will exhibit at the Resonanzraum curated by Heiner Blum – amongst Hort, Vier5, eboy and many others at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) Karlsruhe. opening: 26.06.2008 | 18.00 ZKM | Center for Art and Media Lorenzstraß e 19 76135 Karlsruhe www.vertrautes-terrain.de Displaying results 1 to 15 out of 43 2 3 Next > To top  


Sonntag, 15. Juni Manystuff Magazine
Manystuff #0 - More real than fiction " With a magazine, Manystuff wants to extend its activities and induce by this paper medium discussions and exchanges by written and graphic reflections around a common problematic. For this first issue, Manystuff proposes to look into contemporary graphic creation through the prism of realism or even hyperrealism. At a time when a certain standardisation can be observed in numerical creation practices, a reinvestment can be seen in real space, its objects and its matter from which the designers obtain casual creations reflecting a concrete and true reality and highlighting the genesis of their forms." Buy it here
Sonntag, 15. Juni Paper Wars Exhibition
PAPER WARS is an exhibition of the Death Machines series of paper reproductions of classic weapons systems at Portobello Road's Craze Gallery. PAPER WARS is organized by PostlerFerguson www.postlerferguson.com www.paper-wars.com
Dienstag, 3. Juni Gute Aussichten Exhibition in Berlin
Gute Aussichten - Young German Photography at the Martin Gropius Bau, Niederkirchner Str. 7, 10963 Berlin. We exhibit our work Um was es nicht geht there. www.guteaussichten.org www.berlinerfestspiele.de/gropiusbau/
Mittwoch, 30. April Sunday Club - 04 / 05 / 08
The Nous Vous Collective invited us to exhibit at Sunday Club in Leeds this weekend. " Again an opportunity to mingle with like-minded folk, enjoy some comtemporary artwork in an un-intimidating environment, with hot coffee and lovely cake."
Dienstag, 15. April beef Magazine
We did the co-ArtDirection for beef – a quaterly German magazine together with Andreas Liedtke. www.beef-magazin.de
Dienstag, 15. April Curvy 2008
Some of our Illustrations are shown at the Curvy 2008 Exhibitions and in the book by yenmag. Exhibition Dates: Sydney Mori Gallery 168 Day Street Sydney Launch: Thursday April 3 (8-11pm) Public: Friday April 4-Sun April 6 (10am-5pm) Brisbane The Outpost & Blonde Venus -5a Winn St, Fortitude Valley Launch: Wednesday April 9 (8-11pm) Public: Thursday April 10- Sunday April 13 (11am-5pm) Melbourne Schwipe Don’t Come Gallery -Level 2/314 little Collins St, Melbourne Launch: Thursday April 17 (6-9pm) Public: Friday April 18 - Sunday May 3 (10am-5pm)
Freitag, 21. Mä rz Beautiful Decay Anthology Interview
Beautiful/Decay features an Interview with us by Sasha Lee in their Anthology Section. " Pixelgarten is a dynamic multi-disciplinary design duo. Melding the often dichotomized worlds of art, design, illustration, performance and beyond, Pixelgarten's inventive and fresh take on visual expression is at once playful and conceptually concrete. Beautiful/Decay recently had the opportunity to ask them about their inspiration, a typical day in the Pixelgarten studio, working as a team, and more." Beautiful/Decay Interview
Mittwoch, 27. Februar Intro Magazine
We did the Cover and a fashion shooting for the new issue of german Music Magazine INTRO.www.intro.de
Montag, 21. Januar Gute Aussichten at Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Our work " Um was es nicht geht" is currently exhibited at the Deichtorhallen – Haus der Photographie in Hamburg, Germany. The work is part of the group show " Gute Aussichten - Young German Photography". gute aussichten - bright prospects 2007/2008 young german photography 18. Jan 2008 – 24. Feb 2008 Opening: 17.01.2008 um 19: 00 Uhr Haus der Photographie – Deichtorhallen Hamburg Deichtorstrasse 1-2 / 20095 Hamburg The principle matter of concern of „Gute Aussichten / bright prospects“ is to organize a nationwide annual forum for talented young people working in photography. Thus „bright prospects“ is creating a link between the works of young photographers, the broad public, the interested viewer and professionals specified in photography. With works by: Catrin Altenbrandt und Adrian Nieß ler, Annette Grotkamp, Jon Adrie Hoekstra, Margret Hoppe, Andrej Krementschouk, Belaid le Mharchi, Agata Madejska, Caterina Micksch, Jö rg Obernolte, Christian Tiefensee
Freitag, 4. Januar Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you all! All the best for 2008! new work online: adc sushi magazine asked us to design a scout uniform for the new issue of the magazine. www.adcsushi.com
Montag, 17. Dezember Computerarts China
Computerarts Magazine from China had an article about Pixelgarten in their November Issue. More
Montag, 10. Dezember New Publications
Some of our works are shown in the following books and magazines: Logo A Lot, Computerarts China, Gute Aussichten, Page, Beef Magazine, Photo News, Profi Photo, Khooligan Moskau, Young Germany Design,...
Samstag, 1. Dezember Illustration for Horizont
We just finished Illustrations for German Magazine Horizont.
Dienstag, 20. November Illustrative Paris
Our images from Hoehenluft will be shown at the Illustrative in Paris which will take place from 30.11.07 until 09.12.07 at Espace Commines, 17 rue Commines, 75003 Paris. Illustrative Paris 2007 - Forum International d'Illustration Open daily from 11 am. to 10.30 pm Opening 29.11.2007 (invitation only) Venue: Espace Commines / 18, rue Commines / 75003 Paris Mé tro Filles du Calvaires / Oberkampf Bus: lignes 20, 65, 96.
Mittwoch, 26. September Shift.jo.org
Japanese online magazine Shift features Pixelgarten in their new issue. New issue of shift.jp.org Pixelgarten Cover Design for Shift in 2004 and we go myspace! www.myspace.com/pixelgarten




Freitag, 27. Juli

We did the Cover Design for the upcoming Die Gestalten Verlag Release " TACTILE - High Touch Visuals " which will be available in September. Some of our projects will also be featured in the book.

High Touch Visuals
Price: € 44, 00 / $ 65, 00 / £ 33, 00
ISBN: 978-3-89955-200-3


Freitag, 27. Juli

New Projects online:
Book: I'm not...
Book: Versuchsanodnungen

Donnerstag, 3. Mai
Form – the making of Design

For the 50th anniversary issue of the design magazine " FORM – the making of design" we did the cover design and 5 illustrations using different printing techniques like hot stamp foils, scratch-off foil and flocking.

Fü r die Jubilä umsausgabe des Magazins Form haben wir eine Illustrationsstrecke und ein Poster gestaltet die Illustration, Fotografie und verschiedene Veredelungstechniken, wie zum Beispiel Prä gung, Heiß prä gefolien und Flock miteinander kombiniert.

Form Issue 214

Donnerstag, 26. April
ADC sushi 09

We designed a playing card for the card game in sushi 09
Wir haben eine
Spielkarte fü r das Buch sushi 09 gestaltet.

sushi 9
Jahresheft des ADC-Nachwuchswettbewerbs 2006
Ca. 300 Seiten mit zahlreichen
farbigen Abbildungen
Format 23 x 26 cm | Broschur
Euro 19, 95 | sFr. 34, 95
ISBN 978-3-87439-727-8


Montag, 19. Mä rz
Freistil 3

Our Visa Wire Heads Illustrations are featured in the new " Freistil 3 – Best of European Commercial Illustration" book.
Unsere illustrationen
" Visa Wire Heads" werden in " Freistil 3 – Best of European Commercial Illustration" vom Hermann Schmidt Verlag Mainz gezeigt.

Freistil 3
Best of European Commercial Illustration
544 Seiten mit ü ber 1000 farbigen Illustrationen
Text deutsch | englisch
Euro 39, 80 | sFr. 65, –
ISBN 978-3-87439-716-2


Sonntag, 14. Januar
Stiftung Buchkunst

The book " Hier Vorne" was awarded at the " Schö nsten Deutschen Bü cher" (most beautiful german books) by Stiftung Buchkunst!!!

The Book

Hier Vorne


Dienstag, 2. Januar
New Illustrations

Illustrations for a german magazine

Sonntag, 3. Dezember
Um was es nicht geht II


Montag, 27. November
Um was es nicht geht

new work online

Freitag, 3. November
New Poster

Poster Design for the lecture of Prof. Martina Heß ler at HfG Offenbach

Freitag, 20. Oktober
Hier Vorne Posters

and some updates:

Hier Vorne

Dienstag, 3. Oktober
Hier Vorne at Frankfurt Book Fair 4/10 - 8/10/2006

" Hier Vorne" is a book and exhibition project which will be presented at this years Frankfurt bookfair. [www.hiervorne.de] Visit us at hall 4.1 U 133

»hier vorne«ist eine Ausstellung von neun Diplomandinnen und Diplomanden der Kunsthochschule HfG Offenbach auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2006. Die Studierenden des Kommunikationsdesigns zeigen ihre in Offenbach entstandenen, vielfach ausgezeichneten Arbeiten. Dabei handelt es sich u.a. um den weltweit ersten Atlas der Erdzeitalter sowie um verschiedene Ausgaben des Magazins fü r junge Kreativitä t»sushi«(Herausgeber ADC), um neuartige Bezahlkonzepte mit Visa Card, eine Zeitverschwendungs-
zeitung oder Veranstaltungsdesigns des grö ß ten japanischen Filmfestivals Europas»Nippon Connection«. Darü ber hinaus zeigen die Studierenden experimentelle Musikclips und Schriftfonts, digitale Illustrationen, komplexes Informationdesign und nachhaltiges Corporate Design. Die HfG Offenbach besetzt Platz 1 des von Fachjournalisten (Focus) erhobenen aktuellen Rankings der Kreativhochschulen im Bereich Kommunikation.

Ausstellung»hier vorne«:
Catrin Altenbrandt, Christina Fö llmer, Martin Gorka, Teresa Habild, Adrian Nieß ler, Katrin Schacke, Catrin Sonnabend, Cornelia Vogt und Violetta Walter

Kuratiert von Klaus Hesse
Johann Peter Baum, Cornelia Vogt

5. bis 8. Oktober 2006
Frankfurter Buchmesse, Messe Frankfurt,
Halle VIERpunktEINS, Kunstbuchverlage

Katalog zur Ausstellung:
5-farbig, 24 x 35 cm, 160 Seiten, ca. 200 Abbildungen
Verlag Hochschule fü r Gestaltung Offenbach am Main
ISBN 10: 3-921997-607
ISBN 13: 978-3-921997-607

Freitag, 19. Mai
MEDIUM | new screenmag

The new screenmagazine MEDIUM by Tetsuya Goto features some of our illustrations.



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