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T e t a n u s


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:


Bacillus [bə ' silə s]

Tetanus ['tetə nə s]

Mown [moun]

Vague [veig]

Nightmare [nait meə ]

Delirious [di 'liriə s]

Lockjaw [lokdʒ ‹: ]

Trismus [trizmə s]

Height [hait]

Drawing [dr‹: iŋ ]

Clenched [klentò t]

Protruded [prə 'tru: did]

Opisthotonus [ou 'pisqə …]

Seizure ['si: ¯ ə ]

Afebrile [ei 'fi: bril]

Ensue [in ' sju: ]

Lessening [lesə niŋ ]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:


Bacillus (pl. bacilli) бацилла, палочковидная бактерия

Vague неопределённый, нечёткий, неясный

Nightmare кошмарное сновидение

To become delirious становиться безумным, иступленным

Lockjaw тризм челюсти, столбняк

Trismus тризм (тоническое сокращение жевательных мышц)

Height of disease разгар (пик) болезни

To draw up вытягивать

Clenched крепко сжатый, стиснутый, скреплённый

Protruded выступивший вперёд, (lips) выпяченные губы

Opisthotonus опистотонус (тоническое сокращение мышц спины

и шеи с запрокидыванием головы и вытягиванием


Seizure приступ, пароксизм, припадок

Afebrile безлихорадочный

To ensue происходить, получаться в результате, следовать

To lessen уменьшать (ся)



Exercise 3. Read words paying attention to the rules of reading:


1. (c, s, t, before ia, ie, io [ ò ])

So cia l, suffi cie nt, remis sio n, ini tia l, pa tie nt, Rus sia n, commis sio n, artifi cia l, poten tia l, offi cia l, spe cia l, profes sio n, fa cia l, essen tia l, permis sio n, insuffi cie nt, mo tio n, defi cie ncy.


2. age as a suffix [œ dʒ ]: village, cartilage, hemorrhage, bandage, language, usage, dosage, damage, lavage, carriage, marriage.


Exercise 4. Form words with the help of negative prefixes. Translate them into Russian:


Dis – like, function, connect, agree, locate, lodge, maturity, section, solvent.

Ir – regular, responsible, relevant, resistible, radiation, reversible, reducible.

Im – possible, practical, mobile, moral, balance, maturity, potency, purity.

Un – necessary, reliable, fortunately, consciousness, dress, infected, mixed.

Mal – formation, nutrition, occlusion, position, treatment, presentation, rotation.

Exercise 5. Read the words with the same root. State the part of speech and translate them in to Russian:


Face – facial, slow – slowly; connect – connection; pelvis – pelvic; compose – composition; rapid – rapidly; base – basic; recover – recovery; remove – removal; survive – survival; tender – tenderness, restless – restlessness; breath – breathing.


Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones. Make up the sentences of your own.


On an average, powerful poison, to be unable to open the mouth, typical facial expression, difficulty in urination, in the majority of cases, to gain entrance into the body, painful spasms, to become affected, to draw up the angles of the mouth, to be tightly clenched, to be slightly protruded, to be accompanied by severe pain, to run a fever as high as, severity.


Exercise 7. Match medical terms with the proper definitions:

1. tetanus 2. tetany   3. toxin   4. urination   5. spasm   6. trismus   1. Spasm of the jaw muscles, keeping the jaw tightly closed. 2. An acute infectious disease, affecting the nervous system, caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. 3. The periodic discharge of urine from the bladder through the urethra. 4. Spasm and twitching of the muscles, particularly those of the face, hands, and feet. 5. A poison produced by a living organism, especially by a bacterium. 6. A sustained involuntary muscular contraction, which may occur either as part of a generalized disorder, such as a spastic paralysis, or as a local response to an otherwise unconnected painful condition.


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