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A Few General Rules
(a) Always stress the syllable before one that's pronounced [fn] -ssion/-tion, [fs] -cious/-tious, [fl] -cial/-tí al, etc. e. g. a'ttention 'spacious, arti'ficial. permission, consci'entious sub’stantial (b) In words ending in -ic, -ical, -ically the stress is on the syllable before -ic (historic — historical — historically), except 'Arabic, a'rithmetic, 'lunatic, 'heretic, 'politics, 'rhetoric (but in adjectives;. arith'metic, he'retical, po'litical, rhe'torical). (c) A great many words are stressed on the last syllable but two. e. g. i'lluminate, ther'mometer, ge'ology, phi'losopher.
Words ending in -ology, -onomy, -osophy, -ologist, etc. always follow this rule.
(d) Words ending in -ese have the stress on this syllable, e. g. Chinese, journa'lese. The following groups of words have two primary stresses: 1. Polysyllables with separable prefixes having a distinct meaning of their own: Negative prefixes un-, dis-, поп-, in-, ir-, -il, im-; mis-: ‘ un 'able, ' disa 'ppear, ʼn on -'smoker, 'in'accurate, 'illegal, 'i'rregular, 'i'mmoral, 'misunderstand. but: un'usual, im'possible, mi'stake. 2. Numerals from 13 to 19. 3. Compound numerals, e. g. 'twenty-'three. 4. Compound adjectives, e. g. 'well-'known, 'absent-'minded. 5. Compound verbs, e.g. to 'give 'in, to 'take 'off, to 'try 'on. The majority of compound nouns are usually single-stressed: 'reading-room, 'apple-tree, 'raincoat, 'blackboard. Double-stressed compound nouns are rare; e. g. 'gas-'stove, 'gas-'ring, 'absent-'mindedness, 'ice-'cream. Compound adjectives have generally two stresses: 'clean-'shaven, Vell-'bred, 'first-'class. Compound adjectives with only one stress on the first element occur when the second element is semantically weak, e. g. 'springlike, 'oval-shaped. Exercise I. Read the following: (a) un'aided, Warmed, 'anticy'clonic, ʼn on-'resident, 're'pack, 'ex-'minister, 'pre'paid, 'mi'sspell, 'mis'place, ʼn nder'dressed, Vice-'admiral, 'pre-'history, 'ultra-'fashionable. (b) 'good-'looking, 'old-'fashioned, 'bad-'tempered, 'absent-'minded, 'home-'made, 'yeĩ lowish-'looking, 'square-'shaped. (c) 'carry 'out, 'come a'cross, " get 'up, 'see 'off, 'go 'on, 'point 'out, 'sit 'down, 'fall 'out, 'blow 'out, 'fall 'back, 'bring 'forth. (d) 'apple-tree, 'bystander, 'daybreak, 'birthday, 'pillow-case, 'schoolboy, 'suitcase, 'time-table, 'hair-do, 'housewife, 'nothing, 'nonsense, 'everything, 'fireplace. (e) 'butterfly, 'newcomer, 'blacksmith, 'airplane, 'bluebottle, 'blackbird, 'strongbox, 'overwork. (f) 'abstract — to ab'stract; 'commune — to co'mmune; " contest — to con'test; 'rebel — to re'bel; 'import — to im'port; 'forecast — to fore'cast; 'produce — to pro'duce. (g).modification,, aristo'cratic,.mathematician,.qualification,, archaeo'logical,.ornamen'tation,, represen'tation, ad.mini'stration, a, ssimi'lation, con.side'ration, examination. Exercise II. Mark the stresses and read the words. (a) completion, efficient, invasion, financial, advantageous, vivacious, photogenic, scientific, materiaĭ istic, musical, geographical, technical, psychology/psychological, meteorology/meteorologist, ideology/ideologist, Viennese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Cantonese, Balinese. (b) photograph, photographer, photographic; politics, political, politician; competing, competitor, competition; analyse, analysis, analytical. (c) teapot, washstand, mail-bag, grandfather, handwriting, shopkeeper, office-boy, waiting room, tape-recorder, ground-floor, crossquestion, flat-footed, second-hand, post-graduate, vice-president, greenish-looking, underpopulated, ultra-modern, non-payment, antinational, non-stop, reread, misuse, put on, fix up, pick out, make up, bluebell, black-face, bread-and-butter, red-book, blue-stocking. (d) insult — to insult; object — to object, subject — to subject; present — to present; protest — to protest; outlay — to outlay, outgo — to outgo; record — to record. Exercise III. Read and memorize: (a) 1. 'bad-'tempered 2. 'eigh'teen a 'bad-tempered 'boy 'eighteen 'students 'John's bad-'tempered 'number eigh'teen (b) 1. 'How can such a 'good-natured " woman 'have such a 'badtempered vdaughter? 2. The 'mother's ex'tremely good-xnatured | but the 'daughter is unbelievably bad-vtempered. 3. There's a 'goodlooking xgirl over, there. 4. She's 'quite good-Rooking. 5. The 'train 'leaves at 'three sixteen. 6. She's 'bought 'twenty-five vbooks. 7. It 'happened in 'nineteen twenty-xfive. 8. He was 'born in 'nineteen nineteen. 9. /Thirteen /fourteen /fifteen, sixteen /Seventeen /eighteen xnineteen. 10. They were 'eighteen. 11. I said it 'sixteen xtimes. c) 'Picca'dilly 'Piccadilly 'Circus Waterloo " Waterloo 'Station Tra'fą lgar 'Square Trafalgar Square 'Fountains 'Hyde " Park 'Hyde Park 'Corner The 'Albert 'Hall The 'Albert Hall 'concert 'Covent 'Garden 'Covent Garden " Market Exercise IV. Transcribe, intone and read the dialogue: Photography or Politics? Diana: What have you decided to do after college, Jeremy? Jeremy: I'm going to take up photography. Mr McKenzie's recommended the course at the Institute. He believes I could make a career as a photographer. Diana: You'll have to develop your own photographs. That requires technical skill. Jeremy, you're not a technician! And photographic materials are very expensive. Jeremy: Well, Diana, Mr McKenzie thinks there's a possibility I might win the Observer competition. I sent in four entries. All the competitors are amateurs, like myself. Diana: I detest competitions. I never agree with the decision of the judges! I'm going to be a politician. I shall become the most distinguished woman on the political scene! Jeremy: I thought you hated competing! Don't tell me politics isn't competitive!