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Commercial Artists

Responsibilities: Illustrate ideas through sketches, draw­ings, and other works. Prepare artwork for newspapers, magazines, advertisements, book illustrations, designs on commodity packages.

Aptitudes and Skills: Ability to visualize ideas on paper; to design; to prepare mechanicals; to estimate time needed to complete a project; to work under pressure to meet dead­lines. Knowledge of tools; layout techniques; composition; software. Aesthetic appreciation. Visual creativity. Form perception. Color discrimination.

Computer Operators

Responsibilities: Monitor and control computers to process data according to predetermined instructions. Select and load input and output units with materials such as tapes or printout forms. Observe the machines for stoppage or faulty input.

Aptitudes and Skills: Ability to approach problems meticu­lously; to follow detailed and organized procedures. Knowl­edge of computer systems and equipment; of technical language used in operating instructions and computer manuals; typing.


Computer Programmers

Responsibilities: Write computer programs and other coded instructions for computers to perform a desired task. Decide upon the information needed to solve a problem; prepare a flowchart; write complete, step-by-step instruc­tions. Test programs; correct errors. Write documentation.

Aptitudes and Skills: Ability to organize ideas and data; to communicate technical information orally and in writing; to organize time to meet deadlines; to work with little room for error. Knowledge of programming techniques and limitations. Above average numerical ability and clerical perception.

Computer Repairers

Responsibilities: Maintain and repair computers and computer-related equipment. Install equipment. Provide routine service including cleaning and oiling mechanical parts; checking electronic equipment. Determine the cause of breakdowns and replace parts. Answer customers' ques­tions on maintenance.

Aptitudes and Skills: Mechanical, numerical, spatial abili­ties. Good close vision; normal color perception; normal hearing. Knowledge of electronics; of elementary computer theory, computer math, circuitry theory; of proper use and care of specialized tools and testing equipment; of appro­priate technical manuals; of preventive maintenance record keeping procedures. Ability to deal with people; to work under pressure. Knowledge of programming helpful.

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