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Module 2.



Public Relations Department of Humanities

Credits Term-4

Lectures, 1 practical 2014-2015 academic year

As. Profess. Golikova Valentina Ivanovna

Module 1


L1. Introduction – 1 hour

Social, political and economic causes of PR emergence. PR in contemporary world. Professional terms and definitions.

L 2. PR models – 1 hour

Development of PR science. Models of PR. Models of Grunig.

L 3. History of PR- 1hour

History of PR in the USA. PR as professional activities and as academic discipline. American founders of PR.

L 4. Development of PR in Europe.- 1hour

Foundation of PR in Britain. Development of PR. Founders of PR service. Contemporary PR in GB.

L 5. PR as a process- 1 hour.

Projects’ managment in professional activities. Fuctions of a manager in PR. Types of information. Types of target auditorium. Data base, its sources. Information campaigns in regions.

L 6-7. Research in PR – 1 hour.

Goals and tasks in campaign, general strategy, determination of key problems and profiles of target auditorium. Strategy of a campaign. Development of strategy.

L 8.. Strategy in PR. Public, public opinion -1 hour.

Main structural organizations: agency; professional activities: information, public opinion formation, crises management. Impact of PR on public opinion.

L 9. Target auditorium – 1hour

Definition of target and key auditorium, types of target auditorium; journalists as target auditorium. Opinion leaders. Corporate image. Firms’ style.

L 10. Self- evaluation process in PR -1 h.

Preparation for self- evaluation process. Self- evaluation. Fiunal stage of self- evaluation.

L 11. Corporate PR – 1 hour.

Peculiarities of corporate management. Staff qualification and work with staff. Staff promotion. Multinational organizations and ethnopsycolocical work with staff. Management and corporate culture.

L 12. Corporate image – 1hour.

Formation of corporate image. Factors of influence on company’s image. Formation of image. Auditorim of image. Development of image.

L 13. Strategy and tactics of mass- media using in PR.- 1 hour.

Media-plan; functions and tasks of specialist in media relations; PR specialist and press-secretary; media programs; press- centres.

L 14. Preparations of materials for mass media -1 hour

Professional standards in mass media- PR relations. Positioning and clients.

L 15. PR in business – 1h.

Public policy of business. Ethics of PR in business.Corporations and environment. Product publicity.

L 16. Crisis in business and PR -1 h.

Strategy development at crisis. Business- PR in the USA. Repositioning at crisis.

Module 2.

L 17. PR in politics – 1h.

Political consulting. National models of political consulting. Public relations communication at the time of crisis.

L 18.. PR and politicians promotion -1 h.

Image of a political man. Psychological characteristics of leaders. Methods of political leaders image optimization.

L 19. Political consulting during election campaign – 1h.

Peculiarities of political consulting during election campaign. Election campaign planning. Strategy and tactics of election campaign. “ Information wars” during election campaign.

L 20. Propaganda and PR – 1h.

Difference and similiarity between PR and propaganda. Propaganda as political instrument for promotion of politicians (Hitler, Stalin). Propaganda in the USSR.

L 21. Contemporary politics and propaganda. Information wars-1h.

Propaganda as a means of country/ system promotion. Functions of PR specialist and propaganda.

L 22. International PR – 1h.

PR tasks in the sphere of international relations. PR – agencies’ experience in international relations. Image of a country and PR actions on image improvement.

L 23. Written documents in PR- 1 h

Kinds of written documents in PR – service; information letter, image corporate documents, ads. Corporate documents. Staff relationships documents: bulletin, newspaper.

L 24. Press- release – 1 h.

Press- release preparation. Requirements for press- release. Press- release distribution.

L 25. Tactics of speech- 1 h.

Speech preparation for clients. Main requirements. Client preparation. Special actions for effective speech.

L 26. Information warfare

What is information war. Theoretic assumption

Examples of information warfare in history and contemporary politics

L 27. Press- conference -1 h.

Press- conference and the main requirements. Kinds and forms of press- conferences. Evaluation of press- conference.

L 28-29. New technologies in PR – 1h.

Communication and Internet. E- mail and PR. Computer technologies for meetings and press-conferences.

L 30. Video-presentation and TV- conferences – 1h.

Preparation of video-presentation., main requirements. Satellite and video- and teleconferences


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