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A. Найдите в каждом предложении подлежащее и ска­
зуемое и так называемый " Независимый причаст­
ный оборот", который включает существительное
(иногда с предлогом with) и причастие с относя­
щимися к нему словами; причём существительное,
стоящее перед причастием, никогда не совпадает
с подлежащим всего предложения.

Б. На русский язык " Независимый причастный обо­рот" передаётся придаточным обстоятельственным предложением или сочинительным предложением, присоединяемым словами причём, и, а, но или бессоюзно (то есть существительное становится подлежащим, а причастие - сказуемым русского предложения).


The human heart is divided by a septum into two halves - right and left - each half being further divided into two cavities, the upper of the two being termed the auricles and the lower - the ventricles.

У человека сердце разделено перегородкой на две половины - правую и левую, - причём каждая половина в свою очередь делится на две камеры; верхние камеры называются предсердиями, а ниж­ние - желудочками.

B. Переведите предложения.

1. Veins have thinner walls than arteries, the difference in thickness being due to
the smaller amount of elastic and muscular tissues.

2. The white blood cells are less numerous than the red cells, the ratio being about
one white cell to every six hundred red cells.

3. The pulse is usually examined at the radial artery at the wrist, the advantage of
position being that the artery is near the surface and easily compressed against
the bone.

4. The frequency of pulse varies with age and also with sex, adult female having six
or eight more beats a minute than male.

5. The stomach is shaped like a pear, its broad end lying to the left under the ribs,
and its narrow end at the lower level on the right side.

6. Like the stomach, the intestines are in constant movement, the movement being
necessary for mixing the contents and for their propulsion through the body.

7. One end of the muscle is more fixed than the other, the rigid end being known
as the origin of the muscle.

8. The liver secretes bile more or less continuously, the amount in 24 hours varying
from a pint to more than a quart.

9. Formation of the clot occurs in three stages, each involving the production of a
special chemical substance.


10. The way the kidneys excrete substances changes in the first few years after birth,
with different mechanisms maturing at different times.

11. In arrhythmia, the rhythm may be regular, as in the normal heartbeat, with each
beat of the atria being followed by one beat of the ventricles, or it may be

12. The diagnosis having been made, it remains to be determined whether the syndrome
is caused by hyperplasia, an adenoma, or adenocarcinoma.

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