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Bottom border

Row 1: Work a standing sc into the bottom of the dress by one of the seams. Work 140 sc evenly around the bottom of the dress. Join to first sc with slip stitch.

Row 2: [Ch 6. Skip 4 sc. Work 1 sc into next stitch.] Repeat *[ ] around. Join with slip stitch.

Row 3: Work 1 slip stitch into each of 3 chains. [Ch 6. Work 1 slip stitch into next ch 6 space.] Repeat *[ ] around. Join with slip stitch. Fasten off and weave in ends.

M was pretty excited to get into her new dress, but when I pointed a camera at her, she got a bit shy. She wanted to brush my hair, so we traded. I took a few photos, she brushed my hair. She posed for a few more shots, I got to sit and have someone brush my hair. I think I fared pretty well in this bargain!

At one point, she just completely gave up and I grabbed a couple quick shots before the onset of the complete meltdown!

I’m really pleased with how this project came out, considering I didn’t have much of a plan for it going in. I’m even happier that M was willing to spend the whole day in it – the girl knows comfort for sure! Between this project and my previous cardigan, I’m been bitten by the clothing bug! It’s so interesting to see how clothes are put together from very simple shapes. Stay tuned by following me on Facebook (One Dog Woof) or Instagram (@1dogwoof) as I’m sure I’ll be experimenting with more clothing designs in the future!

I’d also love to know if you make this dress for a little girl, or if you decide to size it up or down for another age group. Share it with me on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #1dogwoof. I can’t wait to see your creations! Happy hooking!

I received product from We Are Knitters for this project and post. The pattern, all notes, instructions, photos and opinions are 100% my own.

I sometimes include affliate links in my supply lists. Purchasing from these merchants earns me a small commission with no extra cost to you, and goes towards supporting One Dog Woof.

Please be respectful and do not sell or distribute this pattern in any way, especially as your own. Instead, share the original blog post link! You can sell finished products made from this pattern by giving credit to One Dog Woof as the pattern designer and linking to the blog post. If you have any questions regarding distribution or translation of this pattern, please see my Terms of Use. Thank you for your consideration!


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