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Труды Денниса Маккенны


Dennis J. McKenna. " DMT: Nature's Ubiquitous Hallucinogen". Interdependence, in press. " Tryptamine Hallucinogens of the New Word: An Ethnopharmacological Survey". Interdependences, in press. Constantino M. Torres, David B. Repke, Kelvin Chan, Dennis McKenna, Augustin Llagostera, and Richard E. Schultes. " Botanical, chemical, and contextual analysis of archaeological snuff powders, from San Pedro de Atacama, Northern Chile". Current Anthropology 32 (1992): 640-49. Dennis J. McKenna. X.-M. Guan, and A. T. Shulgin. " 3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) analogues exhibit differential effects on synaptosomal release of " H-dopamlne and H-5-hydroxytryptamine". Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior 38 (1991): 505-12. Chester A. Mathis, John M. Gerdes, Joel D. Enas, John M. Whitney, Yi Zhang, Scott E. Taylor, Dennis J. McKenna, Sona Havlick, and Stephen J. Peroutka. " Binding potency of paroxetine analogues for the serotonin uptake complex". Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Submitted. David E. Nichols, Robert Oberlender, and Dennis J. McKenna. " Stereochemical Aspects of Hallucinogenesis". In Biochemistry and Physiology of Substance Abuse, vol. Ill, edited by R. R. Watson, pp. 1-39. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1991. Dennis J. McKenna and Stephen J. Peroutka. " Serotonin neurotoxins: Focus on MDMA (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 'Ecstasy*)". In Serotonin Receptor Sybtypes: Basic and Clinical Aspects, edited by S. J. Peroutka, pp. 127-48. New York: Alan R. Liss Publishers, 1990. " The neurochemistry and neurotoxicity of 3, 4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy')". Journal of Neurochemistry 54 (1990): 14-22. " Differentiation of 5-hydroxytryptamjne2 receptor sybtypes using I-R-(-)2, 5, -dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine (I-R-(-)DOI) and H-ketanserin". Journal of Neuroscience 9 (1989): 3482-98. Dennis J. McKenna, David B. Repke, Leiand Lo, and Stephen J. Peroutka. " Differential interactions of indolealkylamines with 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtypes". Neuropharmacology 29 (1990): 193-98. Dennis J. McKenna. " It's a Jungle Out There: Biochemical Conflict and Co-operation in the Ecosphere". Whole Earth Review 64 (1989): 40-47. " Plant Wisdom Resources". Whole Earth Review 64 (1989): 48-49. Camerol R. Hekmatpanath, Dennis J. McKenna, and Stephen J. Peroutka. " Reserpine does not prevent 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity". Neuroscience Letters 104 (1989): 178-82. Dennis J. McKenna. David B. Repke. and Stephen J. Peroutka. " Hallucinogenic indolealkylamines are selective for 5HT binding sites". Neuroscience Abstract 15 (1989): 485. Dennis J. McKenna. Adil J. Nazarali, Andrew J. Hoffman. David E. Nichols, C. A. Mathis, and Juan M. Saavedra. " Common receptors for hallucinogens in rat brain: Dennis J. McKenna, Adil J. Nazarali, Akihiko Himeno, and Juan M. Saavedra. " Chronic treatment with (+_)DOI, a psychotomimetic 5HT2 agonist, downregulates 5HT2 receptors in rat brain". Neuropsychopharmacology 2 (1989): 81-87. Adil J. Nazarali, Dennis J. McKenna, and Juan M. localization of 5HT2 receptors, in rat brain psychotomimetic radioligand". Progressive Biological Psychiatry 13 (1989): 573-81. Dennis J. McKenna, C. A. Mathis, and Stephen J. Peroutka. " Characterization of I-DOI binding sites in rat brain". Neuroscience Abstracts 14 (1988), no. 247.12. Akihiko Himeno, Dennis J. McKenna, Adil J. Nazarali, and Juan M. Saavedra. " (+_)DOI, a hallucinogenic phenylakylamine, downregulates 5HT2 receptors in rat brain". Neuroscience Abstracts 14 (1988), no. 229.2. Dennis J. McKenna and Juan M. Saavedra. " Autoradiography of LSD and 2, 5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine psychotomimetics demonstrates regional, specific cross-displacement in the rat brain". European Journal of Pharmacology 142 (1987): 313-15. Dennis J. McKenna, C. A. Mathis, A. T. Shulgin. and J. M. Saavedra. " HaHucipogens bind to common receptors in the rat forebrain" a comparative study using I-LSD and I-DOI. a new psychotomimetic radioligand". Neuroscience Abstracts 13 (1987), no. 311.14. Dennis J. McKenna, C. A. Mathis. A. T. Shulgin. Thomoton Sargent III. and J. M. Saavedra. " Autoradiographic localization of binding sites for I-(-)DOI, a new psychotomimetic radioligand. in the rat brain". European Journal of Pharmacology 137 (1987): 289-90. Dennis J. McKenna. L. E Luna. and G. H. Towers. " Biodynamic constituents in Ayahuasca admixture plants: an uninvestigated folk pharmacopoeia". America Indigena 46 (1986): 73-101. Dennis J. McKenna and G. H. N. Towers. " On the comparative ethnopharmacology of the Malpighiaceous and Myristicaceous hallucinogens". Journal of Psychoactwe Drugs 17 (1985): 35-39. " Biochemistry and pharmacology of tryptamine and B-carboline derivatives: A minireview". Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 16 (1984): 347-58. Dennis J. McKenna. G. H. Towers, and F. S. Abbott. " Monoamine oxidase inhibitor in South American hallucinogenic plants: Tryptamine and B-carboline constituents of Ayahyasca". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 10 (1984): 195-223. " Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants. Part II: Constituents of orally active Myristicaceous hallucinogens". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 12 (1984): 179-211. Dennis J. McKenna and G. H. N. Towers. " Ultra-violet mediated cytotoxk activity of B-carboline alkaloid". Phytochemistry 20 (1981): 1001-1004. Dennis J. McKenna and T. K. McKenna. The Invisible Landscape, New York: Seabury Press, 1975.


" Параллель к выступающей на коже волшебной жидкости".(Циттируется по книге В.Н. Демин " Гиперборея.Исторические корни русского народа" М. ФАИР - ПРЕСС 2000)

Акт передачи силы и старшинства от Святогора к Илье Муромцу носит ритуально - мистический характер:

Святогор лежит в каменном гробу, из которого ему уже не суждено подняться (что совпадает с сюжетной линией мифа о смерти Осириса). И в этот момент " пошла из него да пена вон". При помощи этой таинственной " пены" и совершился акт передачи силы от одного богатыря к другому.

" Говорил Святогор да таково слово:

- Ты послушай-ко, крестовой ты мой брателко!

Да лижи ты возьми ведь пену мою,

Дак ты будешь ездить по Святым горам,

А не будешь ты бояться богатырей,

Никакого сильнего могучего богатыря."


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