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Future Indefinite (Simple)


Будущее простое (неопределенное) время употребляется для обозначения:

  • Какого-либо факта в будущем:

Next year I shall finish school.

The queen will open a new hospital tomorrow.

  • Какого-либо решения или намерения в будущем, принятого в момент речи:

I’ll go with you.

  • Для выражения предложения или просьбы:

I’ll do the washing up.

Will you open the window?


Форма будущего простого времени образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall для 1-го лица и will для всех лиц и чисел и инфинитива без частицы to: shall/will play (буду/будет) играть.


Образование Future Simple: to go

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I shall go I shall not go Shall I go?
He will go She will go It will go He will not go She will not go It will not go Will he go? Will she go? Will it go?
We shall go You will go They will go We shall not go You will not go They will not go Shall we go? Will you go? Will they go?

shall not =shan’t

will not = won’t


Future simple: to be

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I shall be I shall not be Shall I be?
He will be She will be It will be He will not be She will not be It will not go Will he be? Will she be? Will it be?
We shall be You will be They will be We shall not be You will not be They will not be Shall we be? Will you be? Will they be?



Практические задания:


    1. Make the sentences negative:

a. Today our lectures begin at 10 o’clock.

b. She had four exams last semester.

c. My friend lives in a hostel.

d. Usually I get up at 7 o’clock.

e. I was born in December.

f. He will enter the university next year.

g. We will be graduates in two years.

h. They will take all necessary books from the library.

i. She will have four exams next semester.

j. I’ll be back.

k. He entered the university last year.

l. We were schoolchildren two years ago.


    1. Give the past form of the verbs:

To go, to see, to make, to think, to sing, to begin, to know, to buy, to write, to read.


    1. Is the sentence right or wrong?

a. He will pass his exam on Thursday.

b. She read many books next summer.

c. They will write essays for the university newspaper.

d. My brother come tomorrow.

e. Their friends have three lectures tomorrow.

f. Tom is my friend.

g. They are at the theatre yesterday.


    1. Ask the questions to the sentences:

a. I am very busy today.

b. We are the students of Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

c. Mary is a good singer.

d. We read many English magazines.

e. We had two lectures yesterday.

f. The students worked in the laboratory last week.

g. I got excellent marks for my exams.

h. The students will work in the practice training centre next week.

i. I will get excellent marks for my exams.


    1. Use the correct form of the verb:

a. She (to see) the film next Sunday.

b. Tomorrow they (to go) to help their grandmother.

c. Alex (to meet) his friend in two hours.

d. I hope the rain (to stop) in half an hour.

e. Tonight I (to go) to bed very early.

f. She (to see) the film last Sunday.

g. Yesterday they (to decide) to join the university football team.

h. Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago.

i. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.

j. Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early.

k. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.

l. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises.

m. She (to go) to the university by train.


    1. Translate into English:

a. Летом у нас будет практика.

b. Он обязательно поступит в институт.

c. Все студенты нашей группы поедут на экскурсию.

d. Она возьмет книги в библиотеке.

e. Профессор будет принимать экзамен по физике в три часа.

f. Прошлым летом мы жили за городом.

g.Он поступал в институт дважды.

h. Все студенты нашей группы были друзьями.

i. Она хотела взять книги в библиотеке.

j. Наш профессор по физике был очень строгим.

k.Я учусь в университете.

l. Мы студенты первого курса.

m. Они не учат английский язык.

n. Вы работаете? – Да.

o. Он работает? – Нет, он учится в университете.



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