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Taking the Initiative

Summary 3-4

Read this text and answer the questions

AL: What's eating you?

BILL: What do you mean? I'm fine.

AL: No, you aren 't. Come on, whatever it is, get it off your chest.

BILL: Well … see that woman over there? Her name's Elizabeth. I've been trying to find a way to meet her for months, and now, here she is. But I don’t have the guts to walk over there.

AL: Come on, Bill! This is your chance. Just give it a shot. What do you have to lose?

BILL: She wouldn't be caught dead with me.

AL: Why do you say that?

BILL: Oh, let’s just skip it, ok? I don't know why I even told you.

AL: How do you know her, anyway?

BILL: We work in the same building.

AL: Well, I think you should just bite the bullet, go over there, and start a conversation.

BILL: Maybe later.

AL: Why put it off? Who knows? You two might hit it off.

BILL: That'll be the day.

AL: Why are you so negative all of a sudden? I’ve never seen you like this.

BILL: Maybe you're right. I should just take the initiative and walk over there. But what should I say?

AL: Now you're talking. Just introduce yourself and start talking about the party or mention that you've seen her at work. She's bound to recognize you, too.

BILL: Well, maybe. Oh... you’re probably right. If I pass up this chance, I'll never forgive myself. Well, here I go. Wish me luck!


Are these sentences true or false?

1. This is the first time that Bill has seen Elizabeth.

2. Bill has a lot of confidence in himself.

3 Al offers to tell Elizabeth that Bill wants to meet her.

4 Al gives Bill advice about what to say to Elizabeth.

5. Al wants to meet Elizabeth’s friend.


New Phrases:

What’s eating you? – Какая муха тебя укусила? Что тебя гложет?

get it off your chest – облегчить душу, признаться

have the guts – решиться, иметь мужество сделать что-то

give it a shot – попробовать

wouldn’t be caught dead (with me, Ving smth) испытывать отвращение, омерзение, лучше умереть, чем..., ни за что на свете

Skip it! – Неважно! Забудь!

bite the bullet – решиться сделать что-то неприятное, сделать что-то собрав волю в кулак

put it off – откладывать что-то

hit it off – понравиться друг другу, ладить с кем-то

That'll be the day! – после дождичка в четверг, этому никогда не бывать

take the initiative – брать на себя инициативу

Now you're talking! - вот это другой разговор!

be bound to - рано или поздно, наверняка

pass up – отказаться, пропустить


Practice Homework for the 3-rd of October

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