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Search Action Message

2.27.11 After a search action plan is developed as discussed in section 5.13, it is provided to the OSC and SAR facilities on-scene in a search action message. Potential parts of the message are given below. Appendix L contains an example.

2.27.12 The message should include a summary of the on-scene situation, including the nature of the emergency, the last known position, search target description, types of detection aids and survival equipment which survivors may have, present and forecast weather, and SAR facilities on-scene.

2.27.13 The message should include a listing of the search area(s) and sub-areas that can be searched by the SAR facilities in the allotted time.

2.27.14 The message should assign primary and secondary control channels, on-scene, monitor and press channels, and special radio procedures, schedules, or relevant communication factors.

2.27.15 It is better to release the message early. If a " first light" search is being planned, parent agencies providing SAR facilities should typically receive the message at least six hours before departure time. The message can always be expanded or amended later.


2.27.16 The message normally includes six parts:

(a) Situation: includes a brief description of the incident, position, and time; number of persons on board (POBs); primary and secondary search targets, including the amount and types of survival equipment; weather forecast and period of forecast; and SAR facilities on-scene.

(b) Search area(s): presented in column format with headings for area, size, corner points, other essential data.

(c) Execution: presented in column format with headings for area, SAR facility, parent agency, pattern, creep direction, commence search points, and altitude.

(d) Co-ordination: designates the SMC and OSC; SAR facilities on-scene times; track spacings and coverage factors desired; OSC instructions, e.g., on use of datum marker buoys; airspace reservations; temporary sea exclusion zones; aircraft safety instructions; SAR facility change of operational control information if pertinent; parent agency relief instructions; and authorisations for non-SAR aircraft in the area;

(e) Communications: prescribes control channels; on-scene channels; monitor channels; SAR vessel electronic identification; and press channels.

(f) Reports: requirements for 05C reports of on-scene weather, progress and

other SITREP information; and for parent agencies to provide at the end of daily operations, e.g., sorties, hours flown, area(s) searched, and coverage factor(s).


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