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Read the text. Q. Many people like the idea of updating their interiors for the seasons

Q. Many people like the idea of updating their interiors for the seasons. What techniques do you use to transition your home from winter into spring/summer?

Tricia Foley: " I have a simple shades of white interior in my little country house that is a great backdrop for the changing seasons. In spring a bucket of bright yellow forsythia is usually blooming. Summer brings piles of shells and stones from walks on the beach. I also love to have jugs of roses from my garden all over the house. I roll up the rugs and put away the flannel sheets and comforters. Fall brings out wool throws draped over chairs, a fire in the fireplace, and bittersweet branches to bring a little bit of the outdoors inside. The holiday season is always a white Christmas for me. Amaryllis and paperwhites are potted with moss. Then I use greens and simple white lights on the tree."

Q. What decorating techniques/ideas/projects would you recommend to a homeowner who wants to rev up the look of a bedroom or living room for spring, without spending a fortune?

Tricia Foley: " I find that all my friends are simplifying and just having the things they love around them. I find that clutter is so distracting and high maintenance. When you have a simple backdrop, it is easy to change a look with sheets, flowers, or arranging a collection in a new way. Sometimes, you don't even appreciate what you have, when you have too much around! "


shell – раковина, ракушка

comforterамер. стеганое ватное одеяло

fall – амер. осень

bring out – вытаскивать

to pot – сажать в горшок

moss – мох

to rev up – зд. оживлять

clutter – суматоха, неразбериха


2. True or false?

1) Homeowners usually change the interiors of their homes during winter.

2) Tricia prefers white colours in decorating her country house.

3) Tricia tells about decorating of the house during all the seasons of the year.

4) Tricia decorates her house with white colours only in winter.

5) In Tricia’s opinion a simple design background of your home is a perfect base for any stylish change of the interior.


3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

обновление, переход, оттенки, сворачивать ковры, шерстяные покрывала, без особенных денежных трат, упрощать, отвлекающий, поменять вид, ценить


4. Match the words to the definitions, then fill in the gaps with these words in an appropriate form:

1) to update a) to cover or decorate with folds of cloth

2) technique b) to put into a correct, pleasing order

3) shade c) in the open air

4) to drape d) a slight darkness; a degree of variety of colour

5) to spend a fortune e) a method of doing something

6) to arrange f) to make more modern

7) outdoors g) to waste money


1) He seems … on decorating his flat.

2) They tried … the look of the room before Christmas holidays.

3) The walls in this room … in the finest silk.

4) This artist uses light and … to good effect.

5) They want … furniture in an appropriate way so that there will be a lot of space.

6) If you want to learn to paint, I suggest you study Raphael’s ….

7) She hates spending weekend …, that’s why she goes camping every chance she gets.

8) It was painted in various … of blue.


5. Translate into English:

1) Многие люди любят обновлять интерьер помещений для каждого времени года.

2) Дизайнер использует специальные техники для сезонного декора интерьера.

3) Если интерьер имеет основной простой фон, то мы можем легко изменить внешний вид интерьера при помощи различных декоративных дополнений (аксессуаров).


6. Work in pairs and discuss season decorating of the interior. Use the following phrases:

to update the interior

to use decorating techniques / ideas

season dé cor

winter (spring …etc.) decoration of the house

different shades of …

to rev up the look

to change a look with …

to arrange in a new way


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