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Тема 6. Discussing controversial topics of family law. Part 2.

Тема 1. Introduction to Legal Language


1. What's legal language and how does it function? What's the nature of legal language?

2. What is theory of speech acts and how does it help to construct legal world?

3. How is it possible to acquire needed legal language skills? Legal writing. Legal speech.

4. How to succeed in legal debates/address the court correctly?


Reading Sources:


1. Lord Denning, The Discipline of Law// The 1st chapter: Command of language


Notable researchers:


J. Austin, J. Searle, L. Fiorito, Y. Masaki


List of the words to be memorized:

Civil law, criminal law/penal law, common law, case law, judge-made law, adversarial system, inquisitorial system, and etc.


Тема 2. Discussing specifics of courts (focusing on ECHR)

1. Types of national courts.

2. Types of international courts.

3. Persons in courts.

4. Structure of ECHR. Structure of the Court of Justice of the EU.

5. Specifics of the named courts.


Reading Sources:


1. Treaty of the European Union

2. European Convention on Human Rights


List of the words to be memorized:


Judge, defendant/respondent, claimant/plaintiff, bailiff, clerk, advocate, reasonably prudent person, appellant/petitioner, expert witness, and etc.


Тема 3. Fair trial

1. Definition of the term (according to the ECHR practice).

2. National and international legal acts protecting the right for fair trial.

3. Relevant case-law. Discussion.


Reading Sources: adding them later


List of the words to be memorized: adding them later

Тема 4. Freedom of expression. Hate speech. Politics and Media.

1. Definition of the terms (according to the ECHR practice).

2. National and international legal acts protecting freedom of expression.

3. Relevant case-law. Discussion.

Reading Sources: adding them later


List of the words to be memorized: adding them later

Тема 5. Discussing controversial topics of family law. Part 1.


1. What is marital contract? Is it necessary to sign it today? Pros and cons of doing that. Comparing marital contracts in different states.

2. Family abuses? How should we deal with them? Do women and kids need to have a right to sue their husbands/dads for such abuses? Why has the legal act regulating family abuses been prepared for more then 15 years and why hasn't it been passed yet? (+NGOs and there status in Russia).


Reading Sources: adding them later


List of the words to be memorized: adding them later



Тема 6. Discussing controversial topics of family law. Part 2.


1. Why do women become surrogate mothers? What rights do they have? What are incumbents upon these women? What are their legal obligations? And do they or can they have any moral ones?

2. Is it necessary to define parenthood for the adopted kid? Does he or she have to know the truth about his or her biological parents or should this information be kept in secret? Since what age can the child start looking for his or her real parents? What's special about biological and social parenthood?


Reading Sources: adding them later


List of the words to be memorized: adding them later


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