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At the doctor


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations: -

medicine ліки, медицина cough кашель
diphtheria дифтерія flu грип
measles кір recovery видужування
scarlet fever скарлатина to follow слідувати
whooping-cough коклюш instructions інструкції
infectious diseases інфекційні хвороби ward, room палата
filling пломбування policlinic поліклініка
extraction видалення nurse медсестра
false teeth вставні зуби treatment лікування
short-sight короткозорість injection укол
long-sight далекозорість bandage бинт
sore-throat хворе горло mustard plasters гірчичники
headache головний біль to do a blood test робити аналіз крові
swallow ковтання blood pressure кров’яний тиск
sneeze чхання X-ray ретген. знімок

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:

The problem of health always worried people. It has been in the center of attention of the scientists since ancient times. A hundred years ago there was no medicine for diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, whooping-cough and other infectious diseases. A lot of people suffered from pain and nobody could help them. But now you can always go and see a doctor, and you are sure he will examine you and give an advice. If your teeth need attention, filling or extraction, or if you need false teeth, then you go to the dentist. If your eyes need attention, you go to the oculist, who will examine them, test your sight to see whether you are suffering from short-sight or long-sight, and will write out a prescription.

In theory we know well what we should do to be healthy, but in practice there is hardly a man who has no problems with his health.I fell ill in winter. It was rather cold outside and I probably caught the infection. When I came home I felt that I had a sore-throat. I made hot tea with honey, but it didn't help. At last I decided to go to the doctor. I went there with my friend, for I felt very bad indeed. When we came, a doctor, a kind-hearted middle-aged woman in a white gown, offered me to sit down and asked me what I complained of. I had a terrible headache and sore throat and it ached me to swallow. Besides, I was constantly sneez ing and cough ing. It turned out that I was running a high temperature. The doctor examined my throat, sounded my heart and lungs. She said it was flu and prescribed some pills and mixture - I had to take medicine 3 times a day before meals and to stay in bed for a week until full recovery. The recovery was slow. I slept badly, had no appetite. I suffered from a slight, but irritating cough which as a rule became worse at night. I follow ed all thedoctor's instructions and in a week I was cured. It was a real pleasure to fell strong and healthy again. Really, all is well, that ends well.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1) What diseases were the most serious in old times?

2) What kind of diseases are they?

3) Who can help you with your disease?

4) Whom can you go to if your teeth need attraction?

5) Whom can you go to if your eyes need attention?

6) What eyes illnesses do you know?

Exercise 4. Using the dictionary, match the words from the column A with the column B:

    asthma   4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 біль  
heart attack чума
diabetes забите місце
plague запалення легень
pneumonia бронхіт
bronchitis крововилив
giddiness серцевий напад
haemorrhage діабет
indigestion запаморочення
nausea астма
injury крововилив
running nose нетравлення шлунка
pain нежить

Exercise 5. Read the dialogues in pairs. Make up your own ones:

Patient: I have an awful toothache.

Dentist: Would you open your mouth, please.

Patient: The tooth gives me a sharp pain.

Dentist: Well, no treatment will help your bad tooth. It has to be pulled out.

Patient: Where have I to go?

Dentist: go to the dental surgery. The surgeon will pull your bad tooth out.


Doctor: What’s the matter?

Patient: I’m quite ill.

Doctor: What are your symptoms?

Patient: I feel very weak and have a high temperature since yesterday.

Doctor: What is your temperature?

Patient: Two hours ago it was 37.8.

Doctor: I must examine you. Your throat is inflamed. Yes, you’ve caught cold. You have to lie down and use a gargle and some medicine.

Patient: How long have I to stay in bed?

Doctor: I think you will recover in a few days. Don’t forget to gargle your throat as often as you can and take the medicine three times a day.

Exercise 6. Find the odd word:

a) Medicine b) Treatment c) Specialist

drops consult therapist

temperature advice dentist

pills respect patient

tablets examine surgeon

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps using the words in box:



1. Mary has a toothache. She has to go to a ____________.

2. Carry has a lovely baby. His doctor is a ____________.

3. The ____________ wrote out a prescription for glasses for my granny.

4. Because of my sore throat I have to go to the __________.

5. John is a ___________. He operated Jim’s appendix.

6. The ____________ is a doctor just for women.

Exercise 8. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences:

1) I’m sure his illness was caused by…...

a) health b) overwork c) fitness

2) The nurse wrapped a ….. round by head.

a) bandage b) plaster c) cream d) pain-killer

3) You can only get this medicine on …...

a) description b) hospital c) prescription d) allergy

4) He went on a diet because of his high blood …...

a) tension b) pressure c) poisoning d) inflammation

5) His wife gave him ….., which saved his life.

a) first aid b) sunburn c) tonic d) prescription

6) Where’s the …..? I want to take my temperature.

a) meter b) stethoscope c) antiseptic d) thermometer

7) After his heart ….. he was told to relax more.

a) diet b) attack c) turn d) ache

8) The … after the flu may be very dangerous.

a) trouble b) complication c) treatment d) headeache

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