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The Case of The Maximillian J. Ferrar Affair

The telephone rang.

" Artemus Flint, detective, here."

" Flint? This is Maximillian J. Feirar."

Flint, like everyone else, recognised the name of the famous industrialist. His voice took on a slightly awed, more respectful tone.

'Yes, Mr. Ferrar. How can I help you? "

You can come right over here to my office and protect me-keep them from getting me."

" Them? I'm afraid-"

" The kidnappers! " shouted Ferrar angrily. " Or abductors! Or whatever you call them! They're out to steal me! Or hijack me! Or - "

" Calm yourself, Mr. Ferrar, " urged Flint, " and tell me what this is all about."

" I received a note this morning, " said a somewhat less hysterical Mr. Ferrar. " It was made up of words and letters dipped from newspapers and pasted together. It said that I'm going to be kidnapped and held for ransom. The note threatens that-"

Through the receiver, Flint heard the Other man's phone fall, then some moans, a few rushed footsteps, and then a click as the phone was hung up.

Flint's course of action was dear. Moments later he was speeding to the Ferrar building, fortunately located quite near his own office, taking the elevator up to the 29th floor, knocking on the heavy wooden door, and facing a middle-aged woman on whose desk was a sign reading " Cara de la Vie."

" Are you the private secretary of Maximillian J. Ferrar? " Flint asked her.

'Yes, that's right, " replied the woman, clearly wary of the nervous, sweating little man before her.

" I've got to go into Mr. Ferrar's office right away! " exploded Flint. " I'm afraid that something terrible has happened to him! "

" Don't be ridiculous, " said the secretary, smothering a yawn. " Mr. Ferrar is perfectly all right. He's in his office now, and he gave me strict orders to let absolutely no one in. He's not to be disturbed at all now."

" But don't you see, this is a matter of life and death! " thundered Flint, lunging toward the door. But the secretary was ahead of him.

" No one goes in, " she said in steely tones, blocking his way. " I've been private secretary to Maximillian J. Ferrar for 20 years, and I never disobey his orders".

Flint decided to try another approach.

" All right, " he said calmly. " I'll take your word for it that Mr. Ferrar is well and in his office. Perhaps you can take a message for him".

" Certainly, " replied the secretary sweetly, returning to her desk and picking up a pen.

'Tell Mr. Ferrar that Detective Artemus Flint was here to see him but that he was not - "

" Wait a minute! Not so fast! " interrupted the woman, who had begun writing the message down in a neat script.

Flint chose this moment to rush to the door to Ferrar's office, open it, and plunge in before the secretary could run around her desk.

Ferrar was nowhere to be seen. A few papers were scattered on the floor, and the private exit door from Mr. Ferrar's office was dosed.

Taking in the situation at once, Flint went to Ferrar's phone and called the police. " Maximillian J. Ferrar has been kidnapped from his office, " he told them. " If you come to the Ferrar building right away, you can catch an accomplice of the kidnappers. "



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