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Joseph mallord william Turner (1775-1851)

West End is the symbol of wealthy and luxurious life.

a) --- c) an

b) a d) the

4. I’d like to go shopping. ….. would my cousin.

a) too c) so

b) either d) neither

5. You mustn’t drink this. You mustn’t eat that …...

a) either c) neither

b) too d) so

6. We were late. The meeting ….. an hour before.

a) started c) had started

b) has started d) was started


7. She happened to look in that direction and saw a boy ….. of the house.

a) have been running c) to run

b) run out d) would run


8. The question ….. of great importance to them.

a) to appear c) appears to be

b) appearing d) is appeared

9. The goods ….. to have been packed very carefully.

a) doesn’t appear c) to appear

b) appears d)don’t appear

10. We are going to buy a car. By the end of the month our family …... money for it.

a) will have saved c) will save

b) would save d) will be saving

11. If Benjamin Franklin hadn’t worked so hard, he ….. the symbol of America.

a) hadn’t become c) wouldn’t become

b) wouldn’t have become d) didn’t become


12. I’ll go away ….. two weeks and I intend to visit three factories.

a) for business on c) in business in

b) on business for d) by business into


13. The products ….. for some time before they were sold.

a) are advertised c) had been advertised

b) will be advertised d) have advertised

14. There wasn’t much traffic in the street. I saw a little girl ….. the road.

a) cross c) crossed

b) to cross d) crossing

15. The police found out that Bob Slant ….. in London’s suburbs at that time.

a) lives c) has been living

b) lived d) had been living

16. My train leaves from …..Waterloo Station at 7.10 p.m.

a) --- c) the

b) a d) an


17. The results of the test seemed ….. them.

a) disappoints c)to have disappointed

b) to disappoint d) disappointed

18. The plan …… a great success.

a) is proving c)proved to be

b) provide d) was proved to


19. I was tired. ….. were the others.

a)either c) neither

b) too d) so


20. The sailors were not afraid to go out to sea …...

a) by the storm c) in spite of the storm

b) to the spite of the storm d) with the storm


Завдання ІІ. Read the text and choose the proper variant.


William Turner was the greatest landscapist of the 19th century. Although brought up in the academic traditions of the 18th century, he became a pioneer in the study of light, colour and atmosphere. He anticipated the French Impressionists in breaking down conventional formulas of representation; but, unlike them, he believed that his works should always express significant historical, mythological, literary, or other narrative themes. A line of development can be traced from his early historical landscapes that form settings for important human subjects to his later concentration on the dramatic aspects of sea and sky.

Turner entered the Royal Academy schools in 1789 and soon began exhibiting his watercolours there. His early work is topographical in character and traditional in technique, imitating the best English masters of the day. In 1806 he was painting oil sketches from nature which, in their direct and vivid rendering of the thing seen, anticipate Constable by almost ten years. As with Constable, light is still rendered by contrast, sparkling meadows set off by dark green bushes, trees silhouetted against the sky. But they have an elegance and artifice which Constable lacked, and we recognize that they are the work of a painter who is used to relying on his memory and to finding graphic equivalents for every phenomenon.

While Turner’s earlier paintings and drawings show the most accurate observation of architectural and natural detail, in his later work this precision is sacrificed to general effects of colour and light with the barest indication of mass. His composition tends to become more fluid, suggesting movement and space; some of his paintings are mere colour notations, barely tinted on a white ground. This approach may account for the large number of slightly brushed-in canvases found in Turner’s studio at the time of his death. These colourful abstractions are often more appreciated at the turn of the 21st century than the historical and mythological subjects he exhibited. In the 20th century a new appreciation of the abstract qualities of Turner’s late colour compositions strengthened his status as one of the most innovative and technically gifted painters of his century.

21. Turner’s earlier paintings show:

a) the power of nature

b) evocations of light and atmosphere

c) the relationship of man to his environment

d) the most accurate observation of architectural and natural detail

22. Last Turner’s paintings concentrated on:

a) the dramatic aspects of sea and sky

b) topographical paintings

c) historical landscapes

d) mythological themes


23. Turner … the French Impressionists in breaking down conventional formulas of representation

a) imitated

b) anticipated

c) copied

d) foresaw


24. Turner entered the Royal Academy schools in:

a) 1806

b) 1789

c) 1800

d) 1785


25. What strengthened Turner’s status as one of the most innovative and technically gifted painters of his century?

a) expressionistic studies of light

b) different narrative themes

c) late colour compositions

d) stylistic treatment of a landscape



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