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The use of articles with the names of months and days, seasons, meals, languages
The nouns
| As a rule
no article
| When modified by a particularizing attribute: The
| When modified by a descriptive attribute: A
| In set expressions
| 1. The names of months and days (May, Monday)
| – Mayis a spring month.
– I met her on Tuesday.
| – We’ll always remember the May of 1945.
– She came on the Friday when David was born.
| – A cold May is a usual thing in St. Petersburg.
| 2. The names of seasons (summer, winter)
| – I like winter.
– It was summer when we first came here.
| – It happened in the spring of 1990.
| It was a beautiful spring.
But: no article
early/late spring, winter
| 3. Nouns: day, night, evening, morning, afternoon
| – Day is meant for work, night for sleep.
– It was evening.
| – He’ll never forget the day when he met her.
– The night was warm and beautiful.
| – I spent a sleepless night.
But: no article
early/late afternoon, night, broad day, high noon
| by day/night;
at night/ dawn/ daybreak/ sunrise/ sunset/ noon;
frommorning till night;
in themorning/ night
| 4. The names of languages (French, English)
| – She knows French well.
| – The English of America differs from the English of Great Britain.
– the English language
| What is the English for...?
| 5. The names of meals (lunch, dinner, tea)
| – Did you have dinner?
– Lunch is ready.
| – The dinner we had today was very good.
– The lunch was a success.
| – After a heavy breakfast we started for...
But: no article
early/late dinner, supper
| to have lunch (tea, breakfast)
to have a gooddinner
| 2) the use of articles with the nouns school/college, prison/jail, bed, town, church
The nouns
| When the noun lose the concrete meaning and express the purpose for which they serve: no article
| When the nouns denote concrete objects the articles are used in accordance to the general rules
| School/ college/ university
| to be at school/college/university
to go to school/college/university
to leave school/college
– After I left school I went to university (as a student)
– Why aren’t the children at school today? (as pupils)
| to go to the/a school (the building is meant)
to leave the school (to leave the building)
– Mr. Kelly went to the school to meet his daughter’s teacher.
– Is there a school near here?
| Church
| in church / to church
– Mrs. Kelly goes to church on Sundays (for a religious service).
| – The church was built in the 17th century.
– There is a church in the village.
| Prison/jail
| to be in prison
to be sent to prison/jail
to be put in prison
– Ken’s brother is in prison for robbery.
– Fred robbed a bank but he was caught and sent to prison.
| – Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.
– They lived near a prison.
| Bed
| to go to bed
to be in bed
to stay in bed
– It’s time to go to bed.
– Is Tom still in bed?
| – Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed.
– There is a table, 6 chairs, a bed and a cupboard in the room.
| Work
| to go to work
to be at work
to start work
– Why isn’t Ann at work today?
| – I like the work I’m doing now.
– A new work of modern art.
– The works of Shakespeare.
| Home
| to go home
to come / arrive home
to be at home / to stay at home
to feel at home
– Let’s go home.
| Institution or place:
an orphans home, anursing home, amaternity home.
Place where an animal or a plant is native:
thehome of the tiger
| Town
| to / in town
– You can’t go to town tomorrow.
– What are you going to do in town.
– He spent 20 years in town, he is not used to country life.
| – I want to go to the town I was born in.
– Would you rather live in a town or in the country?
– The whole town was talking about it.
| Hospital
| to go to hospital
to be in hospital
– Jack had an accident. He had to go to hospital. He is still in hospital now.
| – when Ann was ill we went to the hospital to visit her.
– Is there a hospital near here?
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