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Sheila Burrows
Mitchell Hill plc 11—15 Montague Street
London EC1 5DN
FACSIMILE +44(0) 2076254019
EMAIL McLean@mithil.co.uk
29 June 20—
Marcus Bauer
Fü rstenweg 110
D-30000 Hanover 71
Dear Herr Bauer
Thank you for your letter of 21 June 20—. We currently have two vacancies in the
Securities Department which might be of interest to you.
I am enclosing an application form, and a booklet giving details of Mitchell Hill,
including the salary structure and conditions of employment for trainees on
temporary contracts. Would you please complete the application form and send it
to Helen Griffiths, Human Resources Department, at the above address.
You will see from the form that we require two referees. I suggest that you include
the names and contact addresses of your Director and an academic referee from the
University of Munich.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Yours sincerely
Sheila Burrows
Sheila Burrows (Miss)
p.p. David McLean
Securities Manager
Application form Ref Mitchell Hill plc Merchant Bank
Post 11—15 Montague Street London EC1 5DN
| Surname (Mr Mrs Miss Ms) Bauer Forname(s) Marcus
| Maiden name ― Age 28 Date of Birth 12 Nov 19—
| Marital status single No of children ― Ages ―
| Address Fü rstenweg 110, D-30000, Hanover 71
| Tel daytime (49) 511-506941x155 Tel evening (49) 511-251068
| Next of kin Mr Kurt Bauer, father (see above address)
| Education
| School/univ/college From To Address
| Secondary Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium 20— 20— Herrenhausen Str.D-30000
Hanover 21
| Higher Universitat Mü nchen 20— 20— Hittorfstr. D-80000 Mü nchen
| Examinations
| Have you any of the following skills?
| Title Grade Subject(s) Date
| IT skills: (Tick appropriate box)
Desktop publishing (DTP)
Keyboard skills
Bookkeeping to TB
Customer contact
Driving License
| Diploma 1 Business studies/ 20—
Abitur 1 20—
LCCI Higher Business English 20—
Cambridge Proficiency B English 20—
| Languages
| Fluent Good Fair
| French
| English
| Employer’s Name and Address From To Position and Duties Salary
| International Bank 20— 20— Assistant to Director £ 22, 000
Georgenplatz 108 of International Securities Dept.
D-30000 Hannover 1 Bying and selling securities
| Names and addresses of two referees
| Herr Prof. K.Weil, Universitat Mü nchen, Hittorfstr. D-80000 Mü nchen
Herr Wolfgang Lü ers, Director, International Securities, International Bank,
Harvesthunderweg 7—9, D-60373, Hannover 15
| Hobbies/activities
| Reading, chess, skiing, swimming, and tennis
| Can we approach your Employer for a reference? Yes No
| When will you not be available for an interview? Date(s) before 5 Sept.
| Date 17 July 20— Signature