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Exercise 6. Поставьте some, any, no.

Lesson 1

Introduce Yourself.


Exercise 1. Образуйте

A) множественное число:

· City, photo, lady, leaf, advocate, tomato, university, life, faculty, piano, bookshelf, half, academy, zero, lawyer, place, page, judge, knife, problem crime, court, thief, law, witness, victim, address, face, loss, reply, guy, mother-in-law, enemy, possibility, lie, investigator, criminal, subject, students, class-mate, question, box, offence;

· child, ox, goose, woman, foot, man, tooth, policeman;

· crisis, stimulus, basis, curriculum, spectrum, datum, radius, phenomenon, formula.

B) Единственное число:

· rules, countries, crimes, taxes, cities, holidays, positions, diagnoses, sentences, people, sciences, teachers, certificates, laws, dictionaries, women, lawyers, photos, pianos, watches, lorries, pence, feet, analyses, witnesses, thieves, actions.


Exercise 2. Поставьте существительное во множественное число и произведите необходимые изменения в предложениях.

A 1. The boy is a student. 2. The girl is from China. 3. The man is a doctor. 4. The lady is very nice. 5. The car is in the street. 6. The book is on the shelf. 7. The wolf is big and grey. 8. The child is in the bedroom. 9. The woman is in the office.
B 1. This judge works at the court. 2. Sometimes young criminals commit (совершать) such a crime. 3. He is a student of our University/Law Institute. 4. An experienced (опытный) lawyer represents him in court. 5. The childspeaks English well. 6. A passer-by saw the accident (Прохожий видел происшествие). 7. The Policeman interviews the victim.


Exercise 3. Исправьте ошибки (если есть).

1) The childs are in the garden.

2) These mens are drivers.

3) The dogz are very clever.

4) The oxes are in the field.

5) Her foot are little.

6) Five ladyes are absent.

7) My tooth are white.


Exercise 4. Вставьте подходящее местоимение this, that, these or those.

1).... girl here is my friend.

2).... big cat there is from India.

3) car there is very old.

4).... box here is very small.

5)...dogs there are very clever.

6) animals here are white mice.

7) animals there are grey cats.

Exercise 5. Выберите подходящее местоимение.

1) Are (this/these) your books?

2) Who are (this/those) people?

3) (That/Those) men are mechanics.

4) Is (that / those) your sister's bike?

5) (This / These) are my friends Kevin and Bill.

6) Are (that / those) pictures a birthday present from your aunt?

7) (These / this) is my bed.

8) (That / those) are his magazines.

9) This is an apple and (those / that) are oranges.

10) What is (these / this)?

Exercise 6. Поставьте some, any, no.


1.There are... pictures in the book.

2. Are there... new students in your group?

3. There are... old houses in our street.

4. Are there... English text - books on the desk? - Yes, there are....

5. Are there... maps on the walls? - No, there aren’t....

6. Are there... pens on the desk? - Yes, there are....

7. There are... beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.

8. There is... ink in my pen: I cannot* write.

9. Is there... paper on your table?

10. It is winter. There are... leaves on the trees.

*cannot - отрицательная форма модального глагола can - мочь, уметь

Exercise 7. Изучите карточку и ответьте на вопросы.


Surname Smith
First name Dan
Country London
Job Lawyer
Address 42, Muswell Hill Road, London, N10 3JD
Phone number 020 8863 5741
Married? Yes
Children son (7) and daughter (11)


1) What’s his surname?

2) What his first name?

3) Where is he from?

4) What is his job?

5) What’s his address?

6) What is his phonenumber?

7) How old/young is he?

8) Is he married?

9) Does he have any children?

10) How old/young is his daughter?


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