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122.1 Answer the questions about the pictures. Use in, at or on with the words below the pictures.

(bottle), (traffic lights), (arm), (door), (Paris), (wall), (top/ bottom /stairs), (gate), (end/queue), (beach)

1. Where's the label? _On the bottle._

2. Where is the car waiting? ---.

3. Where's the fly? ---.

4. a. Where's the notice? ---.

b. Where's the key? ---.

5. Where's the Eiffel Tower?. ---.

6. Where are the shelves? ---.

7. a. Where's the woman standing? ---.

b. And the cat? ---.

8. a. Where's the man standing? ---.

b. Where's the bird? ---.

9. Where's Tom standing? ---.

10. Where are the children playing?. ---.

122.2 Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + one of the following:

the window your coffee the mountains that tree my guitar the river the island the next garage

1. Look at those people swimming _in the river._

2. One of the strings --- is broken.

3. There's something wrong with the car. We'd better stop ---.

4. Would you like sugar ---?

5. The leaves --- are a beautiful colour.

6. Last year we had a wonderful skiing holiday ---.

7. There's nobody living --- It's uninhabited.

8. He spends most of the day sitting --- and looking outside.

122.3 Complete the sentences with in, at or on.

1. Write your name _at_ the top of the page.

2. I like that picture hanging --- the wall the kitchen.

3. There was an accident --- the crossroads this morning.

4. I wasn't sure whether I had come to the right office. There was no name --- the door.

5. --- the end of the street there is a path leading to the river.

6. You'll find the sports results --- the back page of the newspaper.

7. I wouldn't like an office job. I couldn't spend the whole day sitting --- a desk.

8. My brother lives --- a small village. the south-west of England.

9. The man the police are looking for has a scar --- his right cheek.

10. The headquarters of the company are --- Milan.

11. Nicola was wearing a silver ring --- her little finger.



UNIT 123 In/at/on (place) (2)

A. In

We say that somebody/something is:

in a line/in a row/in a queue/in a street

in a photograph/in a picture/(look at yourself) in a mirror

in the sky/in the world

in a book/in a newspaper/in a magazine/in a letter (but 'on a page')

* When I go to the cinema, I prefer to sit in the front row.

* I live in King Street. Sarah lives in Queen Street.

* Who is the woman in that photograph? (not 'on that photograph')

* Have you seen this article in the paper (=newspaper)?

* It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

B. On

We say that somebody/something is:

on the left/on the right

on the ground floor/on the first floor/on the second floor etc.

on a map/on the menu (in a restaurant)/on a list, on a farm

* In Britain we drive on the left. (or. on the left-hand side.)

* Our flat is on the second floor of the building.

* Here's a shopping list. Don't buy anything that's not on the list.

* Have you ever worked on a farm?

We say that a place is on a river/on a road/on the coast:

* London is on the river Thames.

* Portsmouth is on the south coast of England. We say that a place is on the way to another place:

* We stopped at a small village on the way to London.

C. The corner

We say 'in the corner of a room', but 'at the corner (or on the corner) of a street':

* The television is in the corner of the room.

* There is a public telephone at/on the corner of the street.

D. The front and the back

We say in the front/in the back of a car:

* I was sitting in the back (of the car) when we crashed.

but at the front/at the back of a building/cinema/group of people etc.:

* The garden is at the back of the house.

* Let's sit at the front (of the cinema). (but 'in the front row'--see Section A)

* I was standing at the back, so I couldn't see very well.

Also on the front/on the back of a letter/piece of paper etc.:

* Write your name on the back of this envelope.



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