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The Image of BelarusСтр 1 из 18Следующая ⇒
ПЛАН РАБОТЫ По английскому языку Для студентов ОЗО географического факультета специальности " Туризм и гостеприимство"
Семестр 6 часов
I. Калилец, Л.М. Colours of my Native Country / Л.М. Калилец.– Брест, 2003. II. Практическая грамматика английского языка для среднего и продвинутого уровней. Под ред. Л.М. Лещёвой. Часть І. – Минск: Акад. упр. при Президенте Респ. Беларусь, 2004. III. Практическая грамматика английского языка для среднего и продвинутого уровней. Под ред. Л.М. Лещёвой. Часть ІІ. – Минск: Акад. упр. при Президенте Респ. Беларусь, 2004.
VI. Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use / Raymond Murphy. – Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Устные темы: “ Our University” “Image of Belarus” “Political and Social Portrait of Great Britain” Самостоятельное чтение: “ THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME” “CULTURE SHOCK” Прочитайте тексты, письменно переведите выделенные отрывки, переведите слова и выражения на английский язык, ответьте на вопросы.
Составьте аннотацию текста “ Heritage tourism” Контрольная работа Oral Topics The Image of Belarus The Republic of Belarus lies in the centre of Europe. It occupies an area of 208 thousand square kilometers. Belarus shares its border with five states: the Russian federation, Lithuania, Poland, the Ukraine, and Latvia. The population of Belarus is about 10 mln, Belarus has a cool continental climate moderated by maritime influences from the Atlantic Ocean. The first written documents of the Belarusian statehood go as far back as 980 AD when Prince Rogvold began his reign on Polotsk lands, which are the historic and religious center of Belarusian nation and culture. From the 13-th till the 16-th century the territory of contemporary Belarus was the center of a medieval polyethnic state - the Grand Duchy of Litva. The lands of contemporary Belarus, Lithuania, the Ukraine and a part of Russia comprised this state. In 1569 the Grand Duchy of Litva and the Polish Kingdom established a political union according to which the Litva - Poland confederation - Rzecz Pospolita -emerged. As a result of three divisions of Rzecz Pospolita in 1772, 1793 and 1795 between three empires - Russia, Austria and Prussia - the Belarusian lands were incorporated into the Russian Empire. On March 9, 1918 Belarus was declared a democratic Peoples' Republic. On January 1, 1919 the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic was created. On December 30, 1922 the Communist governments of Belarus, Russia, the Ukraine and Caucasus created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In August 1991 Belarus declared its independence. Now Belarus is a presidential republic. State power in the Republic of Belarus is formed and realized through three main branches - legislative, executive and judicial. According to the Constitution of 1994 and its modifications of 1996, a two-chamber parliament is the supreme standing and exclusive legislative body of state power in the Republic of Belarus. The President of the Republic of Belarus is the chief of the state. The executive branch is represented by the Council of ministers headed by the prime minister, Courts perform the judicial power in the republic, The present National Emblem and Flag of the Republic of Belarus symbolize historical adherence of the Belarusian people to constructive labor, their faith in the triumph of justice and attainment of a worthy place in the world community. The sources of Belarusian culture come from the pre-Christian times and have a lot of common with traditions of the other Indo-European cultures, Traditional rites, music and art elements are widely used in contemporary cultural life, thus illustrating symbols of the old and young Belarusian culture. Belarus is rather a highly developed industrial country. The main branches of Belarusian industry are machine building, instrument making, chemical, wood processing, light and food industries. Over 100 large enterprises are the basis of Belarusian economy. Minsk, the capital of Belarus, is one of the most beautiful and significant cities. It is first mentioned in chronicles as a fortress in the Principality of Polotsk in connection with the battle on the river Nemiga in 1067. People of Belarus are proud of their country. The proverb says, " what you give returns to the giver. Love for love, trust for trust". Belarus entrusted itself to the people and they in their turn enjoy its beauty and glory. Oral Topics