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The Keyboard


a) Study this keyboard. The keys are in four sections. Can you name any of the sections?

b) Listen to this description of the keyboard in Task 2. Label each section of the diagram:

a) … b) … c) … d) …




c) Study these statements about keys. The verbs in italics are in the Present simple. We use the Present simple to describe things which are always true:

This key moves the cursor down.

This key copies the screen display.

This key doesn't have a fixed function.


d) Look at the statements (1-7) and correct the ones which are wrong:

e.g.: This key moves the cursor down.

It doesn't move the cursor down. It moves the cursor up.

If you are not sure, ask another student:

e.g .: What does this key do?


                This key moves the cursor down.     This key moves the cursor to the right.     This key inserts a character.     This key copies the screen display.     This key moves the screen up.     This key doesn't have a fixed function.     This key gives you all lower case letters.


e) Using the information from the Listening on page 18, and in Task 7, describe what these keys do:



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