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The Master and Margarita. Behemoth, trying to reattach a large clump of fur that had been torn off his back.

Behemoth, trying to reattach a large clump of fur that had been torn off his back.

" I bet, " said Woland, smiling at Margarita, " that he missed on purpose. He's a good shot."

Hella and the cat made up, and as a token of their reconciliation, they kissed. The card was retrieved from under the pillow and checked. No pip had been touched except the one Azazello shot.

" That's not possible, " maintained the cat, peering at the candelabrum through the hole in the card.

The merry supper continued. The candles burned down in the candelabra, and the dry, fragrant warmth coming from the fireplace spread through the room in waves. After eating her fill, Margarita was overcome by a feeling of bliss. She watched the bluish-gray smoke rings from Azazello's cigar float into the fireplace, and the cat try to catch them on the end of his saber. She had no desire to go anywhere, although according to her calculations it was already very late. Everything considered, it seemed to be approaching sue in the morning. Taking advantage of the pause, Margarita turned to Woland and said timidly, " I should probably go... It's late."

" Where are you rushing off to? " queried Woland politely, albeit dryly. The others kept their silence, pretending to be entranced by the smoke rings.

" Yes, it's time to go, " repeated Margarita, who was somewhat disconcerted by their response, and she turned as if in search of a cape or something to put on. Her nakedness had suddenly begun to embarrass her. She got up from the table. Woland quietly removed his soiled and threadbare robe from the bed, and Korovyov threw it over Margarita's shoulders.

" Thank you, Messire, " said Margarita in barely audible tones, and she gave Woland a questioning look. He responded with a polite and noncommittal smile. Black anguish immediately threatened to engulf Margarita's heart. She felt cheated. No one, it seemed, had any intention of rewarding her for her services at the ball, nor did they wish to stop her from leaving. And yet it was perfectly obvious to her that she no longer had any place to go. A fleeting thought that she might have to go back to her house sent a jolt of despair through her. Should she ask for something for herself, as Azazello had so temptingly suggested in the Alexandrovsky Park? " No, not for anything, " she said to herself.

" All the best to you, Messire, " she said aloud, all the while thinking, " If I can just get out of here, I'll go down to the river and drown myself."

" Do sit down, " came Woland's sudden command.

A change came over Margarita's face, and she sat down.

" Perhaps you wish to say something before you go? "

" No, nothing, Messire, " replied Margarita proudly. " Except, of course, that if you still have need of me, I'm happy to be of service. I'm

The Liberation o/ the Master 241

not in the least bit tired and I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the ball. So much so that if it had lasted longer, I would have been glad to let thousands more murderers and gallows birds kiss my knee." Her eyes filling with tears, Margarita looked at Woland, as through a veil.

" Bravo! You're absolutely right! " said Woland in a fearsome, booming voice. " That's the way! "

" That's the way! " echoed Woland's retinue.

" We've been testing you, " Woland continued. " Never ask for anything! Not ever, not for anything, especially from someone who's more powerful than you are. They will offer and grant everything themselves. Sit down, proud woman." Woland tore the heavy robe from Margarita's shoulders, and again she found herself sitting next to him on the bed. " And so, Margot, " continued Woland, softening his voice, " what would you like in return for having served as my hostess today? What do you wish for having gone naked at the ball? What value do you put on your knee? What damages did you incur from my guests, whom you just referred to as gallows birds? Speak! And do so without constraint since it is I who have made the offer."

Margarita's heart began to pound, she heaved a sigh and started to collect her thoughts.

" Come now, show more courage! " prompted Woland. " Arouse your imagination, give it free reign! Just witnessing the murder ofthat inveterate scoundrel of a baron should earn someone a reward, especially if that someone is—a woman. Well? "

Margarita's breath caught in her throat, and just as she was about to say the cherished words she had prepared in her soul, she suddenly turned pale, her mouth opened, and her eyes bulged. " Frieda! Frieda! Frieda! " cried an insistent, beseeching voice in her ears. " My name is Frieda! " And Margarita, stumbling over her words, began speaking, " So that means then... that I can ask... for one thing? "

" Demand, demand, my Donna, " replied Woland with an understanding smile. " Demand one thing! "

Oh, how adroitly and precisely did Woland emphasize—" one thing! " in repeating Margarita's words.

Margarita sighed again and said, " I want them to stop giving Frieda the handkerchief she used to smother her baby."

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