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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

I. Эксплуатационные показатели работы судна.

1) Коэффициент загрузки судна.

где Q – количество перевозимого груза;

Дч – чистая грузоподъемность судна.

2) Средняя эксплуатационная скорость судна в рейсе, миль/час или узлов.

где L – расстояние, пройденное судном в милях;


3) Коэффициент ходового времени.

4) Коэффициент стояночного времени.

5) Производительность одной тонны грузоподъемности в сутки эксплуатации,



Оферта № 168:

1) aз = 17501, 58 / 23552, 15 = 0, 74 (74%)


2) V экс = (0 + 1209) / (24 × 20, 04) = 2, 51


3) eх = 6, 29 / 20, 04 = 0, 31 (31%)


4) ecт = 1, 00 - 0, 31 = 0, 69 (69%)


5) m = 0, 74 × (1209 / 20, 04) = 44, 64


Оферта № 220:

1) aз = 23434, 20 / 23434, 20 = 1, 00 (100%)


2) V экс = (358 + 5919) / (24 × 22, 04) = 11, 87

3) eх = 11, 21 / 22, 04 = 0, 51 (51%)


4) ecт = 1, 00 - 0, 51 = 0, 49 (49%)


5) m = 1, 00 × (5919 / 22, 04) = 268, 56



Оферта № 231:

1) aз = 23525, 70 / 23525, 70 =1, 00 (100%)


2) V экс = (69 + 1853) / (24 × 14, 42) = 5, 55

3) eх = 8, 59 / 14, 42 = 0, 6 (60%)


4) ecт = 1, 00 - 0, 60 = 0, 40 (40%)


5) m = 1, 00 × (1853 / 14, 42) = 128, 50


Оферта № 257:

1) aз = 17501, 58 / 23028, 58 = 0, 76 (76%)


2) V экс = (69 + 5282) / (24 × 32, 80) = 6, 8

3) eх = 20, 72 / 32, 80 = 0, 63 (63%)


4) ecт = 1, 00 - 0, 63 = 0, 37 (37%)


5) m = 0, 76 × (5282 / 32, 80) = 122, 39


Оферта № 298:

1) aз = 23578, 94 / 23578, 94 = 1, 00 (100%)


2) V экс = (358 + 1391) / (24 × 13, 77) = 5, 29

3) eх = 7, 94 / 13, 77 = 0, 58 (58%)


4) ecт = 1 - 0, 58 = 0, 42 (42%)


5) m = 1, 00 × (1391 / 13, 77) = 101, 02

Экономические (финансовые) показатели работы судна

1) Общая сумма фрахта за рейс, $.

где f – фрахтовая ставка за 1 тонну груза, $/т;

Q – количество перевозимого груза, т;

Кб – брокерская комиссия (в среднем для наливных судов составляет 3, 75% от суммы фрахта), $.

2) Суммарные эксплуатационные расходы судна за рейс, $.

где Rпор – стоимость судозахода, включая портовые сборы и агентирование, $ (см. методическое указание, таблица 1 Приложения);

R – стоимость судозахода для транзитной бункеровки;

Rкан. – расходы, связанные с прохождением каналов, включая лоцманскую проводку (см. методическое указание, таблицы 2-4 Приложения);

Rбун .– расходы на бункер;

где Цм, Цд – цена 1 тонны мазута и дизельного топлива, которые принимаются равными соответственно 650 $/т и 850 $/т.

3) Прибыль от эксплуатации, $.

где SRопер. – суммарные операционные расходы за рейс (см. методическое указание, таблицу 5 Приложения).

4) Финансовый результат, $.

где Пэкс . – прибыль от эксплуатации;

Rзав.рем . – расходы на заводской ремонт;

Rамор . – расходы на амортизацию;

Rадм. – административные расходы.

Исходные данные для расчета этих статей расходов представлены в методическом указании, таблице 5 Приложения.

5) Средняя себестоимость перевозки 1 тонны груза и 1 тонно-мили, $/т и $/т-м.

Оферта № 168:

(1 – 0, 0375) × 21, 10 × 17501, 58 = 352665, 59 $

Rпор = 23040 + 19800 = 42840 $


Rбун = (28 × 6, 29 × 1, 14 + 3 × 13, 75) × 650 + (3 × 6, 29 × 1, 14 + 3 × 13, 75) × 850 =


= (200, 78 + 41, 25) × 300 + (21, 51 + 41, 25) × 600 = 72608, 04 + 37656 = 110264, 04 $


Cудно проходит через проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы 1 раз в грузу.


S Rэкс = 42840 + 0 + (12000 / 2) + 110264, 04 = 159104, 04 $


Rопер = (2263000 × 20, 04) / 365 = 124248 $


Пэкс = 352665, 59 – (159104, 04 + 124248) = 69313, 55 $


Rзав.рем = (257200 × 20, 04) / 365 = 14121, 34 $

Rамор = (3800 × 20, 04) / 365 = 208, 64 $

Rадм = (136300 × 20, 04) / 365 = 7483, 43 $


Ф = 69313, 55 – (14121, 34 + 208, 64 + 7483, 43) = 47500, 14 $


S1 т = (159104, 04 + 124248) / 17501, 58 = 16, 19 $/т


S1 т -м = (159104, 04 + 124248) / (17501, 58 × 1209) = 0, 013 $/т-м


ТЧЭ = (352665, 59 – 159104, 04) / 20, 04 = 9658, 76 $/сут


Оферта № 220:

(1 – 0, 0375) × 45, 6 × 23434, 20 = 1020512, 54 $

Rпор = 37200 + 25560 = 62760 $


Rбун = (28 × 11, 21 × 1, 12 + 3 × 10, 83) × 650 + (3 × 11, 21 × 1, 12 + 3 × 10, 83) × 850 =


= (351, 55 + 32, 49) × 300 + (37, 67 + 32, 49) × 600 = 115210, 68 + 42096 = 157306, 68 $


Cудно проходит через проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы 1 раз в грузу.


S Rэкс = 62760 + 0 + (12000 / 2) + 157306, 68 = 226066, 68 $


Rопер = (2263000 × 22, 04) / 365 = 136648 $


Пэкс = 1020512, 54 – (226066, 68 + 136648) = 657797, 86 $


Rзав.рем = (257200 × 22, 04) / 365 = 15530, 65 $

Rамор = (3800 × 22, 04) / 365 = 229, 46 $

Rадм = (136300 × 22, 04) / 365 = 8230, 28 $


Ф = 657797, 86 – (15530, 65 + 229, 46 + 8230, 28) = 633807, 47 $


S1 т = (226066, 68 + 136648) / 23434, 20 = 15, 48 $/т


S1 т = (226066, 68 + 136648) / (23434, 20 × 5919) = 0, 003 $/т-м


ТЧЭ = (1020512, 54 – 226066, 68) / 22, 04 = 36045, 64 $/сут

Оферта № 231:

(1 – 0, 0375) × 23, 15 × 23525, 70 = 520112, 06 $

Rпор = 23400 + 32040 = 55440 $


Rбун = (28 × 8, 59 × 1, 12 + 3 × 5, 83) × 650 + (3 × 8, 59 × 1, 12 + 3 × 5, 83) × 850 =


= (269, 38 + 17, 49) × 300 + (28, 86 + 17, 49) × 600 = 86061, 72 + 27810 = 113871, 72 $


Cудно проходит через проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы 1 раз в грузу.


S Rэкс = 55440 + 0 + (12000 / 2) + 113871, 72 = 175311, 72 $


Rопер = (2263000 × 14, 42) / 365 = 89404 $


Пэкс = 520112, 06 – (175311, 72 + 89404) = 255396, 34 $


Rзав.рем = (257200 × 14, 42) / 365 = 10161, 16 $

Rамор = (3800 × 14, 42) / 365 = 150, 13 $

Rадм = (136300 × 14, 42) / 365 = 5384, 78 $


Ф = 255396, 34 – (10161, 16 + 150, 13 + 5384, 78) = 239700, 27 $


S1 т = (175311, 72 + 89404) / 23525, 70 = 11, 25 $/т


S1 т = (178197 + 89404) / (23525, 70 × 1863) = 0, 006 $/т-м


ТЧЭ = (520112, 06 – 175311, 72) / 14, 42 = 23911, 25 $/сут

Оферта № 257:

(1 – 0, 0375) × 52, 00 × 17501, 58 = 869128, 46 $

Rпор = 23400 + 27120 = 50520 $


Rбун = (28 × 20, 72 × 1, 08 + 3 × 12, 08) × 650 + (3 × 20, 72 × 1, 08 + 3 × 12, 08) × 850 =


= (626, 57 + 36, 24) × 300 + (67, 13 + 36, 24) × 600 = 198843 + 62022 = 260865 $


Cудно проходит через Суэцкий канал 1 раз (в грузу):

Для нашего судна SUEZ NRT = 12604, 49 рег. тонны.

За первые 5000 рег. тонн используется ставка в грузу 7, 16;

за следующие 5000 рег. тонн – 4; а за оставшиеся 2604, 49 рег. тонн – 3, 64.

Полученное значение умножаем на 1, 6, чтобы перевести полученную сумму в $.

Rcуэц = (7, 16 × 5000 + 4 × 5000 + 3, 64 × 2604, 49) × 1, 60 = (35800 + 20000 + 9480, 34) × 1, 60 =


= 65280, 34 × 1, 60 = 104448, 54 $


Cудно проходит через проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы 1 раз в грузу.


S Rэкс = 50520 + 0 + ((12000 / 2) + 104448, 54) + 260865 = 421833, 54 $


Rопер = (2263000 × 32, 80) / 365 = 203360 $


Пэкс = 869128, 46 – (421833, 54 + 203360) = 243934, 92 $


Rзав.рем = (257200 × 32, 80) / 365 = 23112, 77 $

Rамор = (3800 × 32, 80) / 365 = 341, 48 $

Rадм = (136300 × 32, 80) / 365 = 12248, 33 $


Ф = 243934, 92 – (23112, 77 + 341, 48 + 12248, 33) = 208232, 34 $


S1 т = (421833, 54 + 203360) / 17501, 58 = 35, 72 $/т


S1 т -м = (421833, 54 + 203360) / (17501, 58 × 5282) = 0, 007 $/т-м


ТЧЭ = (869128, 46 – 421833, 54) / 32, 80 = 13637, 04 $/сут

Оферта № 298:

(1 – 0, 0375) × 22, 00 × 23578, 94 = 495393, 53 $

Rпор = 32700 + 22440 = 55140 $


Rбун = (28 × 7, 94 × 1, 14 + 3 × 5, 83) × 650 + (3 × 7, 94 × 1, 14 + 3 × 5, 83) × 850 =


= (253, 45 + 17, 49) × 300 + (27, 16 + 17, 49) × 600 = 81282 + 26790 = 108072 $


Cудно проходит через проливы Босфор и Дарданеллы 1 раз в грузу.


S Rэкс = 55140 + 0 + (12000 / 2) + 108072 = 169212 $


Rопер = (2263000 × 13, 77) / 365 = 85374 $


Пэкс = 495393, 53 – (169212 + 85374) = 240807, 53 $


Rзав.рем = (257200 × 13, 77) / 365 = 9703, 13 $

Rамор = (3800 × 13, 77) / 365 = 143, 36 $

Rадм = (136300 × 13, 77) / 365 = 5142, 06 $


Ф = 240807, 53 - (9703, 13 + 143, 36 + 5142, 06) = 225818, 98 $


S1 т = (169212 + 85374) / 23578, 94 = 10, 8 $/т


S1 т = (169212 + 85374) / (23578, 94 × 1391) = 0, 008 $/т-м


ТЧЭ = (495393, 53 – 169212) / 13, 77 = 23687, 84 $/сут

Сводная таблица на основе полученных данных:

Показатели: Оферты:
Общая сумма фрахта за рейс, $ 352665, 59 1020512, 54 520112, 06 869128, 46 495393, 53
Прибыль от эксплуатации судна, $ 69313, 55 657797, 86 255396, 34 243934, 92 240807, 53
Финансовый результат, $ 47500, 14 633807, 47 239700, 27 208232, 34 225818, 98
Суммарные эксплуатационные расходы судна за рейс, $ 159104, 04 226066, 68 175311, 72 421833, 54 169212, 00
Средняя себестоимость перевозки 1 тонны груза, $/т 16, 19 15, 48 11, 25 35, 72 10, 80
Средняя себестоимость перевозки 1 тонны груза на 1 милю, $/т-м 0, 013 0, 003 0, 006 0, 007 0, 008
Тайм-чартерный эквивалент, $/сут 9658, 76 36045, 64 23911, 25 13637, 04 23687, 84














Обоснование выбора оптимальной оферты

Проанализировав экономические результаты, которые могут быть получены при работе по каждой из пяти оферт,

Порядковый номер оферты          
Оферта №...          
Тайм-чартерный эквивалент, $/сут 9658, 76 36045, 64 23911, 25 13637, 04 23687, 84


приходим к главному выводу:

оптимальной офертой является вторая оферта ¾ оферта № 220

(Новороссийск ® Одесса ® Сантьяго).

Главным критерием выбора было значение тайм-чартерного эквивалента, который у данной оферты больше, чем в других офертах. Кстати, и финансовый результат по данной оферте так же значительно превышает такие же показатели других оферт.

Это объясняется сравнительно небольшой продолжительностью рейса и более высокой фрахтовой ставкой, по сравнению с другими офертами.



Составление проекта чартера

По полученной оптимальной оферте перевозится груз – патока, поэтому в качестве проформы для создания чартера используем проформу «VegoilVoy», указанную в задании самой оферты.



It is this day agreed between Novoship SC charter owner/owner (hereinafter called the " Owner") of the MT “Ashchabad”

(hereinafter called the " Vessel") and Algeer MerTrading Company (hereinafter called the " Charterer") that the transportation herein provided for will be performed subject to the terms and condition of this Charter-party, which includes this Preamble and Part I and Part II. If there is any conflict between the provisions of Part 1 and those of Part II, the provisions of Part I shall prevail.


Part 1


Ship-broker – Pashevskyi

A. Description and Position of Vessel: Black sea

B. Deadweight: 23876 metric tons

Loaded draft of Vessel on 10, 54 m

Total cargo tanks: 28574 cub. m

Classed: ABS

LOA: 183, 00 meters BEAM: 20, 70 meters

Last Cargo: Vegetable oil

Previous Cargo: Vegetable oil

Now: discharging


B. Commencing: 25.12.2008 Cancelling: 07.01.2009

C. Loading Port(s): Odessa

D. Discharging Port(s): Santiago de Cube

E. Cargo: 23578, 94 metric tons of patoka

F. Freight Rate; 45, 60 $ us dollars per one term

G. Freight Payable to: Novoship SC

H. Total Laytime in Running Hours: 190

J. Demurrage Per Hour: 400 USD

K. Commission of 3, 75 % is payable by owner to

on the actual amount of freight, when and as freight is paid

L. The place of General Average and Arbitration proceedings to be London.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Charter, consisting of a Preamble, Parts I and II, to be executed in duplicate as of the day year first above written.



Witness the signature of:

By: ______________

Witness the signature of By: ______________



1. WARRANTY — VOYAGE — CARGO Owners shall before, at the commencement of and throughout the voyage exercise due diligence to make and maintain the vessel, her tanks, valves and pipelines tight, staunch, strong, in good order and condition, in every way fit for the voyage and fit to carry the cargo provided for in Clauses with the vessel's machinery, boilers and hull in such a state as to obtain the most efficient working and with a full and efficient complement of Master, officers and crew for a vessel of her tonnage. Subject to the provisions of Clause 21 hereof, the vessel shall with all convenient dispatch, proceed to or so near thereunto as she may safely get, and there load from the factors of Charteres subject to Clause 8 hereof a full and complete cargo of diesel fuel in bulk, not exceeding what she can reasonably stow and carry over and above her tackle, provisions and furniture and in any case not in excess of the quantity permitted by the International Load Line Convention, 1966, or any modification or amendment thereof from time to time in force, and being so loaded shall therewith proceed (as ordered on signing Bills of Lading or as provided hereof) to ……………………………………….. or so near thereunto as she may safely get, and deliver the same in consideration of the payment of freight provided.  
2. FREIGHT Freight shall be at the rate stipulated in Part I and shall be computed on intake quantity as shown on the Inspector's Certificate of Inspection. Payment of freight shall be made by Charterer without discount upon delivery of cargo at destination, less any disbursements or advances made to the Master or Owner's agents at ports of loading and/or discharge and cost of insurance thereon. No deduction of freight shall be maid for water and/or sediment contained in the cargo. The services of the Petroleum Inspector shall be arranged and paid for by the Charterer who shall furnish the Owner with a copy of the Inspector's Certificate. Before unloading.  
3. DEAD FREIGHT Charteres need not supply a full cargo but in that case freight shall nevertheless be paid as if the vessel had been loaded with a full cargo.  
4. NAMING LOADING AND DISCHARGE PORTS. (a) The Charterer shall name the loading port or ports at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Vessel's readiness to sail from the last previous port of discharge, or from bunkering port for the voyage, or upon signing this Charter if the Vessel has already sailed. However, Charterer shall have the option of ordering the Vessel to the following destinations for wireless orders: On a voyage to a port or ports in: …………………………Novorossiysk…(Russian Federation)…… …………………………………………………….. (b) If lawful and consistent with Part I and with the Bills of Lading, the Charterer shall have the option of nominating a discharging port or ports by radio to the Master on or before the Vessel's arrival at or off following places: Place On a voyage to a port or ports in: ……………………………………Alger…in Alger………….. ………………………………………………….. (c) Any extra expense incurred in connection with any change in loading or discharging ports (so named) shall be paid for by the Charterer and any lime thereby lost to the Vessel shall count as used laytime.
5. LAYTIME.   Laytime shall not commence before the dale stipulated in Part I, except with the Charterer's sanction. Should the Vessel not be ready to load by 4: 00 o'clock P.M. (local time) on the canceling dale stipulated in Part I, the Charterer shall have the option of canceling this Charter by giving Owner notice of such cancellation within twenty-four (24) hours after such cancellation dale; otherwise this Charter to remain in full force and effect.
6. NOTICE OF READINESS. Upon arrival at customary anchorage at each port of leading of discharge, the Master or his agent shall give the Charterer or his agent notice by latter, telegraph, wireless or telephone that the Vessel is ready lo load or discharge cargo, berth or no berth, and laytime, as hereinafter provided, Shall commence e upon the expiration of six (6) hours after receipt of such notice, or upon the Vessel's arrival in berth (i.e., finished mooring when at a sea loading or discharging terminal and all fast when loading or discharging alongside a wharf), whichever first occurs. However, where delay is caused to Vessel getting into berth after giving notice of readiness for any reason over which Charterer has no control, such delay shall not count as used lay time.  
7. HOURS FOR LOADING AND DISCHARGING. …….. Running hours shall be allowed Charterers for loading and discharging and all other Charterers' purposes whatsoever. Charterers shall have the right of loading and discharging during the night paying all extra expenses incurred ashore. Time shall not count against laytime or if the vessel is on demurrage for demurrage when spent or lost (i) on an inward passage moving from anchorage, even if lightening has taken place at the anchorage, to the berth or other place of loading or discharging specified by Charterers; (ii) due to breakdown inefficiency or other cause attributable to the vessel and/or Owners; (iii) as a result of strike lock out, stoppage or restraint of labour of master, officers or crew of the vessel or tug boats or pilot; (iv) in handling ballast.  
8. DEMURRAGE. Charteres shall pay demurrage at the rate stipulated in the Nanler Nominal Freight Scale No. 3 as amended at the date of this Charter plus/minus ……% per running day and pro rata for part of a running day for all time that loading and discharging and time counting as lay time exceeds the allowed lay time specified hereof. If, however, demurrage is incurred due to fire or explosion at ports of loading and/or discharge in or about the shore plant or due to breakdown of shore machinery, the rate of demurrage shall be reduced to half per running day and pro rata for part of a running day for demurrage so incurred.  
9. SAFE BERTHING. SHIFTING. The vessel shall load and discharge at any safe place or wharf, or alongside vessels or lighters reachable on her arrival, which shall be designated and procured by the Charterer, provided the Vessel can proceed thereto, lie at, and depart there from always safely afloat, any lighterage being at the expense, risk and peril of the Charterer. The Charterer shall have the right of shifting the Vessel at ports of loading and/or discharge from one safe berth to another on payment of all towage and pilotage shifting to next berth, chargers for running lines on arrival at and leaving that berth, additional agency charges and expense, customs overtime and fees, and any other extra port charges or port expenses incurred by reason of using more than one berth. Time consumed on account of shifting shall count as used lay time except as otherwise provided.
10. PUMPING IN AND OUT.   The cargo shall be pumped into the Vessel at the expense, risk and peril of the Charterer, and shall be pumped out of the Vessel at the Vessel, but at the risk and peril of the Vessel only so far as the expense of the Vessel's permanent hose connections, where delivery, of the cargo shall be taken by the Charterer or Its consignee. If required by Charterer, Vessel after discharging is to clear shore pipe lines of cargo by pumping water through (hem and time consumed for this purpose shall apply against allowed lay time. The Vessel shall supply her pumps and the necessary power for discharging in all ports, as well as necessary hands. However, should the Vessel be prevented from supplying such power by reason 6f regulations prohibiting fires on board, the Charterer or consignee shall supply, at its expense all power necessary for discharging as well as loading, but the Owner shall pay for power supplied to the Vessel for oilier purposes. If cargo is loaded from lighters, the Vessel shall furnish steam it Caterer’s expense for pumping cargo into the Vessel, if requested by the Charterer, providing the Vessel has facilities for generating steam and is permitted to have fires on board, All overtime of officers and crew incurred in loading and/or discharging shall be for account of the Vessel.
11. DUES — TAXES — WHARFAGE. The Charterer shall pay all taxes, dues and other charges on the cargo, including but not limited to Customs overtime on the cargo. The Charterer shall also pay nil taxes on freight ut loading or discharging ports and any unusual taxes, assessments and governmental charges which are not presently in effect but which may be imposed in the future on the Vessel or freight. The Owners shall pay all dues and other charges on the Vessel (whether or not such dues or charges are assessed on the basis of quantity of cargo). The Vessel shall be free of charges for the use of any wharf, dock, place or mooring facility arranged by the Charterer for the purpose of loading or discharging cargo; however, the Owner shall be responsible for charges for such berth when used solely for Vessel's purposes, such as awaiting Owners' orders, tank cleaning, repairs, etc., before, during or after loading or discharging.  
12. GENERAL CARGO. The Charterer shall not be permitted to ship any packaged goods or non-liquid bulk cargo of any description; the cargo the Vessel is to load under this Charter is to consist only of liquid bulk cargo as specified in Clause 1.  
13. QUARATINE Time lost at any port due to quarantine shall not count against lay time or for demurrage unless such quarantine was in force at the time when such port was nominated by Chartreres.  
14. FUMIGATION If the Vessel, prior to or after entering upon this Charter, has docked or docks at any wharf which is not rat-free or stegomyia-free, she shall, before proceeding to rat-free or stegomyia-free wharf, be fumigated by the Owner at his expense, except that if the Charterer ordered the Vessel to an infected wharf the Charterer shall bear the expense of fumigation.  
15. CLEANING The Owner shall clean the tanks, pipes and pumps of the Vessel to the satisfaction of the Caterer’s Inspector. The Vessel shall not be responsible for any admixture if more than one quality of oil is shipped, nor for leakage, contamination or deterioration in quality of the cargo unless the admixture, leakage, contamination or deterioration in quality of the cargo unless the admixture, leakage, contamination or deterioration results from (a) unseaworthiness existing at the lime of loading or at the inception of the voyage which was discoverable by the exercise of due, or (b) error or fault of the servants of the Owner In the loading, care or discharge of the cargo.  
16. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS CI.AUSE The Vessel, her Master and Owner shall not, unless otherwise on this Charier provided, be responsible for any loss or damage, or delay or failure in performing hereunder, arising or resulting from: — any act, neglect, default or barratry of the Master, pilots, mariners or other servants of the Owner in the navigation or •management of the Vessel; fire, unless caused by the personal design or neglect of the Owner; Collision, stranding or peril, danger or accident of the sea or other navigation waters; saving or attempting to save life or properly; wastage in weight or bulk, or any other loss or damage arising from inherent defect, quality or vice of the cargo; any act or omission of the Charterer or Owner, shipper or consignee of the cargo, their agents or representatives; insufficiency of packing; insufficiency or inadequacy of marks, explosion, bursting of boilers, breakage of boilers, breakage of shafts, or any latent defect in hull, equipment or machinery, unseaworthiness of the Vessel unless caused by want of due diligence on the part of the Owner to make the Vessel seaworthy or to have her properly manned, equipped and supplied; or from any other cause of whatsoever kind arising without the actual fault or privity of the Owner. And neither the Vessel nor Master or Owner, nor the Charterer, shall, unless otherwise in this Charter expressly provided, be responsible for any loss or damage or delay or failure in performing hereunder, arising or resulting from: — Act of God; act of war, perils of the seas; act of public enemies, pirates or assailing thieves; or restraint of princes, rulers or people; or seizure under legal process provided bond is promptly furnished to release the Vessel or cargo; strike or lockout or stoppage or restraint of labour from whatever cause, either partial or general; or riot or civil commotion.  
17. ISSUANCE AND TERMS OF BILLS OF I.AD1NG (i) Bills of Lading are to be signed as Charteres direct without prejudice to this charter. Charteres hereby indemnify Owners against all liabilities that may arise from the signing qt" Bills of Lading in accordance with the directions of Charteres to the extent that the terms of such Bills of Lading, impose more onerous liabilities upon Owners than those assumed by Owners under the terms of this charter. (ii) (ii) Owners agree that payment of Freight shall be covered solely by the terms of tills charter and shall not seek to recover Freight under the terms of the Bill of Lading. Owners shall be liable to pay the contribution to General Average due from the Freight payable under this charter which is at their risk. (iii) Charteres shall procure that all Bills of Lading presented to the master for signature pursuant to the terms of this charter shall contain Ice and War Risks Clauses in terms substantially similar to the terms of clauses 17, 18 and 31 of this charter so far as applicable to Bills of Lading.   The word " carrier" shall include the Owner and the Chartered Owner of the Vessel.  
18. CLAUSE PARAMOUNT This Bill of Lading shall have effect subject ot the provisions of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of the United States, approved April 16, 1936. except that if this Bill of lading is issued at a place where any other Act, ordinance or legislation gives statutory effect to the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading at Brussels, August 1924, then this Bill of Lading shall have effect, subject to the provisions of such Act, ordinance or legislation. The applicable Act, ordinance or legislation (hereinafter called the «Act») shall be deemed to be incorporated herein and nothing herein contained shall be deemed surrender by the Owner of any of its rights or immunities or an increase of any of its responsibilities or liabilities under the Act. If any term of this Bill of Lading be repugnant lo the Ad to any extent, such term shall be void to that extent but no further.  
19. JASON CLAUSE In the event of accident, danger, damage or disaster before or after the commencement of the voyage, resulting from any cause whatsoever, whether due to negligence or not, for which, or for the consequence of which, the Owner is not responsible, by statute, contract or otherwise, the cargo shippers, consignees or owners of the cargo shall contribute with the Owner in General Average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a General Average nature that may be made or incurred and shall pay salvage and special charges incurred in respect of the cargo. If a salving ship is owned or operated by the Owner, salvage shall be paid for as fully as if the said salving ship or ships belonged to strangers. Such deposit as the Owner or his agents may deem sufficient lo cover the estimated contribution of the cargo and any salvage and special charges thereon shall, if required, be made by the cargo, shippers, consignees or owners of the cargo lo the, carrier before delivery.  
20. GENERAL AVERAGE General Average shall be adjusted, slated and settled according to York-Antwerp Rules 1950 and, as to matters not provided for by those rules, according lo the laws and usages at the port of New York or at the port of London, whichever place is specified in Part 1 of this Charter. If a General Average statement is required, it shall be prepared at such port or place in the United States or United Kingdom, whichever country it specified in Part I of this Charter, as may be selected by the Owner, unless otherwise mutually agreed, by an Adjuster appointed by the Owner and approved by the Charterer, Such Adjuster shall attend to the settlement and the collection of tin: Central Average, subject to customary charges. Owner and/or Charterer, and/or Owner and/or Consignee of cargo, if requested shall furnish General Average Agreements and/or security. Any cash deposit being made as security to pay General Average and/or salvage shall be remitted to the Average Adjuster and shall be held by him at his risk in special in account a duly authorized and licensed bank at the place where the General Average statement is prepared.  
21. BOTH TO BLAME If the Vessel comes into collision with another ship as a result of the negligence of the other and any act, neglect or default of the Master, mariner, pilot or the servants of the Owners in the navigation or in the management of the Vessel, the owners of the cargo carried hereunder shall indemnify the Owner against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying ship or her owners in so far as such losses or liability represents loss of, or damage to, or any claim whatsoever of the owners of said cargo, paid or payable by the other or recovered by the other or non-carrying ship or her owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or Owner. The foregoing provisions shall also apply where the owners, operators or those in charge of any ships or objects other than, or in addition to, the colliding ships or object are at fault in respect of a collision or contact.  
22. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Any provision of this Charter to the contraty notwithstanding, the Owner shall have the benefit of all limitations of, and exemptions from liability accorded to the owner or chartered owner of vessels by any statute or rule of law for the time being in force.  
.   If any port of loading or of discharge named in this Charter-Party or to which ihc Vessel may properly he ordered pursuant to the terms of the Bills of leading be blockaded, or (a) If owing to any war, hostilities, warlike operations, civil war, civil commotions, revolutions or the operation of international law (a) entry to any such port of loading or of discharge or the loading or discharge at any such port be considered by the Master or Owners in his or their discretion dangerous or prohibited or (b) it be considered by the Master or Owners in his or their discretion dangerous or impossible for the Vessel t0 reach any other port of loading or discharge the Charterers shall have the right to order the cargo or such part of it as may be affected to be loaded or discharged at any other safe port of loading or of discharge within the range of loading or discharging ports respectively established under the provisions of the Charter-Party (provided such Other port is not blockaded or that entry thereto or loading or discharge of cargo thereat is not in the Master's or Owner's discretion dangerous or prohibited). If in respect of a port of discharge no orders be received from the Charterers within 48 hours after they or their agents have received from the Owners a request for the nomination of a substitute port, the Owners shall then be at liberty to discharge the cargo at any safe port which they or the Master may in their or his discretion decide on (whether within the range of discharging ports established under the provisions of the Charter-party or not) and such discharge shall be deemed to be due fulfillment of the contract or contracts of affreightment so far as cargo so discharged is concerned. In the event of the cargo being loaded or discharged at any such other port within the respective range of loading or discharging ports established under the provisions of the Charter-party. The Charter-Party shall be read in respect of freight and all other conditions whatsoever as if the voyage performed were that originally designated. In the event, however, that the Vessel discharges the cargo at a port outside the range of discharging ports established under the provisions of the Charier-Party, freight shall be paid as for the voyage originally designated and all extra expenses involved in reaching the actual port of discharge and or discharging the cargo thereat shall be paid by the Charterers or Cargo Owners. In the latter event the Owners shall have a lien on the cargo for all such extra expenses. (b) The Vessel shall have liberty to comply with any directions or recommendations as to departure, arrival, routes, ports of call, stoppages, destinations, zones, waters, delivery or in any otherwise whatsoever given by the government of the nations under whose flag the Vessel sails or any other government or local authority including any de facto government of local authority or by any person or body acting or purporting to act as or with the authority of any such government or authority or by any committee or person having under the terms of the war risks insurance on the vessel the right to give any such directions or recommendations. If by reason of or in compliance with any such directions or recommendations, anything is done or is not done such shall not be deemed a deviation. If by reason of or in compliance with any such direction or recommendation the Vessel docs not proceed to the port or ports of discharge originally designated or to which she may have been ordered pursuant to the terms of the Bills of Lading, the Vessel may proceed to any safe port of discharge which the Master or Owners in his or their discretion may decide on and there discharge the cargo. Such discharge shall be deemed to be due fulfillment of (he contract or contracts of affreightment and the Owners shall be entitled to freight as if discharge has been effected at the port or ports originally designated or to which the vessel may have been ordered pursuant to the terms of the Bills of Lading. All extra expenses involved in reaching and discharging the cargo at any such other port of discharge shall be paid by the Charterers and/or Cargo Owners and the Owners shall have a lien on the cargo for freight and all such expenses.  
23. E.T.A. A wireless message is to be sent by the Master to agents at least 48 (forty eight) hours prior to arrival advising vessel's approximate date and hour of arrival at loading port, failing which Charteres shall be allowed an additional 24 (twenty four) hours. A wireless message is also to be sent by the Master to agents at discharge port at least 48 (forty eight) hours prior to arrival advising vessel's approximate date and hour of arrival at discharge port, stating also expected draft on even keel, failing which Caterers shall be allowed an additional 24 (twenty four) hours. Any alteration in dates or times of arrival shall be advised promptly by wireless to agents.  
24. DEVIATION CLAUSE If after loading or discharging ports have been nominated Charteres desire to vary any of such ports. Owners agree to issue such revised instructions as are necessary to give effect to Charterer' revised orders and Charteres agree to reimburse Owners at the rate of running day and pro rata for part of a running day in respect of any deviation expenses and/or delay which may he incurred in consequence thereof and indemnify them against claims brought by holders of bills of lading by reason of such deviation. In addition, Charteres will pay at replacement price for any extra bunkers consumed, but shall not be liable for any other loss which results to Owners from Charteres varying such ports as aforesaid unless, immediately upon such variation. Owners notify Charteres of such loss. On receipt of such notification, Charteres shall have die right to revise the orders varying such ports, failing which any proved loss arising out of such variation shall be paid for by Charteres at cost.  
25. LIEN   The Owner shall have an absolute lien on the cargo for all freight, dead freight, demurrage and costs, including attorney fees, of recovering the same, which lien shall continue after delivery of the cargo into the possession of the Charterer, or of the holders of any Bills of Lading covering the same or any storage man.  
26. AGENTS The Owner shall appoint Vessel's agents at all ports.  
27. ARBITRATION Any and all differences and disputes of whatsoever nature arising out of this Charter shall be put to arbitration in the City of New York or in the City of London whichever place is specified In Pan I of this Charter pursuant to the laws relating to arbitration there in force, before a board of three persons, consisting of one arbitrator to be appointed by the Owner, one by the Charterer, and one by the two so chosen. The decision of any two of the three on any point or points shall be final. Either party hereto may call for such arbitration by service upon any officer of the other, wherever he may be found, of a written notice specifying the name and address of the arbitrator chosen by the first moving party and a brief description of the disputes or differences which such party desires to put to arbitration. If the Other party shall not, by notice served upon an officer of the first moving party within twenty days of the service of such first notice, appoint its arbitrator to arbitrate the dispute or differences Specified, then the first moving party shall have the right without further notice to appoint a second arbitrator, who shall be a disinterested person with precisely the same force and effect as if said second arbitrator has been appointed by the other party. In the event that the two arbitrators fail to appoint a third arbitrator within twenty days of the appointment of the second arbitrator, either arbitrator may apply to a Judge of any court of maritime jurisdiction in the city abovementioned for the appointment of a third arbitrator, and the appointment of such arbitrator by such Judge on such application shall have precisely the same force and effect as if such arbitrator had been appointed by the two arbitrators. Until such time as the arbitrators finally close the hearings either party shall have the right by written notice served on the arbitrators and on an officer of the other party to specify further disputes of differences under this Charter for hearing and determination. Awards made In pursuance to this clause may include costs, including a reasonable allowance for attorney's, fees, and judgment may be entered upon any award made hereunder in any Court having jurisdiction In the premises.  



Комментарий к чартеру:

1. Судно – гарантия - рейс.

Без изменений. Согласно данной статье фрахтователь должен проинструктировать судовладельца о свойствах груза и условиях его перевозки, если же это сделано не будет, то в случае порчи корпуса судна или отдельных элементов его конструкции, либо при нанесении вреда здоровью членам экипажа фрахтователь обязан оплатить судовладельцу за это по безналичному расчёту денежное взыскание в размере одной трети суммы фрахта, что в таком случае будет коммерчески выгодно судовладельцу.


2. а) Фрахт.

Изменена.Коммерчески целесообразным в данной статье является тот факт, что фрахтовая ставка заранее оговорена при подписании данного чартера. Фрахтователь обязуется оплатить фрахт ДО начала выгрузки по безналичному расчёту (в долларах).

б) Авансы. Изменена.В данную статью вношу изменение, по которому какие-либо авансы, предусмотренные данным соглашением сторон, оплачиваются ТОЛЬКО по безналичному расчёту (в долларах).


3. Мёртвый фрахт.

Без изменений. Коммерчески целесообразным для судовладельца является тот факт, что мёртвый фрахт должен платиться по норме, определённой частично на основе различия между количеством перевозимого груза и количеством, которое Судно несло бы, если загружено под минимально допустимый надводный борт для совершения данного рейса.


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