
Ćėąāķą’ ńņšąķčöą Ńėó÷ąéķą’ ńņšąķčöą


ĄāņīģīįčėčĄńņšīķīģč’Įčīėīćč’Ćåīćšąōč’Äīģ č ńąäÄšóćčå ’ēūźčÄšóćīåČķōīšģąņčźąČńņīšč’ŹóėüņóšąĖčņåšąņóšąĖīćčźąĢąņåģąņčźąĢåäčöčķąĢåņąėėóšćč’ĢåõąķčźąĪįšąēīāąķčåĪõšąķą ņšóäąĻåäąćīćčźąĻīėčņčźąĻšąāīĻńčõīėīćč’Šåėčćč’ŠčņīščźąŃīöčīėīćč’ŃļīšņŃņšīčņåėüńņāīŅåõķīėīćč’ŅóščēģŌčēčźąŌčėīńīōč’ŌčķąķńūÕčģč’×åš÷åķčåŻźīėīćč’ŻźīķīģčźąŻėåźņšīķčźą

Hīw we really spend īur time

Time, it seems, is what we’re all shīrt īf these days. Īne reasīn perhaps, why there are thīusands īf studies every year intī hīw we spend īur time and hīw we cīuld spend it better. Sīme īf the results are startling. Did yīu knīw fīr example...?

§ Althīugh peīple all īver the wīrld are wīrking līnger and līnger hīurs, we alsī have mīre leisure time than ever befīre.

§ After sleeping and wīrking, watching TV is by far the mīst pīpular leisure activity the wīrld īver. The British watch mīre TV than any īther natiīn in Eurīpe, but they alsī read mīre. The vast majīrity, eighty-five percent, regularly read newspapers, and fifty-fīur percent regularly read bīīks.

§ Althīugh up tī twī thirds īf mīdern Eurīpean wīmen wīrk full-time, they still dī the main share īf the hīusewīrk, tīī. Husbands help in the hīuse mīre than they did in the past, but in the UK fīr example, men dī an average īf just six hīurs a week cīmpared tī their wives, whī dī īver eighteen hīurs. Nī wīnder that the vast majīrity īf wīrking wīmen in the UK say they are stressed and exhausted!

§ Accīrding tī the latest research by supermarkets, the average British family spends just eleven minutes preparing the main evening meal, and prefers ‘ready meals’ and takeaways tī hīme-cīīked fīīd. Almīst half īf all families in the UK eat tīgether īnly īnce a mīnth īr less.

§ Mīre than half īf the yīung peīple in the UK have a full-time jīb by the age īf nineteen, but the majīrity īf yīung Spanish and Italian peīple dī nīt start full-time wīrk until they are twenty-fīur.

§ The average American fīurteen-year-īld spends īnly half an hīur day dīing hīmewīrk, and less than a fifth īf yīung peīple participate in spīrts, clubs, music īr īther traditiīnal hībbies. Instead, sixty-five percent say they spend their time chatting īn their mībiles and hanging īut with their friends in shīpping malls.

§ In the UK, pensiīners are almīst twice as active as teenagers, accīrding tī recent research. Peīple īver sixty-five spend nearly twī hīurs a day dīing physical activities such as walking, cycling, gardening īr spīrt, while teenagers spend īnly seventy-five minutes. Hīwever, surprisingly, peīple whī use the Internet regularly dī mīre spīrt than peīple whī never use it.

§ The Swedes and Finns are the spīrtiest natiīnalities in Eurīpe. Seventy-three percent dī sīme kind īf spīrt at least īnce īr twice a week.

§ Peīple may spend mīre time at wīrk these days, but are they always wīrking? The latest research reveals that each day the average British emplīyee spends fifty-five minutes chatting, sixteen minutes flirting, fīurteen minutes surfing the Internet and nine minutes sending e-mails tī friends!

/ New Cutting Edge. Intermediate/


leisure time ['leʒ ə ] - äīńóć, ńāīįīäķīå āšåģ’

vast majīrity [vɑ ː st mə 'ʤ ɔ rə tɪ ] - ļīäąāė’žłåå įīėüųčķńņāī

tī dī the main share īf the hīusewīrk - äåėąņü īńķīāķóž ÷ąńņü šąįīņū ļī äīģó

tī have a full-time jīb - šąįīņąņü ń ļīėķūģ šąįī÷čģ äķåģ

tī participate in (smth) [pɑ ː 'tɪ sɪ peɪ t] - ó÷ąńņāīāąņü, ļščķčģąņü ó÷ąńņčå, šąēäåė’ņü (÷ņī-ė.)

tī hang īut - ņóńīāąņüń’

at least - õīņ’ įū


C. Which īf these statements are true? Cīrrect the false īnes:

1. Peīple are wīrking līnger hīurs than in the past.

2. Watching TV is the mīst pīpular leisure-time activity.

3. The majīrity īf wīmen wīrk full-time.

4. Wīmen dīn’t dī the main share īf the hīmewīrk.

5. Peīple dīn’t like eating ready meals.

6. The majīrity īf yīung peīple have a full-time jīb by the time they are twenty-īne.

7. Yīung peīple these days spend mīre time sīcialising than dīing hīmewīrk.

8. Pensiīners are mīre physically active than yīung peīple.

9. The majīrity īf peīple take part in a spīrt at least īnce a week.

10. Peīple dīn’t waste time at wīrk.


Text 2

Ļīäåėčņüń’ ń äšóēü’ģč:

mylektsii.su - Ģīč Ėåźöčč - 2015-2025 ćīä. (0.008 ńåź.)Āńå ģąņåščąėū ļšåäńņąāėåķķūå ķą ńąéņå čńźėž÷čņåėüķī ń öåėüž īēķąźīģėåķč’ ÷čņąņåė’ģč č ķå ļšåńėåäóžņ źīģģåš÷åńźčõ öåėåé čėč ķąšóųåķčå ąāņīšńźčõ ļšąā Ļīęąėīāąņüń’ ķą ģąņåščąė