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Historical phonology (2)
1. Phonetic inventory and the structural system of oppositions in the Indo-European vocalic system 3. The development of IE e 4. Biphonemic clusters 5. Types of mutation Key-words: umlaut, ablaut, palatal/velar mutation, assimilation, quantitative/qualitative changes, schwa indogermanicum, musical pitch tone, dynamic (force) stress. Questions and tasks: 1. What functions of ablaut / umlaut do you know? 2. Which of the Proto-Indo-European vowels remained unchanged in the system of Germanic languages? 3. Which type of mutation was more popular in Germanic languages? 4. What are the stimuli of mutation? 5. Find the examples of words to illustrate the process of umlaut in Germanic languages 6. What kind of changes are called quantitative and which – qualitative ones? Bring the examples for each. 7. Find examples to illustrate the process of ablaut. 8. Prove the relatedness of the following words: Lat. aqua, Russ. Ока, OHG. aha, OE. ea «river». 9. Explain the relatedness of Engl. Goose and Germ. Gans. 10. Explain the sound change in the following words: ModGerm. Rü cken and OHG hrukki. 11. Define the type of IE vowel interchange in the following: Goth. bairan – bar – bē rum – baurans Goth. leiþ an – laiþ – liþ um – liþ ans Goth. tiuhan – tauh – tauhum – tauhans Goth. bindan – band – bundum – bundans Goth. giban – gaf – gē bum – gibans Goth. wairpan – warp – waurpum - waurpans 12. Define the type of IE vowel interchange in the following: Germ. binden – Bund Germ. springen – Sprung Germ. finden – fand – gefunden Germ. fahren - Fuhrt Engl. begin – began – begun Engl. swing – swung Engl. bind – bound Engl. bear – bore Engl. break – broke Engl. give – gave – given Engl. run – ran – run Engl. spin – span – spun Engl. find – found Engl. rise – rose – risen 13. There are Lat. flos, Goth. bloma, OHG bluoma, Germ. Blume. Are the abovementioned words genetically related? Explain vowel changes. 14. Prove relatedness and explain vowel changes in Goth. nati, OHG nezzi, Engl. net. 15. Look at the following: Lat. piscis, Goth. fisks, OE fisc, Engl. fish, Ger. Fisch and reconstruct IE vowel in the root of the word. 16. Prove the relatedness of lat. mater, OInd. matar, Russ. мать, Ukr. мати, OE moð or, OHG muoter, Engl. mother, Ger, Mutter. 17. Formulate the rule of the change IE e > Gmc. i looking at the correspondences Lat. ventus, Goth winds, Engl. wind, Germ. Wind. 18. There are Germ. Qual ‘trial, suffering’, OHG quelan, OE cwelan, Lith. gelti ‘sting’, Russ. колоть. Prove the relatedness and reconstruct IE root. 19. There are Germ. ü ber, OHG ubar, Engl. over, OE ofar, Goth. ufar, Gk. hyper, Lat. super. Explain the correspondences and reconstruct IE root. 20. There are Germ. Flut ‘stream’, OHG flout, Goth. flodus, Engl. flood, Gk. plotos ‘floating’. Explain the correspondences and reconstruct IE root.