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All rules

  Name Rule Formula Example
  to be Когда в предложении нет глагола (описание)   am, is, are I am a student. Are we friends? He isn’t a doctor.
  Have Has Мы используем Have, когда хотим сказать, что у кого-то что-то есть.   I, You, We, They + Have. He, She, It + Has. I have a sister. He has a lot of money. We don’t have a house. Does she have time for it?
  Have got Has got I have = I have got = I've got He has =He has got = He's got   (особенность – если вы используете have got – то вспом. глагол - have) #2 He’ s got arms He hasn’t got arms Has he got arms? What has he got?
  Present Simple действие происходит обычно (usually), часто (often), иногда (sometimes), всегда (always) и т.д.   I, You, We, They + V. He, She, It + V s. I go to Easy School twice a week. I don’t want to sleep. Do es my granny cook well?  
  Past Simple действие произошло в прошлом (yesterday, two years ago, last month, when I was 10 и т.д.)   кто + V ed / V2 I play ed the piano yesterday. Did you go to the cinema last week? I gave him my bike.
  Present Cont. 1) действие происходит NOW 2) мы планируем что-либо (Present for the Future) am, is, are We ’re sleep ing now. I’m meet ing George tomorrow at 6. What are you doing next year?
  Future Simple 1) решаем что-то сделать в момент речи; 2) мы обещаем что-то 3) после выражений: I think/I don’t think, I’m sure/I’m not sure, I hope, probably/maybe/perhaps 4) вежливо просим кого-либо что-то сделать     кто + will + V 1) I’m tired. I’ll go to bed. Where’s Ann? I’ll call her! 2) I promise, I’ll buy you a puppy. 3) I’m sure they’ll win. Probably, I’ll leave my home. 4) Will you help me? Will you close the door?
  Can 1) мы знаем, как это делать или в наших силах сделать это 2) мы просим кого-либо что-то сделать или сказать 3) мы спрашиваем разреш-e что-либо взять или сделать 4) мы хотим купить/ взять/ приобрести что-либо     кто + can + V 1) I can play the piano. Can you swim? He can speak English. 2) Can you open the door, please? Can you tell me your address, please? 3) Tom, can I take your umbrella? Hello, can I speak to Garry, please? 4) Can I have these postcards, please?
  Should Мы используем should, когда даем совет.   кто + should + V You should eat more fruit. You shouldn’t call them. Should I study English?
  Must 1) мы считаем или кто-то говорит нам, что необходимо сделать (must = должен) 2) Mustn’t = нельзя.   кто + must + V 1)You must tidy your room up today. I must go, I want to meet Katy at 6. 2) It’s a secret, you mustn’t tell anybody.
  Have to 1) нужно, должен – мы иcпользуем have to когда есть объективная необходимость что-то сделать 2)don’t have to= необязательно кто + have to/has to + V 1) You have to stay at your friend’s house today. 2) She doesn’t have to wear a tie. 3) Do you have to go there today? Maybe you can stay?
  Would 1) would = бы 2) I'd like to = я бы хотел 3) I'd rather = я бы лучше кто + would + V 1) I would buy it. – I wouldn’t do it. 2) I would like to have a lemonade. 3) I ’d rather eat a snake then stop studying English!
  May Мы используем May, когда: 1) Даем разрешение 2) Запрещаем что-то (мягче, чем must) 3) Спрашиваем разреш-е кто + may + V 1) You may go. 2) You may not touch this! 3) May I get a drink?
  to Между двумя глаголами всегда ставится to: 1) to – не переводится 2) to = чтобы 3) have to/ has to = должен   V to V V s to V 1) I want to eat. 2) He goes to school to study well. 3) I have to go. She has to sleep.
  тянучки like, love, hate, enjoy, go on, give up   кто + V(s) + ing I like singing. Bob hate s doing his homework.
  Who, that, which   A person who (that) … A thing which (that) … A place where …     ---- #1. A doctor is a person who work s in a hospital. #2. I know somebody who know s you. #3. A kitchen is a place where people can cook.



Be Was/ were Been Быть Leave Left Left Покидать
Become Became Become Становиться Lose Lost Lost Терять
Break Broke Broken Ломать Make Made Made Делать
Build Built Built Строить Meet Met Met Встречать
Buy Bought Bought Покупать Put Put Put Класть
Burn Burnt Burnt Сжигать Run Ran Run Бежать
Catch Caught Caught Ловить Read Read Read Читать
Come Came Come Приходить Ride Rode Ridden Ездить верхом
Cut Cut Cut Резать Saw Sawed Sawn Пилить
Dig Dug Dug Копать Say Said Said Сказать
Do Did Done Делать See Saw Seen Видеть
Drink Drank Drunk Пить Show Showed Shown Показывать
Drive Drove Driven Водить машину Sit Sat Sat Сидеть
Eat Ate Eaten Есть Sleep Slept Slept Спать
Fall Fell Fallen Падать Speak Spoke Spoken Говорить
Feel Felt Felt Чувствовать Spill Spilt Spilt Проливать
Fight Fought Fought Сражаться Stand Stood Stood Стоять
Find Found Found Находить Stick Stuck Stuck Приклеивать
Fly Flew Flown Летать Sweep Swept Swept Подметать
Get Got Got Получать Swim Swam Swum Плавать
Give Gave Given Давать Think Thought Thought Думать
Go Went Gone Ходить Understand Understood Understood Понимать
Have Had Had Иметь Wake Woke Woken Просыпаться
Hit Hit Hit Ударять Win Won Won Побеждать
Know Knew Known Знать Write Wrote Written Писать


Comparatives and Superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative Special Features  
1. 1 слог => -er, the -est fat slim   fatter slimmer   the fattest theslimmest 1. Nice – nic ER Закончилось на -e – добавляем только -r 2. Big – bi GG er Закончилось на согл-гл-согл – удваиваем согласную 3. CrazY – craz IER -y меняем на -ier  
2. 2 слога на –y, -er => -er, the -est funny clever       funnier cleverer     the funniest the cleverest  
3. 2 слога и больше => more, the most modern beautiful interesting     more modern more beautiful more interesting     the most modern the most beautiful the most interesting  
Attention! good better the best   bad worse the worst  
  4.Ecли сравниваем 2 предмета, используем сравнительную степень:   My tights are prettierthan your tights Her shoes are nicer thanyour shoes     5.Если сравниваем 3 и больше, используем превосходную степень:   She is the cleverest of 3 sisters He is the funniest person in the world  



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