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Questions. 1. Are there many holidays in Great Britain?

1. Are there many holidays in Great Britain?

2. What is a " banc holiday"?

3. What is the most popular holiday in Britain?

4. When is Christmas celebrated?

5. What are the traditional Christmas songs called in Britain?

6. What do children leave at the end of their beds and why?

7. What do the British do on Boxing Day?

8. What is the name of New Year's Eve in Scotland?

9. When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated?
10. What do you know about Guy Fawkes?






Tim This afternoon I'm taking my cousin and my uncle to a football match. Simon's never seen a professional game. Uncle Guy hasn't seen one for years. Today's match is between Arsenal and Liverpool. Both of these teams are very good this season. I haven't seen Liverpool this season. They're often one of the best teams in the first division. I often go to football matches.

I usually go to Highbury to see Arsenal. Their games are always good. I sometimes go to see Chelsea. Some of their games are good, others are bad. Rugby's another exciting sport, but I don't usually go to rugby games. The best sport's football.



The teams

Tim Look, Simon. The teams are coming onto the field. Have you ever seen Arsenal?
Simon No, I haven't.
Tim What about Jane? Has she ever seen a football match?
Simon No, she's never seen one. She doesn't like football. Have your parents ever seen a professional game?
Tim No, they haven’t seen any professional games.
Simon Which ones are Arsenal?
Tim They're in red and white.

Simon Who's kicking off?

Tim Liverpool.

Simon Are both teams good this season?

Tim Yes.

Simon Which one's better?

Tim Liverpool are usually better than Arsenal but this year Arsenal are the best in the division.
Simon Do they ever lose?

Tim Oh yes. They sometimes lose but they usually win. They don't often have a bad day.
Simon Which team do you support?

Tim I've always supported Arsenal.

Simon Me too. Dad's never liked Arsenal.

A goal

Tim Liverpool haven't scored yet... what's wrong?
Mr. Hunt I'm not worried yet. They've only been on the field for half an hour. This is only the first half.

Tim Look, there's Moore. He's running up the wing. He's good.

Mr. Hunt No, he isn't; he's bad. He's worse than the other winger.

Tim He's already scored one goal for Arsenal. Oh look! He's near the penalty area.
Anil there's Blaire. He's Liverpool's worst defender. He's tackling Moore.
Mr. Hunt That's not Blaire; that's Blake. He's Liverpool's best player.
Tim Collins is better than Blake. Look! Moore's in the penalty area now. He usually scores... Yes! Look at that... a goal!
Mr. Hunt What's the score now?

Tim Arsenal two: Liverpool nil. What a game!

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