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We can know ourselves well and we should turn inward to address this challenge. The better we know ourselves the better we will be able to direct ourselves.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 14 из 14
A. I agree ______________ B. I disagree _______________ C. I'm still out with the asteroids _______________ * When it comes to turning inward, I will recognize if it gets uncomfortable and stop. Yes ____________ Initials ______________ * I am committed to knowing myself better and to using that knowledge to improve my functioning as a self-directing person. Signed ________________________ 4. Focus Your Attention. What does this mean? It means that we are able to bring our attention to bear fully on the object, issue or situation that interests us. And it means bringing our attention to full alert, full intensity. But that is not the end. You are alone at home and you hear a sound and become attentive-alert. You hear a second sound and you double your intensity. When you hear another sound, you engage. That means you are now at “Defcon 3” a stage of heightened alert in which you are engaged with the sound to figure out what it is and if it signals danger. The sound of broken glass and you will likely take action to repel or report what is happening. Attention can also be called on when the tap leaks, a paper is due the next day, or your boss wants you to solve the company’s pirate problem in the waters off Somalia. You can achieve focused attention but it takes practice, contantly. Practice attention by regularly pausing to focus on something in your environment. Hold your focus on, say, a sprinkler head in the ceiling at the mall. Just hold your attention on it. Turn on all of your senses. Look closely and see every detail. Listen for sounds it might be making; imagine what it feels like to touch. Next, engage; begin to question what it is, what it’s for, how it works, and so on. Force yourself to become absorbed. That is the model of work in self-direction; focused, alert, intense, absorbed. We make ourselves fully attentive when we need to; it is a power we have to be able to turn on when we need the light of understanding and the engine of productivity. We benefit greatly if we can also focus attention inwardly in the form of visualization, concentration, memory, argument, creation, and a host of other inner abilities that greatly increase our ability to be generative and productive, and enable us to grow. Here is the test on Focusing Attention. Answer True or False: 1. We pay attention in order to repair our plumbing. ____
One of the keys to productivity is process thinking. When you know what you want to accomplish, or to become, the next step is to find the most effective process for getting the job done. In order to be productive, it’s important to be organized. Many people recommend planning every step in detail, other people prefer to get started and feel their way into the project, their plan ahead forming and reforming in their minds as they go. The more complex the project and the more people involved, the more planning seems to be essential.
Here is another test. This time choose the best answer: 1. The underlying theme of productivity is a. Process b. Posture
a. is one approach b. are many approaches
a. learn to drive b. have the drive
a. our resistance b. the French Resistance
a. plan ahead b. dance in a closet
6. Develop Character.
Quality is expressed in the work we do and how we do it. We can just get the job done, or we can produce the best product we can. It is also expressed by the quality of our performance. We can just get by or perform at the highest possible level. These will be two themes developed throughout this program: the pursuit of excellence in the product and in the performance. In self-direction this is the expression of character. 1. I recognize that to be successful at self-direction I have to develop certain qualities of character, such as, courage and determination. a. Yes ____ b. No ____ c. Undecided ____
a. Very____ b. Not____
a. Yes ____ b. No ____ c. Initials ______
7. Become. To progress even further, we challenge ourselves. How far we go will depend mainly on the level of challenge we are able and willing to accept. We all live in a sphere of possibility, inhabiting only a small corner of it. The intent of this program is to guide you to inhabit as much of that sphere of you can, to urge you to find out what you can accomplish, and who you can become. We want you to develop as close to your outer limits as you can. But we know that when you approach those limits they will have moved, and you will still be on your way to becoming.