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VII. Fill in the gaps by using suitable prepositions.

1. This followed criticisms that some councils in Scotland were dominated …… a single party.

2. STV uses multi-member constituencies of 3 or 4 councillors ……. ward.

3. This will no doubt make it difficult to get things passed if there is not agreement ……. the parties.

4. This is not a perfect classification but will explain the social class influences …..voting behaviour

5. Although there are always exceptions, party loyalty closely corresponded …….social class.

6. The electorate was becoming better educated through more access …… the media, which gave increasingly more information ……. politicians and parties.

7. The Labour party has tended to benefit …….the ethnic minority vote, especially the Afro-Caribbean vote.

8. People tend to buy the same newspaper regularly, often ………easons other than its political stance.

9. All party leaders have at some time complained ……..the BBC, which suggests that it is impartial in its coverage.

10. Letting readers know it has switched its support ……. the Labour Party …… the Conservative Party.

11. The Internet now plays an important role ………influencing voters.


VIII. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.(at the lesson)

To drop out

To turn out

To look for

To come out

Run up


Then search for collocations related to these words in the dictionary. Follow the links given below.

· https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/election

· https://www.collinsdictionary.com

· https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/tate-modern



IX. Translate the following sentences.


1. It is hoped that more people will turn out to vote however, it will lead to coalitions running many Scottish councils.

2. Voters supporting Labour accounted for 64% of the total vote.

3. By 1979, this had fallen to 57% of the total vote and the decline continued throughout the 1980s confirming that the British public were moving away from voting according to class.

4. However, although it appears that voters are moving away from their natural class, statistics suggest that voting behaviour and class are still linked to some extent.

5. The media is the means whereby voters form opinions on the ability of political leaders and whether the Government is doing a good job or not.

6. It is assumed that radio and television coverage of political issues is impartial.

7. Voter apathy is a major obstacle for all political parties and politicians alike, with only 61% of voters turning out to vote in the 2005 General Election.



X. Fill in the gaps in the text by suitable election related words. (at the lesson)


XI. Discussion Point. Prepare any 5 topic related questions


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