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Упражнение 82
А. Найдите в предложениях определения, выраженные особой формой прилагательного, второй частью которого является слово -shaped, означающее " имеющий форму" (на форму указывает первая часть сложного определения). Например: V-shaped имеющий форму буквы V (V-образный) Б. Переведите предложения. 1. Animal cells may be round, egg-shaped, or rectangular. 2. Blood platelets are small coin-shaped particles, much smaller than the red cells. 3. Chromosomes are V-shaped pieces seen in the nuclei of cells during cell division, 4. The pancreas lies within the abdomino-pelvic cavity in the J-shaped loop between 5. Men has two bean-shaped kidneys located in the posterior part of the abdomen. 6. A tonsil is an almond-shaped mass of lymphoid tissue at either side of the back 7. A snail-shaped bony canal, the cochlea, winds two and a half times around a 8. The L-shaped palatine bones form the posterior portion of the hard palate. 9. The clavicles are S-shaped bones that originate at the superior and lateral border
10. The hyoid is a small U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue supporting the 11. The horseshoe-shaped large intestine begins at the end of the ileum and ends at 12. Mitochondria are sausage-shaped bodies with a highly folded interior. 13. Smooth muscle consists of spindle-shaped cells 40-200 mm long and 4-20 mm 14. The scapula is a flat triangular-shaped bone, that has certain prominent processes. 15. Each tracheal cartilage is C-shaped. The closed portion of the С protects the РАЗДЕЛ 17 Значения некоторых приставок Упражнение 83 A. Найдите в предложениях слова с отрицательным Определите, какой частью речи являются эти слова. Б. Отбросив приставки, составьте антонимические пары слов и дайте их перевод. Например: complete - incomplete полный - неполный B. Переведите предложения. 1. Connective tissue consists mainly of long fibers embedded in noncellular matter, 2. In surgical patients suffering from the condition there is frequently sudden and 3. Many drugs produce some very useful action but have in addition some highly 4. Crohn's disease is believed to be a genetic disorder, and is related in some way 5. When a wound is extensive, with uneven edges, the repair cells are unable to 6. The symptoms of chronic nephritis are often unpredictable, with great variations 7. The goal of psychoanalysis is to uncover unconscious psychological patterns and 8. Unfortunately there are no immediate solutions for preventing or reversing this 9. A potential disadvantage of combined therapy is the possibility that antibiotics,
10. The medication should never be discontinued abruptly for any reason. 11. The body in its normal processes regulates cell growth in an orderly manner. In 12. When platelets encounter a leak in a blood vessel, they disintegrate and adhere 13. To homeopaths illness is seen as a sign of disharmony or imbalance in the body's 14. Congenital heart defects result from improper development of the heart and 15. Some joints are immovable, such as certain fixed joints where segments of bone 16. The amplitude of a pulse can range from totally impalpable to bounding and full. 17. If total adrenalectomy is necessary, the removal of both glands creates a serious 18. The formation of the bladder stones results from incomplete emptying of bladder, 19. For centuries medicine and pharmacy were not independent. 20. Edema of the ankle is not infrequently observed in the severe anemias but its 21. Galen ['geuan] (A.D. 130 — 200) made many valuable anatomic and physiologic 22. Indigestible parts of the food pass into the large intestine. 23. Glucose intolerance due to insulin lack resulting from degeneration of the islets 24. The connection between rheumatic fever and a previous streptococcal infection 25. Irregular slow waves, called delta waves, are normally found in deep sleep. 26. Amnesia victims usually have a good chance of recovery if there is no irreparable 27. If the bone marrow is not irreparably damaged, the prognosis is good with proper 28. The complex network of innumerable and microscopically small capillaries Упражнение 84 А. Выпишите выделенные слова и найдите их перевод. Определите в них корень и приставку. Отбросив приставку, составьте пары однокоренных слов. Возле каждой пары напишите значение приставки. Например: malnutrition - недостаточное питание nutrition - питание (mal- - плохой, неправильный) Б. Переведите предложения. 1. The presence of albumin in the urine indicates malfunction of the kidney. 2. The endocrine glands and enzymes are vital to the proper use of food by the 3. In medical and nursing practice, malpractice means bad, wrong, or injudicious 4. A lack of vitamin D can cause rickets, which results in malformed limbs in infants 5. 90% of people infected with ТВ never show signs of the disease unless they 6. Anyone can become undernourished if he seriously neglects his diet. 7. Overnutrition disturbs metabolism in many ways. It often begins in infancy with 8. Overweight children usually become overweight adults. 9. Overindulgence in alcohol does not alleviate anxiety but only makes it worse.
10. The major benefits obtained in treating diseases such as lymphoma, breast cancer 11. Lay persons often are misinformed about the cause and effects of acne. 12. The primary aim in the treatment of metabolic alkalosis is to reestablish fluid and 13. To reroute the flow of blood around blockages in coronary arteries, surgeons 14. Certain cells can resynthesize glucose. 15. A premature baby has little fat of any kind, and unless it is artificially kept warm РАЗДЕЛ 18 Внешне похожие слова, которые часто путают Упражнение 85 А. Выпишите пары и группы внешне похожих слов и определите, в чём их различие в написании и по значению. Б. Переведите предложения. 1. It is believed that prehistoric man suffered from some of the same dental diseases 2. Every human being begins life as a single cell no bigger that the dot above the 3. In many cases the cause of pneumonia is bacterial. 4. The kidneys remove waste matter from the body in the form of urine. 5. The force with which blood pushes against the blood vessel wall is called the 6. a) The symptoms of brain tumor vary. b) The number of accessory glands and organs that empty secretions into the alimentary canal is very great. 7. a) This effect is sometimes boosted by ultraviolet light treatment, 8. a) Lack of vitamin A affects the body's growth and resistance to disease, 9. a) Arterial pressure is also affected by the chemical composition of the blood, 10. a) It has long been thought that gastric ulcers are related to the production of acid. b) The human body has a thorough digestive system which performs chemical c) After food has been chewed, it passes through the esophagus into the stomach. d) Deep fascia is the tough fibrous tissue covering muscles, blood vessels, and e) Though the human body is composed of a vast number of individual units, Тексты для тренировочного и контрольного перевода (к части 4) 1. Although there js no clear evidence that hypertension can be prevented by staying thin, keeping one's salt intake low, and eating a lot of green vegetables, and fruit 122 with high potassium content, it seems reasonable to pursue such a course especially if one is slightly obese and has a family history of hypertension. 2. As far as transplant surgery is concerned, man's best friend is the pig. Pig heart 3. When a muscle contracts many changes occur in it besides shortening. One 4. It is well to remember that all drugs can cause both wanted and unwanted effects 5. There are two types of bone: those that develop by replacing cartilage and those 6. The most obviously unusual thing about blood is that it is a liquid, whereas other 7. Since the number of red corpuscles in the blood stream remains fairly constant 8. In bronchial asthma there is widespread narrowing of airways, varying over short РАЗДЕЛ 19 Знаете ли Вы? Упражнение 86 А. Вставьте следующие определения, характеризующие различные кости скелета: flat rectangular long small narrow triangular quadrangular wide Б. Переведите предложения. 1. The calcaneus is the irregular... bone at the back of the tarsus. 2. The coccyx is a small... bone projecting beyond the sacrum. 3. The femur is the..., strongest and heaviest bone of the body. 4. The lachrymal bones are the... and most fragile bones of the face. 5. The patella is a small irregularly... bone over the anterior aspect of the knee. 6. The ribs are 12 pairs of thin... curved long bones, forming the posterior and 7. The scapula is a... thin triangular bone in the upper part of the back. 8. The sternum is the elongated... bone extending down the midline of the chest. Упражнение 87 А. Вставьте следующие предлоги, чтобы точно описать расположение различных органов и частей тела человека: above between around in front of behind near below within Б. Переведите предложения. 1. The abdomen is the space... the body... the diaphragm and... the pelvis. 2. Adenoids are the lymph glands located in the throat... the nose. 3. The ankle joint is formed where the top of the talus fits in... the lower ends of 4. From its origin at the left ventricle, the aorta passes upward, curves... the he art, 5. The brain is contained... the cranium and constitutes the upper part of the 6. The duodenum forms a loop... the head of the pancreas. 7. The forehead is the part of the face... the eyes and... the hair. 8. The gall-bladder is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located... the liver in the right 9. The hand is the section of the upper limb... the wrist.
10. The heart is situated slightly to the left of the central part of the chest... the 11. The lungs lie free... the pleural cavities of the thorax except where they are 12. The parathyroid glands are situated... the thyroid. 13. The pancreas lies... the stomach, except for its head, which lies... the curve of 14. The spinal cord is the lower portion of the central nervous system which is 15. The spleen is the organ in the top part of the abdominal cavity... the stomach. 16. The sublingual gland lies... the tongue. 17. The kneecap is a small bone... the knee joint.