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Writing Comprehension Test


In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages pro­vided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials


For 8th Form Students

1. Television and computer games will soon lead to disappearing of books.

2. People don't need sport to live happily.

3. There is no ideal school in the world.


For 9th Form Students

1. Food is a very important part of our lives as we must eat to live, but not live to eat. What is your favourite dish and how is it made? Tell about the process of preparing the dish. What are the ingredients and where do you buy them? Why do you love this dish so much? Does it mean something special to you?

Mobile phones have become more and more popu­lar around the world. In some countries, people depend on mobile phones to do their daily jobs or to keep in contact with other people. But what would the world be like with­out mobile phones? Have mobile phones truly improved the quality of life of those who use them?

You have been called upon to create a new national holiday for Ukraine. What person or event do you choose to honour, and why? When would you have the holiday, and how would this affect the celebration? What traditions will be associated with this holiday? Why will this holiday appeal to citizens around the country?


For 10th Form Students

1. If you were the president of the country what country would you choose to rule? Why? What would you do to make the life of your people better?

It is often said that “the world is getting smaller. How has the technology made the world smaller? What most influential inventions have made us think so? What are the advantages and disadvantages to live in a more connected world?

Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.



For 11th Form Students


1. Many years ago, pupils graduating secondary schools were expected to know the basics of Latin, Greek and French. Yet today, many students leave school without knowing the basics of one foreign language.

• Which system of education do you prefer, the old or current?

• Is it important to learn a foreign language in school? Why?

• How could learning Latin, ancient Greek or other dead languages, help you in life?

2. What roles do our friends play in our life? Do they have positive or negative influences? What do you look for in a friend?

3. What do you believe to be the greatest problem in today’s society? Explain why you consider it to be so bad. How would you propose to do away with this problem?


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