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Make sentences from the words in brackets.

1. I can't find the tickets. (I/seem/lose/them) _I seem to have lost them._

2. I haven't got far to go. (it/not/worth/take/a taxi) _It's not worth taking a taxi._

3. I'm feeling a bit tired. (I/not/fancy/go/out) ---.

4. Tim isn't very reliable. (he/tend/forget/things) ---.

5. I've got a lot of luggage. (you/mind/help/me,?) ---.

6. There's nobody in the house. (everybody/seem/go out) ---.

7. We don't like our flat. (we/think/move) ---.

8. The vase was very valuable. (1/afraid/touch/it) ---.

9. Bill never carries money with him. (he/afraid/robbed) ---.

10. I wouldn't go to see the film. (it/not/worth/see) ---.

11. I'm very tired after that long walk. (I/not/used/walk/so far) ---.

12. Sue is on holiday. I received a postcard from her yesterday. (she/seem/enjoy/herself) ---.

13. Dave had lots of holiday photographs. (he/insist/show/them to me) ---.

14. I don't want to do the shopping. (I'd rather/somebody else/do/ it) ---.


Complete the second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first.

1. I was surprised I passed the exam. I didn't expect _to pass the exam._

2. Did you manage to solve the problem? Did you succeed _in solving the problem? _

3. I don't read newspapers any more. I've given up ---.

4. I'd prefer not to go out tonight. I'd rather ---.

5. He can't walk very well. He has difficulty ---.

6. Shall I phone you this evening? Do you want ---?

7. Nobody saw me come in. I came in without ---.

8. They said I was a cheat. I was accused ---.

9. It will be good to see them again. I'm looking forward ---.

10. What do you think I should do? What do you advise me ---?

11. It's a pity I couldn't go out with you. I'd like ---.

12. I'm sorry that I didn't take your advice. I regret ---.




Units 68-7

26. Put in a/an or the where necessary. Leave an empty space (-) if the sentence is already complete.

1. I don't usually like staying at (-) hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at _a_ very nice hotel by _the_sea.

2. --- tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice --- week if I can, but I'm not --- very good player.

3. I won't be home for --- dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after --- work and we're going to --- cinema.

4. --- unemployment is very high at the moment and it's very difficult for --- people to find --- work.

5. There was --- accident as I was going --- home last night. Two people were taken to --- hospital. I think --- most accidents are caused by --- people driving too fast.

6. Carol is --- economist. She used to work in --- investment department of --- Lloyds Bank. Now she works for --- American bank in --- United States.

7. A: What's --- name of --- hotel where you're staying?

B: --- Imperial. It's in --- Queen Street in --- city centre. It's near --- station.

8. I have two brothers. --- older one is training to be --- pilot with British Airways. --- younger one is still at --- school. When he leaves --- school, he hopes to go to --- university to study --- law.




Units 25, 37, 111-11

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