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Glossary. Abolish - do away with (laws, regulations, customs, etc.); put an end to something.

Abolish - do away with (laws, regulations, customs, etc.); put an end to something.

Ally - a country, person, or group allied with another.

Bill - a statute in draft, before it becomes law.

Boost - help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.

Burgess - (in England) a) a citizen or freeman of a borough; any inhabitant of a borough; English history a Member of Parliament from a borough, corporate town, or university.

Comprise - to include; contain.

Consumption - the act of consuming or the state of being consumed, esp. by eating, burning, etc.

Controversy - dispute, argument, or debate, esp. one concerning a matter about which there is strong disagreement and esp. one carried on in public or in the press.

Dependency - a territory subject to a state on which it does not border

Domestic - of or involving the home or family.

Dominion - a name formerly applied to self-governing divisions of the British Empire.

Empire - an aggregate of peoples and territories, often of great extent, under the rule of a single person, oligarchy, or sovereign state.

Enactment - the enactment of a law is the process in a parliament or other law-making body by which the law is agreed upon and made official.

European Economic Community - the former W European economic association created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957; in 1967 its executive and legislative bodies merged with those of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community to form the European Community (now part of the European Union).

Expansion - the act of expanding or the state of being expanded.

Farming - the business, art, or skill of agriculture.

Favoritism - the favoring of one person or group over others with equal claims; partiality: to show favoritism toward the youngest child.

Franchise - usually preceded by t the right to vote, esp. for representatives in a legislative body; suffrage; any exemption, privilege, or right granted to an individual or group by a public authority, such as the right to use public property for a business; commerce authorization granted by a manufacturing enterprise to a distributor to market the manufacturer's products; the full rights of citizenship.

Hereditary - relating to, or denoting factors that can be transmitted genetically from one generation to another.

House of Commons - is the part of parliament in Britain or Canada whose members are elected. The building where they meet is also called the House of Commons.

House of Lords - the upper chamber of Parliament, composed of the peers of the realm.

Institution - an organization or establishment founded for a specific purpose, such as a hospital, church, company, or college.

Legislation - the act or process of making laws; enactment.

Levy - impose and collect (a tax, tariff, fine, etc.)

Literacy - the quality or state of being literate, esp. the ability to read and write.

Majority - the greater number or part of something.

Monarchy - a form of government in which supreme authority is vested in a single and usually hereditary figure, such as a king, and whose powers can vary from those of an absolute despot to those of a figurehead.

Nepotism - patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics: She was accused of nepotism when she made her nephew an officer of the firm.

Non-partisan – a person or group that is non-partisan does not support or help a particular political party or group.

Offshore - based or operating abroad in places where the tax system is more advantageous than that of the home country.

Parliamentary - of or characteristic of a parliament or proceeding from a parliament or Parliament.

Petition - a written document signed by a large number of people demanding some form of action from a government or other authority.

Policy - a plan of action adopted or pursued by an individual, government, party, business, etc.

Prerogative - an exclusive privilege or right exercised by a person or group of people holding a particular office or hereditary rank.

Principal - first in importance, rank, value, etc.; chief.

Privatization - the transfer to private ownership and control of assets or enterprises which were previously under public ownership. Privatized assets may have been under direct state ownership, or owned by local authorities, for example council houses in the UK, or by state-owned public corporations.

Privy - participating in the knowledge of something secret.

Productivity - the output of an industrial concern in relation to the materials, labor, etc., it employs.

Prowess - exceptional valor, bravery, or ability, esp. in combat or battle; exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength: his prowess as a public speaker.

Raucous - harshly or hoarsely loud.

Representative - a person or thing that represents another or others.

Rural - of, relating to, or characteristic of the country or country life.

Scrutiny - close or minute examination; a searching look; (in the early. Christian Church) a formal testing that catechumens had to undergo before being baptized.

Shrink - contract or cause to contract as from wetness, heat, cold, etc.

Societal (adj) -noting or pertaining to large social groups, or to their activities, customs, etc.

Sovereign - a person exercising supreme authority, esp. a monarch.

Statute - an enactment of a legislative body expressed in a formal document.

Substantial - of a considerable size or value substantial funds; worthwhile; important a substantial reform; having wealth or importance.

Suffrage - the right to vote, esp. in public elections; franchise.

Summon - order to come; send for, esp. to attend court, by issuing a summons to order to come; send for, esp. to attend court, by issuing a summons.

Supreme - of highest status or power.

Taxation - the act or principle of levying taxes or the condition of being taxed.

the Commonwealth - official name: the Commonwealth of Nations an association of sovereign states, almost all of which were at some time dependencies of the UK. All member states recognize the reigning British sovereign as Head of the Commonwealth.

Treaty of Rome - the 1957 treaty that set up the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union

Tripartite - divided into or composed of three parts; involving three participants

Urban - of, relating to, or constituting a city or town.


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