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D) attribute

1. У нас есть все основания полагать, что у вас была привычка навещать их по вечерам. 2. Он был счастлив при мысли о том, что скоро опять увидит своих друзей. 3. После завтрака я объявила о своем намерении пойти на прогулку. 4. Есть ли какая-нибудь надежда застать их дома сейчас? 5. У меня не было времени подумать, как ответить на ваш вопрос. 6. Мне редко представляется случай повидать их всех вместе. 7. Какие у вас основания разговаривать с нами таким тоном?

Е) adverbial modifier

1. Он подумал, прежде чем ответить. 2. Получив письмо от брата, он поехал к нему первым поездом. 3. Он подождал полминуты, прежде чем ответить. 4. Позавтракав, он вернулся в свою комнату. 9. Выйдя из дома, он встретил своего школьного товарища. 10. Я устала оттого, что много читала, и решила посидеть в кресле в саду. 11. После двухчасового чтения он положил чемодан на колени и начал что-то писать. 12. Услышав о приезде Елены, я решила ее навестить.

Exercise 63. Replace the italicised parts of the sentence or clauses by gerundial phrases:

1. He said all this and he did not even smile. 2. We suspected that the boy was lying. 3. Nobody could tell when they were going to return. 4. She did not want to make an effort. 5. It is necessary to brush the coat. 6. It was impossible to reason with her when she felt like this. 7. She was very clever, she could turn an old dress into a new one. 8. He wouldn't say whether he meant to buy the car before he took it for a trial run. 9. Let's go out for dinner I did not feel well enough to cook anything. 10. I don't like the idea that I should do a all.

Exercise 64. Analyze the syntactic functions of the gerund. Translate into Russian.


1. It's no use doing things by halves. 2. She kept eyeing Henry with interest. 3. He didn't feel like talking to anyone now. 4. 1 could not help thinking of the island in this anatomical way. 5. After pausing for breath she announced, " I have some excellent news." 6. She explained this to them by saying she was busy. 7. She asked her one or two questions. Kitty answered them without knowing what they meant. 8. The land was the one thing in the world worth fighting for. 9. After a moment, everyone started talking again. 10. Jennie was busy all next day preparing for a cocktail-party. 11. He supposed it was the civi­lized way of doing things. 12. She waited a minute or two before speak­ing. 13. June expressed horror at the very thought of going out into the cold. 14. I could not answer for coughing. 15. Housekeeping with Lidia worked quite well. 16. " A mule would be useful for crossing the mountain, " I observed.


1. This habit of discussing other people's affairs may damage reputa­tions and ruin friendships. 2. Well, don't go if you don't feel like going but for God's sake stop talking about it. 3. Can't you see how perfectly useless it is trying to save the shop now? It is simple throwing good money after bad. 4. 1 see no harm in letting them enjoy themselves in vacation time. 5. So you like the part and want to play it. But is it worth going to such lengths to get it? 6. He was only thanking me for taking his part at lunch. 7. Once he gets elected there will be no holding him. 8. You can't learn to skate without falling. 9. It's no use trying to make you see my point. 10. It's different for you. You're used to walking. 11. As to me I simply love cooking. 12. My job is not teaching you manners. 13. She can't stand being contradicted. 14. She washed her face and combed out the tangles in her hair before going downstairs again. 15. Of course I'll go. I'd go any place if there's the slightest chance of getting this job.


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