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Comparing Computer Types

a) Match these names to the different types of computer:


1 mainframe 2 laptop 3 notebook 4 handheld 5 PC 6 minicomputer





b) Study these details of different types of computer. Find the answers to these questions:

Which type of computer is:

1 the most common?

2 small enough for a pocket?

3 the most common portable?

4 used by many people at the same time?

5 used like mainframes?

6 also called a handheld computer?

7 the most powerful?

8 not suitable for a lot of typing?


Types of computer Notes
Mainframes Large, powerful, expensive. Multi-user systems – used by many people at the same time. Used for processing very large amounts of data. The most powerful mainframes are called supercomputers.
Minicomputers Used like mainframes. Not as big, powerful, or expensive as mainframes. Less common now because microcomputers have improved.
Microcomputers or Personal computers (PCs) The most common type of computer. Smaller, cheaper, and less powerful than mainframes and minicomputers.


Types of portable Notes
Laptop About the size of a small typewriter. Less common now because smaller and lighter portables are available.
Notebook About the size of a piece of writing paper. The most common type of portable.
Subnotebook Not quite as big as notebooks. Can fit into a jacket pocket.
Handheld or Palmtop Small enough to fit into the palm of one hand. Not easy to type with because of their size. Specialized handheld computers known as PDAs are used as personal organizers.


c) Grammar Revision: Comparison


Study this comparison of three types of computer.

  Mainframes Minicomputers Microcomputers
Size +++ ++ +
Power +++ ++ +
Cost +++ ++ +


1 We can compare one type of computer with another:


Minicomputers are bigger than microcomputers.

Mainframes are more expensive than microcomputers.

For negative comparisons, we can say:

Microcomputers are not as big as minicomputers.

Microcomputers are not as powerful as mainframes.

2 We can compare mainframes to all other types of computer:


Mainframes are the biggest computers.

Mainframes are the most powerful computers.

Mainframes are the most expensive computers.


With short adjectives (big, small, fast), we add -er and -est (faster, fastest).

With longer adjectives (powerful, expensive), we use more/less and the most/the least before the adjective (more powerful, the most powerful).


Remember these two exceptions:

good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst


d) Choose the correct adjective. Then fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective:

1 light/heavy

Laptops are 1___ than desktop computers, but 2___ than notebooks.

2 large/small

The mainframe is the 3___type of computer. A minicomputer is 4___ than a microcomputer.

3 common/good

Personal computers are 5___ than mainframes but mainframes are 6___ than personal computers at processing very large amounts of data.

4 powerful/expensive

Minicomputers are 7___than mainframes but they are also 8___.

5 fast/cheap

New computers are 9___ and sometimes 10___than older machines.

6 powerful/expensive

Laptops are often 11___ than PCs but they are not as 12___.


e) In pairs, decide what sort of computer is best for each of these users:

1 John Wilmott is a salesperson and he spends a lot of time visiting customers. He wants a computer to carry with him so he can access data about his customers and record his sales.

2 Pat Nye is a personnel officer. She needs a computer to keep staff records and to keep a diary of appointments. She also needs a computer for writing letters.

3 The University of the North needs a computer to look after its accounts, its network, the records of all students and staff, and to help with scientific research.

4 The James family want a computer for entertainment, writing letters, the Internet, and for calculating tax.

f) Put the words in brackets into the correct form to make an accurate description of sizes of computers:

There are different types of computer. The (large)1___ and (powerful) 2___ are mainframe computers. Minicomputers are (small) 3__ _ than mainframes but are still very powerful. Microcomputers are small enough to sit on a desk. They are the (common) 4__ _ type of computer. They are usually (powerful) 5 ___ than minicomputers.

Portable computers are (small) 6__ _ than desktops. The (large) 7___ portable is a laptop. (Small) 8___ portables, about the size of a piece of writing paper, are called notebook computers. Subnotebooks are (small) 9___ than notebooks. You can hold the (small)10___ computers in one hand. They are called handheld computers or palmtop computers.

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