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Chapter 37
It took them almost an hour to walk back to the clearing, their progress hampered by the heavy rain. Lex placed Amanda in the dense shrubbery, then settled down behind her, wrapping her long arms around the small waist. They watched in amusement as the man Lex identified as Matt looked under the hood of the truck, apparently having no success in getting it to start. Lex leaned into Amanda and placed her mouth next to a small ear. " I wonder what his problem is? " she whispered, an evil chuckle coloring her tone. The younger woman giggled, and squeezed the hands that were wrapped securely around her stomach. Another man walked up to the truck saying something to Matt, who looked around the clearing. He pointed in the opposite direction from where Lex and Amanda were sitting, and Darrell walked in that direction, carrying his rifle. Lex whispered, " Uh-oh…they must have finally figured out that one of them is missing." Amanda turned slightly in the older woman's arms so that she could speak. " Missing? " The rancher nodded. " Yeah, he's tied up over in those trees to the right." She pointed. Amanda frowned at her. " You? " Lex gave her a sheepish shrug. " Yeah…I practically tripped over him on my way back to meet you." She grinned. " He was, uh…somewhat indisposed." Amanda's brow creased in a thoughtful manner, then suddenly cleared. " Oh…eww…" " Yeah…" Lex agreed. " But now that they've figured out he's missing, things could start to get a little hairy." She gave the smaller woman a concerned look. " We may have to get out of here in a hurry, so be ready." Amanda nodded, then reached a hand up to cup Lex's cheek. " As long as we leave together." She pulled the rancher's face down for a gentle kiss. " No heroics, right? " she managed to ask after they finally broke apart. Lex placed a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. " Right." Then she became instantly alert. " Get ready to move…looks like they're beginning to search for their missing buddy." She released Amanda's waist and captured her hand. " C'mon. We'll be safer back by the pass." Lex crawled back through the bushes, pulling Amanda behind her. They decided to circle around to the left of the clearing, hoping that the longer path would be free of the searching men. Lex suddenly came to a halt, causing Amanda to slam into her back. " What…? " the smaller woman whispered, fearing detection. The rancher turned halfway around, placing a gentle hand over Amanda's mouth. " Shh…" She motioned with her other hand to the right of where they were standing. Darrell was searching the underbrush, using the barrel of his rifle to move the heavy shrubbery out of the way. In his other hand he carried a flashlight, to help cut the gloom of the heavy rain and early evening stormy sky. He was swinging the light in a wide arc, coming dangerously close to the two women. Lex pulled Amanda to stand directly behind her, hoping that the dark duster she wore would camouflage them. " If we happen to get separated, take Thunder and meet me back at the pond. They'll never find us there." She whispered. A strong squeeze of her hand and an emphatic shake of Amanda's head were her only answer. Lex spun around to face the young woman. " I'm not planning on it happening, but we need to be prepared just in case! " The small woman sighed, then nodded. Lex turned back around to watch the man search, slowly backing the two of them away from him. She froze as the light panned across her body, feeling small hands clinch tightly on the back of her coat. The light kept going, and Lex released a breath she didn't even realize she had been holding. The tall woman started slowly backing up again, gently pushing Amanda back as well. The light suddenly hit her in the face, and the man let out a yell of surprise. " Hey! " he lifted the nose of his rifle, trying to aim it and the flashlight at the dark apparition in front of him. Lex spun around quickly, still using her body to block his view of her companion. " RUN!!! " she hissed, pushing Amanda forward roughly. The small woman stumbled, but regained her footing and began to move quickly through the heavy trees, with Lex right in behind her. 'CRACK! ' Bark exploded off of a tree near Amanda's head. Oh, God! She willed her body to move faster. Through the pouring rain she could hear men shouting. Great! Now he's got help! She risked a glance behind her, seeing Lex a few steps back. 'CRACK! ' 'CRACK! ' More shots rang out, and Amanda could hear several bodies crashing through the brush right after them. " To the right! " Lex hissed, pulling the small woman's arm in that direction, as they veered off of the slight path they were on, pushing through even denser foliage. 'CRACK! ' 'CRACK! ' Those shots sounded further away this time, Amanda thought to herself, as Lex pulled her down into some heavy bushes. Panting hard, the young woman looked around, squinting in the dim light. They seemed to be inside a small burrow, so thickly concealed that the falling rain could hardly break through. It was so dark that Amanda could barely make out the large form in front of her, but she knew in her heart who it was. They sat silently for what seemed like hours, just waiting and listening, trying to hear any noise over the rumbling thunder. Each of them was too tired and afraid to utter a sound. After half an hour had passed, Lex finally broke the silence. " Stay put. I'm going to take a quick look around." She whispered. Amanda grabbed her arm. " Please, don't! " she begged, fear evident in her tone. Lex leaned into the young woman's ear. " We can't stay here all night." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the radio. " Call Martha and find out where the sheriff is." She placed a soft kiss on Amanda's cold lips. " If I'm not back in thirty minutes, make your way back to the house." Amanda wrapped her arms around Lex's neck, pulling her close. She gave the rancher a searing kiss, finally breaking off to catch her breath. " No…you will come back to me! " Her voice trembled. " This is non-negotiable, got it? " Lex cleared her throat. " Yeah, I got it." She leaned forward and kissed the smaller woman's damp forehead. " I'll be right back." She turned and crawled out of their hideaway. The young blonde wiped her eyes and turned on the radio. Holding the button down, she whispered, " Martha, can you hear me? " she released the button, hearing a small burst of static. " Amanda? Child, is that you? I can barely hear you." Martha's voice broke through the static loudly, making the young woman wince and hurry to turn down the volume. She placed her mouth as close as possible to the microphone. " Yes, it's me. I have to be quiet, though. Have you heard from the sheriff? " " Yes, I have, honey. He should be at the site any time now - he's got three deputies with him." Amanda breathed a sigh of relief. " Martha, you have to warn him that they have guns…" She mentally added up what she had seen. " Two rifles that we're aware of. And there's…" She was abruptly cut off by the sounds of gunfire, although it sounded like it was quite some distance away. NO!!! She almost sprang out of her hiding place, her heart pounding. " Amanda? Honey, are you still there? " Martha's concerned voice broke through her racing thoughts. " Uh, yeah…I'm here." She took a deep breath. " Look, I've got to go, Martha. I'll talk to you later, okay? " She turned off the radio then sat in the dark, straining to hear anything over the thunder and pounding rain that punctured the stillness. The thirty-minute time limit was almost up, and the young blonde was a nervous wreck. I can't believe I let her talk me into staying here…where could she be? Is she okay? Oh, God… She almost screamed when a dark form broke through the dense brush, almost tumbling in on top of her. " Lex? " she reached out blindly. " Yeah, it's me." The form wheezed, trying to catch her breath. " I led them back towards the clearing…those fools will be chasing each other in a big circle for hours." Amanda let out a deep breath. " Good…Martha said the sheriff should be there with his deputies any time now." She placed her hand on the rancher's shoulder. " Is it safe for us to get out of here? " She was more than a little concerned about her friend. Lex was still breathing hard. " Are you okay? I heard more gunshots while you were gone." The older woman was silent for a few moments, trying to get her breathing under control. " Yeah, fine…it's just real hard to run in the driving rain wearing boots and a heavy duster." She chuckled. " Guess I'm a little out of shape." Amanda crawled closer, almost sitting in the dark woman's lap. " Yeah, right. You're still recovering from broken ribs, remember? " She snuggled into the welcoming arms. " Ooh…this feels really good. I'm a little chilled." She looked up, barely able to make out the outline of Lex's face. " I imagine you're freezing, since you've been out in this cold rain longer than I have." " I've been warmer, that's for sure." Lex whispered, nuzzling the sweet neck below her. " But to tell you the truth, I'm pretty warm right now." She chuckled, then fought back a small cough. The small woman lifted a hand and placed it on the shadowed face above her. " You're feeling a bit warm…we need to get you back to the house, and into bed." Lex gave the hand a small kiss. " I'm fine…just out of breath from all that damn running." She cocked her head, listening. " But you're right…I think it's safe for us to try and leave now." Climbing to her feet, Lex offered the younger woman a hand up.