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Слова и фразы для начальной работы

Долгие гласные фонемы

[i: ]


see fee be he pea knee seed feed bead heed peas knees seat feet beat heat peace niece


1. [ʹ pli: zd tə ʹ mi: t ju] Pleased to meet you.

2. [ɪ ksʹ tri: mz mi: t] Extremes meet.

3. [ʹ gri: k mi: ts ʹ gri: k] Greek meets Greek.

4. [ʹ i: v wɪ l ju ʹ pli: z ʹ ri: d] Eve, will you, please, read?

5. [hi ʹ spi: ks tʃ aɪ ʹ ni: z ə nd ʹ dʒ æ pə ni: z wɪ ð ʹ i: kwə l ʹ i: z] He speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease.


[ɑ: ]


are bar car char far star arm bard card charge farm starve art bart cart chart farce start

1. [ʹ stɑ: t ð ə ʹ kɑ: ] Start the car.

2. [ʹ hi: lɑ: fs ʹ best hu ʹ lɑ: fs ʹ lɑ: st] He laughs best who laughs last.

3. [ð i ɪ gʹ zæ m wɪ l bi ʹ rɑ: ð ə ʹ hɑ: d tə ʹ pɑ: s] The exam will be rather hard to pass.

4. [aɪ ʹ kɑ: nt ʹ steɪ ɑ: ftə ʹ klɑ: sɪ z] I can’t stay after classes.

5. [hau ʹ smɑ: t ju ʹ ɑ: ʹ ɑ: nt ju: ʹ mɑ: k] How smart you are, aren’t you, Mark?


[ɔ: ]


or bore saw thaw tore nor pour Awed board sawed thawed toward gnawed poured ought bought sort thought taught naught port


1. [ʹ ɔ: l ə ʹ bɔ: d] All aboard!

2. [ɪ ts ʹ ɔ: l ʹ jɔ: ʹ fɔ: lt] It’s all your fault.

3. [tə ʹ kᴧ t ə ʹ lɔ ŋ stɔ: rɪ ʃ ɔ: t] To cut a long story short.

4. [fɔ: ʹ wɔ: nd ɪ z fɔ: rʹ ɑ: md] Forewarned is forearmed.

5. [tə ʹ tɔ: k tə mɔ: t ɪ z laɪ k ʹ tɔ: kɪ ŋ tə ð ə ʹ wɔ: l] To talk to Mort is like talking to the wall.


[u: ]


too boo rue who coo sou Lou Tomb booed rude whom cooed soon lose tooth boot route hoot coot soup loose

1. [ʹ pru: ʹ nju: ʹ hu: z ʹ hu: ] Prue knew who’s who.

2. [ju ʹ nju: ɪ ts tru: ʹ dɪ dnt ju] You knew it’s true, didn’t you?

3. [ʹ ri: d ð ə ʹ nju: speɪ pə rɪ ʹ vju: ʹ θ ru: ə nd ʹ θ ru: ] Read the newspaper review through and through.

4. [ʹ ru: pə t wɪ l du: ʹ bju: tɪ fə lɪ ] Rupert will do beautifully.

5. [ʹ də unt ju bi: tu: su: n bru: s] Don’t you be too soon, Bruce.


[ə: ]


sir fir her burr blur purr err serve firm heard bird term purred earn surf first hurt burst learn pert irk

1. [ʹ sə: tnlɪ sə: ] Certainly, sir.

2. [aɪ v ə uvə ʹ hə: d ð ə ʹ wə: d] I’ve overheard the word.

3. [ʹ ə: nɪ st ɪ z dɪ ʹ tə: mɪ nd tə ʹ lə: n ʹ dʒ ə: mn] Ernest is determined to learn German.

4. [ʹ ə: nə ɪ z ə ʹ provə: b ə nd ə ʹ baɪ wə: d] Erna is a proverb and a byword.

5. [ʹ ᴧ ndə ð ə ʹ sə: kə mstə nsɪ z ʹ də: k prɪ fə: d tu ʹ ə: n hɪ z ʹ lɪ vɪ ŋ ] Under the circumstances Dirk preferred to earn his living.



Краткие гласные фонемы


[ɪ ]


in is his thing give it isn’t if miss tick pity ditty minute women silly ill fill till pill bill any many city army lady

1. [ɪ z ʹ mɪ kɪ ɪ n] Is Mickey in?

2. [ɪ ts ð ə ʹ lɪ mɪ t] It’s the limit.

3. [ɪ t ʹ ɪ z ʹ rɪ tn ɪ n ʹ sɪ mpl ʹ ɪ nglɪ ʃ ʹ ɪ znt ɪ t] It is written in simple English, isn’t it?

4. [ʹ aɪ θ ɪ ŋ k ɪ ts ə bɪ t ʹ θ ɪ k] I think it’s a bit thick.

5. [ɪ f ɪ t ʹ ɪ znt ʹ fɪ lɪ p] If it isn’t Philip!




men said end gem ebb pet best neck left pence better merry any many ready tell bell fell sell well

1. [ʹ wel ʹ sed] Well said.

2. [ʹ wel aɪ ʹ nevə ] Well, I never.

3. [ʹ verɪ ʹ wel ð en] Very well then.

4. [ð i ʹ endʒ ɪ n went ʹ ded] The engine went dead.

5. [ɪ t ʹ ð en ʹ setlz ð e ʹ kwestʃ ə n] It then settles the question.


[æ ]


add bag ham pan lab that back hat pant lap marry parrot wagon happy fancy Al Alma pal shall balcony


1. [ʹ ð æ ts ʹ flæ t] That’s flat.

2. [ʹ kæ n ju ɪ ʹ mæ dʒ ɪ n ʹ ð æ t] Can you imagine that?

3. [ʹ pæ t ʹ kæ nɔ t kæ tʃ ð æ t] Pat cannot catch that.

4. [ʹ hi ð æ t ʹ hæ tʃ ɪ z ʹ mæ tʃ ɪ z ʹ hæ tʃ ɪ z ʹ kæ tʃ ɪ z] He that hatches matches hatches catches.

5. [ʹ ð æ ts ʹ bæ d ʹ græ mə ] That’s bad grammar.


[ɔ ]


on odd dog gone fog off ox clock loss moth sorry waffle coffee orange opera doll golf sol Pol loll

1. [ʹ pɔ sɪ blɪ ʹ nɔ t] Possibly not.

2. [ə ʹ pɔ n maɪ ʹ ɔ nə ] Upon my honour!

3. [ʹ wɔ t ə ʹ lɔ t ə v ʹ nɔ nsə ns] What a lot of nonsense!

4. [ʹ dɔ t wɔ nts ə n ʹ ɔ fɪ s dʒ ɔ b] Dot wants an office job.

5. [ʹ dʒ ɔ nz ʹ dɔ g gɔ t ʹ lɔ st] John’s dog got lost.




good could would should room look put foot book push woman sugar pudding butcher cushion full bull wool wolf wolves

1. [ʹ kud ju if ju ʹ wud] Could you if you would?

2. [ɪ t ʹ luks ʹ gud] It looks good.

3. [ʹ hɪ ə z jɔ ʹ kukbuk] Here’s your cook-book.

4. [ʹ put jɔ ʹ fut ʹ daun] Put your foot down.

5. [ʹ fulə tuk ʹ gud ʹ eim] Fouler took good aim.


[ᴧ ]


come some none done won cut but just shut must mummy hurry other under southern dull bulk cult pulse bulge

1. [ʹ tᴧ f ʹ lᴧ k ʹ dʒ ᴧ st maɪ ʹ lᴧ k] Tough luck! Just my luck!

2. [ʹ plᴧ k ᴧ p jɔ ʹ kᴧ rɪ dʒ ] Pluck up your courage!

3. [ʹ ð ɛ ə z ə ʹ bʌ s ʹ kʌ mɪ ŋ ʹ hᴧ rɪ ʹ ᴧ p] There’s a bus coming. Hurry up!

4. [ʹ kᴧ m tə ʹ lᴧ ntʃ ʹ bᴧ nɪ ] Come to lunch, Bunny.

5. [ʹ gᴧ st ʹ mᴧ snt ʹ trᴧ st tə lᴧ k] Gust mustn’t trust to luck.


[ə ]


Africa America cinema Anna sofa commander gorilla to go to come bag of bones about away absent present a dog mother father brother sister either Russia teacher agent pleasure measure potato perplex forsake surprise to cut

1. [ju kə n ʹ θ ɪ ŋ k ʹ betə ɑ: ftə ə ʹ naɪ ts ʹ sli: p] You can think better after a night’s sleep.

2. [ð eɪ ə ʹ bə uθ ə v ə ʹ hɛ ə ] They are both of a hair.

3. [aɪ ʹ mᴧ st ə v bɪ n mɪ sʹ teɪ kn] I must have been mistaken.

4. [ð ə mᴧ st bɪ ʹ nə u dɪ ʹ leɪ ] There must be no delay.

5. [ʹ nɔ t ð æ t aɪ ʹ nə u ɔ v] Not that I know of.



[eɪ ]


a may bay say grey way play aid made bade save grade wave played eight mate bait safe great waif plate

1. [ʹ meɪ k ʹ heɪ st] Make haste.

2. [ʹ seɪ v jɔ ʹ peɪ nz] Save your pains.

3. [ʹ neɪ m ð ə ʹ deɪ ] Name the day.

4. [ʹ heɪ st ʹ meɪ ks ʹ weɪ st] Haste makes waste.

5. [ʹ smɔ: l ʹ reɪ n leɪ z ʹ greɪ t ʹ dᴧ st] Small rain lays great dust.


[aɪ ]


I high tie why rye sigh lie try eyed hide tide wide ride side lied tried ice height tight white right sight light trite

1. [ʹ taɪ m ʹ flaɪ z] Time flies!

2. [ʹ maɪ nd jɔ: r ʹ aɪ ] Mind your eye!

3. [ə nd ʹ pɪ gz ʹ maɪ t ʹ flaɪ ] And pigs might fly.

4. [aɪ hæ d ə ʹ waɪ t ʹ naɪ t] I had a white night.

5. [waɪ ð ə ʹ pleʒ ə z ɪ nʹ taɪ ə lɪ ʹ maɪ n] Why, the pleasure’s entirely mine.


[ɔ ɪ ]


joy boy toy coy cloy Roy join boys toys coin soiled boiled joint voice moist choice hoist point

1. [ʹ bɔ ɪ z ʹ wɪ l bi ʹ bɔ ɪ z] Boys will be boys.

2. [ð ə ʹ nɔ ɪ z ɪ z ə ʹ nɔ ɪ ɪ ŋ ] The noise is annoying.

3. [ɪ ts bɪ ʹ jɔ nd ð ə ʹ pɔ ɪ nt] It’s beyond the point.

4. [ʹ wɔ ts ð ə ʹ bɔ ɪ lɪ ŋ ʹ poɪ nt ə v ʹ ɔ ɪ l] What’s the boiling point of oil?

5. [ð ɛ ə z ʹ nə u ʹ dʒ ɔ ɪ wɪ ð aut ə ʹ lɔ ɪ ] There’s no joy without alloy.




bow cow how plough bowed cowed hound ploughed bout count house louse

1. [ʹ nau ʹ nau] Now, now.

2. [ʹ aut ə v ʹ daut] Out of doubt.

3. [ʹ kaunt braun ʹ aut] Count Brown out.

4. [ɪ ts ʹ baund tə bi ʹ faund ʹ aut] It’s bound to be found out.

5. [ʹ aut ə v ð ə ʹ haus tə ð ə ʹ graundz] Out of the house to the grounds!


[ə u]


doe so toe low hoe dome soul toad load hoed dote soak toast loaf host

1. [ʹ ə u ʹ nə u] Oh, no!

2. [aɪ sə ʹ pə uz sə u] I suppose so.

3. [ʹ nə u ʹ gə u] No go.

4. [ð ə z ʹ nə u ʹ nə uɪ ŋ ] There’s no knowing.

5. [ʹ stə unz grə u ʹ ə uld] Stones grow old.


[ɪ ə ]


near dear here cheer queer sheer museum nearly fearful clearly theatre merely real ideal burial material cereal imperial

1. [ʹ dɪ ə ʹ dɪ ə ] Dear, dear.

2. [ð ə ʹ mɪ ə aɪ ʹ dɪ ə ə ʹ pɪ ə z ʹ fɪ ə ful] The mere idea appears fearful.

3. [ɪ ts ə ʹ kjuə rɪ ə s ɪ ksʹ pɪ ə rɪ ə ns] It’s a curious experience.

4. [ʹ ɔ: lz ʹ kwɪ ə ʹ hɪ ə ] All’s queer here.

5. [ʹ nɪ ə r ə nd ʹ dɪ ə ] Near and dear.



[ɛ ə ]


air bear hare share pear chair their airs bears hares shares pears chairs theirs aware compare prepare careful affair daring parents

1. [ʹ ð ɛ ə ʹ ð ɛ ə ] There, there!

2. [ʹ bɛ ə ə nd fə ʹ bɛ ə ] Bear and forbear.

3. [ʹ aɪ ʹ dɛ ə swɛ ə ] I dare swear.

4. [ɪ ts ʹ leɪ t tə ʹ tɛ ə jɔ ʹ hɛ ə ] It’s late to tear your hair.

5. [ʹ ð ɛ ə z ʹ wɛ ə ð eɪ ə rɔ ŋ ] There’s where they’re wrong.


[uə ]


tour sure poor moor doer tours surely poorly moors doers cure fewer lure pure you’re curious fury lured purely steward cruel usual mutual habitual fuel

1. [ʹ wel aɪ m ʹ ʃ uə ] Well, I’m sure.

2. [fə ʹ ʃ uə ] For sure.

3. [kjuə rɪ ʹ ɔ sɪ tɪ ɪ z ɪ nʹ kjuə rə bl] Curiosity is incurable.

4. [juə ə ʹ duə fə ʹ ʃ uə ] You’re a doer for sure.

5. [ʹ dju: fi: l sɪ ʹ kjuə ə ʹ baut jɔ ʹ fjuə l] Do you feel secure about your fuel?


Согласные звуки


peace part pair post pan happy sloppy poppy pepper flapper speak sport spell spade spoon reap lip top map cup apt except stopped hope to ripe corn

1. [spiː k ˈ ʌ p] Speak up.

2. [ˈ prezə nt ˈ kʌ mpə nɪ ɪ kˈ septɪ d] Present company excepted.

3. [ˈ ki: p ʌ p ə ˈ pɪ ə rə nsɪ z] Keep up appearances.

4. [ˈ pli: z pɔ ɪ nt maɪ ˈ pensl] Please, point my pencil.

5. [ð ə ˈ pjæ nə uz pɑ: st rɪ ˈ pɛ ə ] The piano’s past repair.


beauty boom boy boast ball ebb cab sob rub lab table about hobby member my ball sobbed obtain rub down club Dan rob Peter

1. [ˈ bi: ˈ bri: f] Be brief.

2. [ə ˈ bæ d ˈ dʒ ɔ b] A bad job.

3. [ə ˈ bæ d ˈ blʌ ndə ] A bad blunder.

4. [ˈ bæ dz ð ə ˈ best] Bad’s the best.

5. [ð ə ˈ baɪ tə z ˈ bɪ t] The biter’s bit.


tea task town top auntie water butter writer cat foot shut can’t

1. [ˈ wɔ t ˈ spɔ: t] What sport.

2. [ˈ get ɪ t ˈ raɪ t] Get it right.

3. [ˈ kʌ t ɪ t ˈ ʃ ɔ: t] Cut it short.

4. [ˈ traɪ tə put ɪ t ˈ raɪ t] Try to put it right.

5. [ˈ də unt ˈ teɪ k ɪ t tə ˈ hɑ: t] Don’t take it to heart.


dog duck date deed dawn said bad old paid road couldn’t wouldn’t shouldn’t hidden kidney cradle fiddle ladle meddle paddle

1. [ˈ gud ˈ deɪ ] Good day.

2. [ˈ hau dju ˈ du: ] How do you do.

3. [aɪ d bi: dɪ ˈ laɪ tɪ d] I’d be delighted.

4. [ˈ maɪ nd ð ə ˈ hed] Mind the head.

5. [ˈ gud ˈ rɪ dns] Good riddance.


castle key cape kit cat kept Newcastle account drinking liquor commander America dark make lock oak strike traffic

1. [ˈ kraɪ ˈ kwɪ its] Cry quits.

2. [ˈ kʌ t ə nd ˈ kʌ m ə ˈ geɪ n] Cut and come again.

3. [ð ə ˈ kə ust ɪ z ˈ klɪ ə ] The coast is clear.

4. [ˈ kenz ə z ˈ kə uld ə z ə ˈ kju: kə mbə ] Ken’s as cold as a cucumber.

5. [ˈ ki: p kwaɪ t ˈ kwaɪ ə t] Keep quite quiet.


gay go give get gown dig egg bag dog frog begin agree exam finger longer great grand grow Greek Gwen

1. [ˈ get ju: ˈ gɔ n] Get you gone!

2. [wʌ n ˈ gets ˈ grɪ pt] One gets gripped.

3. [ˈ gɛ ə rɪ ɪ z ə ˈ geɪ ˈ dɔ g] Gary is a gay dog.

4. [ˈ gregə rɪ ɪ z ə ˈ gə ugetə ] Gregory is a go-getter.

5. [ˈ græ nɪ ˈ gets maɪ ˈ gə ut] Granny gets my goat.

[tʃ ]

cheek chart child choice chill chubby future culture nature orchard lecture mixture watch fetch lunch catch ditch much

1. [ʹ wɪ tʃ ɪ z ʹ wɪ tʃ ] Which is which?

2. [ʹ sᴧ tʃ ʹ kɑ: pə ntə z sᴧ tʃ ʹ tʃ ɪ ps] Such carpenters, such chips.

3. [ʹ nɔ t mᴧ tʃ ə v ə ʹ kæ tʃ ] Not much of a catch.

4. [ð ə ʹ jə: z ʹ ti: tʃ ʹ mᴧ tʃ wɪ tʃ ð ə ʹ deɪ z ʹ nevə ʹ nə u] The years teach much which the days never know.

5. [ʹ ventʃ ə ə ʹ smɔ: l ʹ fɪ ʃ tə ʹ kæ tʃ ə ʹ greɪ t ʹ wᴧ n] Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

[dʒ ]

joy joke jar jam job jest large bridge badge edge age barge agent major pages a jam page nine tell Jack

1. [tʃ eɪ ndʒ ð ə ʹ sᴧ bdʒ ɪ kt] Change the subject!

2. [ʹ dʒ ᴧ stɪ s ɪ z ʹ dʒ ᴧ stɪ s] Justice’s justice.

3. [ʹ dʒ u: n ɪ z ə ʹ prɔ dɪ dʒ ɪ ə v ʹ enə dʒ ɪ ] June is a prodigy of energy.

4. [ʹ dʒ u: n ʹ mæ rɪ dʒ ɪ z ʹ lᴧ kɪ ] June marriages lucky.

5. [də unt ʹ dʒ est wɪ ð ʹ edʒ d ʹ tu: lz] Don’t jest with edged tools.


me more may my miss mess him hem ham hum Tom sum seems sums times aims rooms homes smoke smile not me stop Mike ask Ma spilt milk

1. [ˈ kʌ m wɔ t ˈ meɪ ] Come what may.

2. [ˈ menɪ ə nd ˈ menɪ ə ˈ taɪ m] Many and many a time.

3. [ˈ meɪ k nə u mɪ sˈ teɪ k] Make no mistake.

4. [ˈ menɪ ˈ men menɪ ˈ maɪ ndz] Many men many minds.

5. [ˈ dʒ ʌ st ə ˈ mə umə nt mə mɑ: ] Just a moment, Mama.


no now near knee nor new in on sun moon send learn since aunt pence science sent learnt often snow written cotton unreal button

1. [ˈ nau ə nd ˈ ð en] Now and then.

2. [ˈ reɪ n ə ˈ ʃ aɪ n] Rain or shine.

3. [ɔ n ˈ nə u ə ˈ kaunt] On no account.

4. [ˈ nə u ə ˈ fens ɪ nˈ tendɪ d] No offence intended.

5. [ɪ n ˈ enɪ ɪ ˈ vent] In any event.


[ŋ ]

sing sang song sung young sings tongues longs fangs Young’s finger stronger anger English jungle think uncle anchor monkey ankle

1. [ʹ nᴧ θ ɪ ŋ z ʹ rɔ ŋ ] Nothing’s wrong.

2. [ʹ brɪ ŋ ð ə m ə ʹ lɔ ŋ ] Bring them along.

3. [ʹ θ æ ŋ ks fə ʹ kɔ: lɪ ŋ ] Thanks for calling.

4. [ʹ stɔ p ʹ fɪ dʒ ɪ tɪ ŋ ɪ ts ə ʹ nɔ ɪ ɪ ŋ ] Stop fidgeting, it’s annoying.

5. [ʹ evrɪ θ ɪ ŋ z ʹ gə uɪ ŋ ʹ rɔ ŋ ] Everything’s going wrong.


four foe far few first fat off life half self safe rough friend from front afraid free France

1. [ˈ fɛ ə r ɪ ˈ nʌ f] Fair enough.

2. [ˈ fə: st ə nd ˈ fɔ: mə ust] First and foremost.

3. [ˈ fɪ l ɪ n ð ə ˈ fɔ: m] Fill in the form.

4. [ˈ feɪ s ˈ frʌ nt ə nd ˈ lɪ sn ˈ kɛ ə fə lɪ ] Face front and listen carefully.

5. [frə m ð ə ˈ fraɪ ɪ ŋ pæ n ɪ ntə ð ə ˈ faɪ ə ] From the frying pan into the fire.


vast of never
verse have over
voice love river
vote live heavy
vex leave lives
van save twelve

1. [aɪ v ˈ nevə ˈ hə: d ə v ˈ sti: v] I’ve never heard of Steve.

2. [ˈ vɪ viz ˈ veɪ n ə v hə ˈ vɔ ɪ s] Vivie’s vain of her voice.

3. [aɪ v ˈ gɪ vn vɪ k ð ə ˈ best ə v ə dˈ vaɪ s] I’ve given Vic the best of advice.

4. [juv bɪ n ˈ ə uvə prə ˈ tektɪ v ə v ˈ vaɪ ə lə ] You’ve been overprotective of Viola.

5. [aɪ v ˈ nevə fə ˈ gɪ vn ˈ vɪ ə rə ] I’ve never forgiven Vera.

[θ ]

theme thought thigh thing thumb thin north south month youth truth birth fifths hearths lengths faiths Ruth’s Smith’s three throw thread threw thrust throng

1. [ʹ nᴧ θ ɪ ŋ laɪ k ʹ ju: θ ] Nothing like youth.

2. [ʹ θ ɪ ŋ k θ ɪ ŋ z ʹ ə uvə ] Think things over.

3. [ʹ θ æ ŋ k ju fə ʹ nᴧ θ ɪ ŋ ] Thank you for nothing.

4. [ʹ θ red ə nd ʹ θ rᴧ m] Thread and thrum.

5. [wen ʹ θ ri: ʹ θ ə: zdɪ z kᴧ m tə ʹ geð ə ] When three Thursdays come together.

[ð ]

these those they there this that with bathe breathe booth smooth clothe either neither northern southern weather rather with Sid breathe slower clothe Sam writhe silently soothe Simon bathe Sis

1. [ə nd ʹ ð æ ts ʹ ð æ t] And that’s that.

2. [ʹ ð æ ts ʹ naɪ ð ə hɪ ə nɔ ʹ ð ɛ ə ] That’s neither here, nor there.

3. [ʹ ð en ð ɛ ə z ə ʹ nᴧ ð ə ʹ θ ɪ ŋ ] Then there’s another thing.

4. [ʹ wᴧ n ʹ lɔ: fə ð ə ʹ rɪ tʃ ə ʹ nᴧ ð ə fə ð ə ʹ puə ] One law for the rich, another for the poor.

5. [aɪ d ʹ du: ʹ enɪ θ ɪ ŋ ʹ rɑ: ð ə ð en ʹ ð æ t] I’d do anything rather than that.


see soon so say sit sent this tense miss pass puss sense sweet sweater swim swallow swine switch

1. [ˈ sə u ˈ sɔ rɪ ] So sorry.

2. [ˈ si: ju ˈ su: n] See you soon.

3. [prɪ ˈ saɪ slɪ sə u] Precisely so.

4. [ɪ t ˈ meɪ ks nə u ˈ sens] It makes no sense.

5. [aɪ ˈ kɑ: nt ə kˈ sept sʌ tʃ ə ˈ puə r ɪ ksˈ kju: s] I can’t accept such a poor excuse.


zoo zone zero zenith zigzag is has was does please busy music husband possess reason is thin was thick has thought does things these themes

1. [æ z ju ˈ pli: z] As you please.

2. [ˈ di: dz nɔ t ˈ wə: dz] Deeds not words.

3. [ˈ hedz ə ˈ teɪ lz] Heads or tails.

4. [ˈ i: zɪ ˈ dʌ z ɪ t] Easy does it.

5. [hɪ z ˈ fɪ ŋ gə z ə r ˈ ɔ: l ˈ θ ʌ mz] His fingers are all thumbs.

[ʃ ]

sheep shoe show shy ship shop fish wash bush hush dash wish ocean revolution social vacation pension Russia

1. [ˈ ʃ u: ˈ ʃ u: ] Shoo, shoo!

2. [ˈ stɔ p ˈ ʃ autɪ ŋ ə nd ˈ puʃ ɪ ŋ ˈ ʃ ə: lɪ ] Stop shouting and pushing, Shirley.

3. [ˈ wɪ ʃ ɪ z ˈ də unt ˈ wɔ ʃ ˈ dɪ ʃ ɪ z] Wishes don’t want dishes.

4. [aɪ ˈ ʃ uə ˈ wɪ ʃ ʃ ɪ wə ˈ hɪ ə ] I sure wish she were here.

5. [aɪ ˈ wɪ ʃ ˈ mɑ: ʃ ə wə ˈ nɔ t sə u ʃ ɪ lɪ ˈ ʃ æ lɪ ] I wish Marcia were not so shilly-shally.

[ʒ ]

measure pleasure treasure leisure vision decision confusion invasion mirage garage rouge genre

1. [ˈ meʒ ə fə ˈ meʒ ə ] Measure for measure.

2. [ˈ i: t ə t ˈ plə ʒ ə ˈ drɪ ŋ k wɪ ð ˈ meʒ ə ] Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

3. [ʃ i ˈ wɛ ə z pə ˈ rɪ ʒ jə n ˈ ru: ʒ ] She wears Parisian rouge.

4. [ə mɪ ˈ rɑ: ʒ ɪ z ə n ɪ ˈ lu: ʒ n] A mirage is an illusion.




he harm horse who huge her high how hoist whole here hair him hen hat hop whom hut behave behind somehow a house the honey unhappy

1. [ˈ hæ pɪ ˈ hɔ lə dɪ ] Happy holiday!

2. [ˈ haus ə nd ˈ hə um] House and home.

3. [ˈ hə uld jɔ ˈ hed ˈ haɪ ] Hold your head high.

4. [ˈ henrɪ ɪ z ˈ hʌ ŋ grɪ ə z ə ˈ hʌ ntə ] Henry is hungry as a hunter.

5. [ˈ evrɪ ˈ mæ n hæ z hɪ z ˈ hɔ bɪ hɔ: s] Every man has his hobby-horse.


lead learn late light lip left will tell shall full all yell ultra will try shall draw all trees all dry all tricks

1. [ˈ lɪ v ə nd ˈ lə: n] Live and learn.

2. [ˈ æ də lts ˈ ə unlɪ ] Adults only.

3. [ɪ ts ə ˈ smɔ: l ˈ wə: ld] It’s a small world.

4. [ˈ let wel ə ˈ lə un] Let well alone.

5. ˈ læ rɪ ɪ z ˈ pulɪ ŋ jɔ ˈ leg] Larry is pulling your leg.


we work why way where sweet swift swam swan swore twice twelve twenty twin tweed queen quick quite question quiet

1. [ʹ waɪ ʹ wᴧ rɪ ] Why worry?

2. [ʹ taɪ m wə: ks ʹ wᴧ ndə z] Time works wonders.

3. [ʹ nə u ʹ swi: t wið ʹ aut sə m ʹ swet] No sweet without some sweat.

4. [wᴧ n ʹ nevə ʹ nə uz wið ð ə ʹ weð ə ] One never knows with the weather.

5. [wi ʹ si: wɔ t wi ʹ wɪ ʃ tu] We see what we wish to.



read rule right wrong rook run spring spread strike straw scream scrub free friend fry shrill shrewd shrug three through throw thread with right with Rob

1. [ˈ ræ k jɔ ˈ breɪ nz] Rack your brains.

2. [ˈ verɪ ˈ tru: ] Very true.

3. [ˈ rɑ: ð ə ˈ kjuə rɪ ə s] Rather curious.

4. [ɪ ts ˈ rɑ: ð ə ˈ streɪ ndʒ jet ˈ tru: ] It’s rather strange, yet true.

5. [wen ˈ æ ŋ grɪ ˈ kaunt ə ˈ hʌ ndrə d] When angry count a hundred.


you your yes year young yard assume super enthusiasm pure tune cure human queue tube

1. [ˈ jes kə nˈ tɪ nju: ] Yes, continue.

2. [ð ə ˈ jə: r ɪ z ˈ jʌ ŋ jet] The year is young yet.

3. [aɪ m ə ˈ jə: ˈ dæ njə lz ˈ si: njə ] I’m a year Daniel’s senior.

4. [ju ˈ wə unt ˈ jel ˈ wɪ l ju] You won’t yell, will you?

5. [ˈ jes jɔ ˈ feɪ s ɪ z fə ˈ mɪ ljə ] Yes, your face is familiar.



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